King of Entertainment

Chapter 847 Skill Comedy

"It is completely different from the clouds in the wind. This role of Chen Jiandong has completely subverted his stepcast image."

"This is called actor, not letting the character move forward, but because the role will change your interpretation."

"Drunken Boxing" action film does have a huge breakthrough, and since then Chen Jiadong is different from other movements. "

"The action film is estimated in the next few years."

"That is not necessarily, are you eating idle? If they don't have Zhang Zi, there are two first-line action stars."

"Indeed, Lu is definitely the enemy of DreamWorks."

When everyone talked, yesterday's box office statistics came out.

"Drunken" won the champion, more than 9 million box office.

"Nanchong Shi" has won more than 80 million box office.

"Drunken" will not only be a box office, reputation is also far leading "Nan Xiu Zongshi".

Because no one has seen "Kung Fu Comedy".

The next day, the box office "drunk" broke through 100 million.

On the third day, the box office of "drunk" is higher again, and it has taken 150 million.

Chen Jiadong really can't calm down.

The boss said yes, the Kung Fu comedy really made a head.

Qin Ge was also very excited, even though he had confidence in Xiao Jiang, but did not see the final box office. How much is he still somewhat, now it is good, the box office explains everything.

The box office of "Nanchong Shi" is 78 million, but it is true that it is really different from "Drunken".

Lu Shi Group.

Wang Jing is very embarrassing, he really doesn't want to believe this is true, "drunk" box office is so high.

Do you really have so good?

He is not willing.

So, he also bought a movie ticket at night to see "Drunken Boxing".

After reading, Wang Jing was silent. He really didn't think that Kung Fu movies can still be taken.

Now Zhang Zhi has been abolished, the ceiling of the Kung Fu film is Yuhua Long. However, the performance style of Yuhua Dragon belongs to the "normal" ranks, Chen Jiadong has completely detached "normal" ranks.

Wang Jing's trip is very big. The first idea is that it is necessary to imitate Chen Jiadong's performance style.

But immediately he ordered.

The audience is used to Chen Jiadong, and there is another man in the back, and it can only be imitated.

"Is Xiao Cheng really am so powerful?" Wang Jing laughed.

The people inside the Lu are also very depressed.

Even if I am spess, I have been a Chen Jiadong, and they actually fight.

"Xiao He is not possible to win."

A high level of Lu, "Tang Yimou's" black and white unparalleled "released, it should be turned to Xiao Li failed. I got news, Xiao Chong and Tang Yimou were gambling, Xiao Chong's movie will be in Xiangjiang, this That is not to be self-extracted. "

Other Lu's people are not happy.

Actually someone is stupid to Tang Yimou is more than the box office in Xiangjiang, which is really stupid.

Even if those rice are large, I don't dare to guarantee that I will win Tang Yizhen in Xiangjiang, let alone is the district Xiao Chong.

"Xiao Chong's" no truth "can not be released in Xiangjiang."

"Some people heard that Shao Yiming said privately, Dang Yimou's" Black and White Shuangsion "is released, and any police film will not be reviewed."

"Shao Yiming is too tightening?"

"He is not a one or two days, how can anyone?"

"This time," there is no road "absolutely no way to release in Xiangjiang, and Shao Yiming has never returned."



"There is no road" is really to be killed.

Today is the last day.


As Xiao Co shouted, the movie was killed.

Xiao Chong invites everyone to eat together.

In addition to the people of the crew, all the artists of the DreamWorks are coming.

Countless reporters are waiting outside the hotel.

At the party, Chen Jiadong and Qin Ge were also come.

Now Chen Jiadong is a spring breeze, but he knows who this is given, so he will take the initiative to say hello, "boss."

Xiao Jiang smiled and introduced Chen Jiadong to Mei Mianxi and Wu Zongsheng.

Chen Jiadong is favored.

Many artists envy, Xiao He is going to hold Chen Jiadong at this time.

At this time, there were reporters asked: "Teacher Xiao," Drunken Boxing "fused a lot of comedy elements, and even a lot of movements were also happy, is this your idea?"

Qin Ge took the initiative to say, "Of course, when we shot" Drunken Box ", we wanted to shoot a look, but the boss didn't say. The boss also personally demonstrates how to show the family, if there is no boss, This movie is impossible to shoot so. "

Many people say that the director of the people's dream factory is said to be said.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "This is called Kung Fu Comedy, I think it will become an independent film."

Kung Fu comedy?

Everyone lit up, this name is really suitable for "drunken fist".

"The leader of Kung Fu Comedy, I hope it is home."

Xiao Yang smiled, "Of course, I also hope that more people will challenge their family."

What he mean is clear, I agree with the style, but I believe in Chen Jiadong.

Chen Jiadong couldn't help but have a pride. Xiao Li gave him a hat of the Kung Fu Comedy leader. If he does not work hard to take a better Kung Fu comedy, he will guide himself.

There is a reporter can't help but ask: "Teacher Yu Hui Long and Chen Jia Dong are competing relations?"

The Yuhua Long, who is next to him, I can't help but laugh, "We are all artists of DreamWorks."

Chen Jiadong said, "Yes, we are all artists of DreamWorks."

Xiao Chong said, "Home Dong and Huayong are the facade of the future action film of DreamWorks, and the DreamWork will focus on building two types of action."

A reporter asked: "Teacher Xiao, Xiangjiang Lu Group is the old company of the movie movie, the most good at shooting action film, do you think they can threaten the DreamWorks?"

Xiao Yang smiled, "I didn't think about this problem."

The reporter is not inappropriate, "Xiao Teacher, what do you mean, have you been as opponents?"

Xiao Central said, "We didn't take any movie work as an opponent."

Some reporters suddenly said, "Do you think you are invincible?"

The artists of the DreamWorks suddenly become uncomfortable, and these reporters are really awkward.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I am very low, you tell you that I will tell you."

The artists of the DreamWorks are happy.

That reporter is so strong, "Teacher Xiao, I just asked casually."

There is a reporter asked, "Teacher Xiao," there is no truth "has killed, I don't know when you are ready to be released?"

Everyone looked Xiao Chong.

Today is a "untroven" to kill the evening.

Everyone is the most curious thing to "no truth" is released.

Xiao Chong said, "The next weekend, Xiangjiang premiere."

Everyone is all stunned.

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