King of Entertainment

Chapter 846 Reflection

The Lu is very depressed.

They just planned to release a new movie, and the dream factory actually remembered the new movie.

More smrate, Lu's new film is also a moving film, named "Nanchong Shi".

"Drunken" and "Nan Xie Zong Shi" hit the car.

"Do you want, we adjust the release time, avoid" drunken "?"

"You want to say, are we directly admitted?"

"We just lose it once, is it necessary to have a movie of the dream factory?" Nan Xiu Zongshi "is released according to the original plan, the time is constant!"

The people of the Lu's high-level people have been determined. This time you must defeat "drunk".

The starring "Nanchong Shi" is a moving star, now it is a second-line, the box office appeal, although it is better to Zhang Zi, it will never lose to Chen Jiadong.

Besides, several of the "Nan Xiu Zongshi" are all the old skulls of Xiangjiang, the strength is very strong, and it is impossible to lose to "drunken box".

"Xiao Chong's" no truth "I dare, but" drunken boxing "is not a Xiao Central director, Qin Ge has not taken a moving film, what are we afraid?"

For Qin Ge, many people still stay in "Zombie", Qin Ge has only only this work.

"Zombie" and the action film are completely different, Qin Song can take a zombie film, but the action film may not be.

In the afternoon, the "Nanchong Master" crew launched a reporter fans.

Starring Wang Jing attended, he grew up, a muscles, and a handsome face, it is too strong to the woman's killing.

There is a reporter asked, "Teacher Wang, the next artist list, can you have a first-line artist?"

Wang Jing said with a smile, "have to support the fans."

Everyone smashed.

There is also a reporter asked, "Teacher Wang, how much can you think of" Nanxun Zongshi ", can you exceed 1 billion?"

Before Wang Jing's highest box office was 900 million.

Wang Jing said, "As a starring, I certainly hope that the box office has more than 1 billion, I think there is no starring."

The reporter asked again, "Chen Jiadong's" drunken punch "should be released, it is said that" Drunken Boxing "screenwriter is Xiao Teacher, you think" Nanchong Shi "can surpass" drunken "?"

The reporter likes to dig the pit.

Wang Jing said that "Teacher Xiao's script is of course very good, but the same script takes the same person to shoot, the result is completely different."

Although he didn't answer his answer, it was obvious that he had a confident beyond "drunk".

In fact, he does have such confidence.

Chen Jiadong is just walking, playing the explosive TV series "Feng Yun", really talking about acting, it is general, he can't find the reason why you will lose.

The other side is another side.

"Drunken" crew is also launched a reporter meeting.

Qin Ge and Chen Jiaodong are undoubtedly the protagonist this time.

There is a reporter to ask, "Qin Gui, why don't you find Xiao Guo to help?"

Qin Ge Guan, "We are busy with" no truth ", I can't trouble him."

"Qin guide," Drunken "script is written by Xiao Cao, do not know if it is true."

"The script is indeed written by Xiao Xiao, Xiao Gong's idea is not disappointed, I hope everyone can go to the cinema to support support!"

Qin Ge laughed, "The family's performance in" Feng Yun "is obvious, I think" drunk "will never let everyone disappoint."

Suddenly, there was a reporter that "Qin Guard," Nanchong Shi "starring Wang Jing said that although the" drunken "script is written by Xiao Lao, but the same script, falling in different people, shooting The result will be different, what do you think about this? "

Everyone looked at Qin Ge.

Qin Ge said, "That is nature, Xiao Mu's script fell in Xiao Xiao's own hands, it is of course the best, I just learned that I have some fans of Xiao."

Donned, he said, "For example," Zombie ", if it is Xiao Xiao to shoot, it must be better than me."

Many reporters said that you are not blushing so publicly?

"Qin guide, you think" drunken box "box office can exceed" Nan Xiu Zongshi? "

The reporters looked at Qin Ge and Chen Jiadong.

Qin Ge smiled slightly, "this problem, you have to ask the audience."



"Non Dao" crew.

Xiao Chong's play is basically killing.

Mei Mei Xiang praise, "Xiao Xiao, this time your acting is very big, Liu Jianming is definitely the turning point of your deductive career."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Mei old prizes."

Mei Nen said, "There is such active skill in your age, it is very difficult."

Xiao Chong looked at Bai Su, "Bai Jie can be much better than me."

Bai Su can be a year old name, and it is the peak.

Mei Mei Xi Haha smiled, "except genius."

Bai Su is embarrassed, "Mei is don't bother me."

Xiao Yang smiled, "I am here today, everyone remembers helping" drunk "publicity promotion, the quality of this movie is ok."

Mei Nen and Wu Zongsheng have nodded, this is just a small thing.

With the propaganda of Mei Nen and Wu Zongsheng, "drunk" heat has improved a lot.

The next day, "drunken" and "Nan Xiu Zong Shi" were later released.

Many "Feng Yun" fans have entered the cinema, "Stepping" first movie, they also have to support what they say.

"Chen Jiadong's movement is a big highlight, this" drunk "should not be too bad."

"Haha, he can make a feeling of thrilling, I am surprised to surprise."

"Drunken Boxing", I listen to the name, and his performance method will definitely change, and then say that the performance of TV series and movies is different. "

In the cinema, the upper level of "drunk fist" is very high.

This "drunken box" pre-sale and "Nan Xiu Zong Shi" are almost, and there are millions of people behind.

Chen Jiadong's popularity has a lot of gaps than Wang Jing. If you change to Yuhua Long, it will not be this situation.

Of course, the popularity is constantly accumulated. After "drunk", Chen Jiadong will will not lose to Wang Jing.

Movie start.

"Drunken Boxing" is the earliest Kung Fu Comedy of the World China Movie. Many people have never seen this way of performance. When everyone is, when everyone is smiling, when they are hung, they are all in the same way.

The film is finally touched.

This is Xiao Chong, I want Chen Jiadong to show you the practice comedy.

Xiao Chong is just trying, it is not successful, but also to watch the box office.

the next day.

Many people are talking about Chen Jiadong and his "drunken punch."

"This movie is too funny, it feels that it is watching a moving film, but it is integrated into a lot of comedy elements. The most important thing, it seems that it is not awkward, Chen Jiadong's acting is really not said."

"I have a feeling, Chen Jiadong will create a new way of performance like Zhou Xing River."


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