King of Entertainment

Chapter 871, Xian Xia, 1st person


Xiao Chong and Bai Su have already entered the seat.

Bai Su looked at Xiao Chong, "The box office is pre-sale, you seem to be a little not depressed."

Xiao Chong smiled slightly, "The pre-sale of the box must not represent everything, as long as the quality of the movie" gambling "is too hard, do you still afraid that there is no box office?"

Bai Su is not as confident to "gambling", after all, she didn't have access to this category.

The film started.

The gambling god has not yet been.

However, through various sides, the high-input image has become three-dimensional in the audience.

On the other hand, "King of Qianwang" is also released, and the upper seat rate of the cinema is very high.

Who can win today's box office champion, honestly, no one can predict.

Tang Yimou also took Liang Chaoyang and Qing Ruo into the cinema.

Look at Tang Yi to think.

For Xiao Chong's movie, he is really holding the attitude of learning, and in fact he has indeed learned a lot.

If Liang Chaoyang looked at the big screen, this film is really wonderful if the movie is not turning his eyes.

It's hard to imagine that the week is just a newcomer, and the acting of Zhou Yiming is still excellent.

Grinding for a few years, what can he grow?

Liang Chaoyang said, "Tang Gui, Xiao Gui will pick people!"

Tang Yi nodded, "His courage is really big enough, but it dares to let a newcomer pick up the big beam."

Qing said, "Very people must be very doing."

Tang Yimou suddenly laughed. "Xiaoxiai will be cried tomorrow, he should go to the movie theater to see" gambling ", after reading, he will understand what he is shooting."

A lot of big director in Xiangjiang said "Saturday Fu" is a small six child.

the next day.

Zhou Liufu confidence was full, although yesterday's box office has not come out, he has already regard himself as a box office champion.

"Weather, how to celebrate?"

Jining said, "I heard that the Hilton Hotel has recently got a lot of new dishes."

In addition to playing, he likes to eat, no other hobbies, his fans played him to "eat goods."

Saturday is laughing, "I am relieved, I will leave the field."

"Zhou guide!"

Other people in the crew laugh.

The entire crew is very relaxed, and it doesn't take "gambling".

The box office statistics have not come yet, "Zhu Xian" is about to be officially released.

Before released, Xu Zhipeng made Wolong Qingyun personally looked at this.

Wolong Qingyun looked at the previous chapters and admired, "Master's meteorological, this chapter Yong Lin wants to open the party."

The "Zhu Xian" drama of Xiao Li did not change this version, but the writing is full of sublimation, and for those of Wolong Qingyun, it seems to be enjoyed.

Xu Zhipeng said with a smile, "" I will have to release it, don't you give a few comments? "

Wolong Qingyun thought about it, "Although it is cultivated, it is quite gorgeous."

It took a meal, he went to say: "Write a sentence - Xian Xia opened the part of the school!"

Xu Zhipeng muttered, "Xian Xia ..."

Ten minutes later, this comment of Wolong Qingyun was published in the Qingyun Literature Society when he did a voices.

The readers saw comments and shocked.

"Xian Xia? What type of this is? I have never heard of it!"

"Is this not nonsense? Mr. Wolong said that the openness of the open, how can you hear it."

"You can get such a high evaluation from Mr. Wolong, this is absolutely worth seeing."

"What is the sacredness of this chapter Yonglin? Actually such a bull ratio?"

"This is definitely impossible to be a newcomer, which is the vest of the martial arts!"

"Take him, just look good."

Everyone is getting better than the release of "Zhu Xian".

The editors of Xiangjiang Literature Tribe are also paying attention to "Zhu Xian."

"Will it be martial arts?"

"Wolong Qingyun 80% is anxious, so I want to have the name of Xian Xia to attract readers."

"It's impossible, this kind of killing chicken, he will never do it, this is absolutely his experience."

"Use your account to see, I believe this will be very exciting, but I don't believe what I open, is it so easy to open?"

The high-level latent of Xiangjiang Literature Tribe has been waiting for the "Zhu Xian" released in ordinary readers.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, "Zhu Xian" is released.

The readers have seen it in it.

The first chapter spent a lot of ink introducing the background, at the time, got greatly in the strong pen and writing pen, the reader did not be persuaded, but in front of him.

Is this Xian Xia?

The second chapter of the practitioner fight, the more it makes people look directly.

"This is really not martial arts."

"Xian Xia is like this."

"This looks too much feeling, I have hoped."

"It seems handsome Lin Badder will be the protagonist, but Zhang Xiaofan is the protagonist, can he rise?"

In these days, Xiao Chong put the detailed outline, and wrote all the tens of thousands of words, and then threw it to Huangshan.

With the ability of Huangshan, you can fully imitate the pen wind's pen wind, you will be able to write the plot behind.

Ten thousand words in front is indeed Xiaoyang, followed by Huangshan Dynasty, but readers can't see.

Huangshan is very card point, and finally chapters when Zhang Xiaofan's division is good.

Zhang Xiaofan lost love!

Readers really want to yet!

"Zhang Xiaofan lived in love!"

"I am going! This protagonist is too miserable!"

"Why don't you give Zhang Xiaofan's feelings, this paragraph is too abuse!"

Despite the more people, these people are still willing to continue chasing, because this is too exciting.

Xian Xia!

It turns out that this is Xian Xia!

Despite a little abuse, I have hoped!

Many people look forward to the next story.

In short, "Zhu Xian" is completely fire!

Xiangjiang literary tribe.

The editors also looked at Zhu Xian, and their faces were very dignified, which is indeed a place for opening.

"It turned out that this is Xian Xia ..."

The editor was muttered, and he did not expect actually to write.

The previous people also wrote the fairy, but did not write the immortality like this.

"What should I do now? This seems to be a fire."

"We can't easily grab the readers of Qingyun Literature Society, now being grabbed back."

"Look for a few excellent authors and wind!"

The editor-in-chief said, "Calling the authors of the truth, we must also take a few good works."

They can only take better works and have no other ways.

Editor-in-chief said, "If you want to find Zhang Yonglin, how much is spent!"

At the time of the editor of Xiangjiang Literary Tribe, the "gambling" and the "King of Qian Wang" were statistically.

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