
Yesterday's box office first, the box office has a total of 25.9 million yuan.

The box office of "King of Qian Wang" is 19.87 million yuan.

It's too much to lead.

Saturday is dumbfounded.

Other actors in the crew have been stayed.

How is this going? Statistical error?

They made their eyes, found that this is really a statistical mistake, the box office of "gambling" is indeed 25.9 million yuan, and it is far ahead of "King of Qian Wang."

Saturday is dark.

He lost.

Loss is very thorough.

People in Xiangjiang Entertainment Circle are all shocked by the first day of the "gambling".

"This mainland is too fierce?" There is no big road "has broken the box office record, is it" gambling "can break the record again?"

"Compared with Xiao Chong, the director of our Xiangjiang seems to not know how to make a movie, this is too ironic."

"Really satirically, we have always called themselves before the director of our Xiangjiang. Xiangjiang is the birthplace of Huaxia movies."

"They are time to go out to see how others make movies."

Many Xiangjiang people were completely disappointed with the director of Xiangjiang.


Zhou Yun sent a dream, he didn't expect "gambling" box office to win the first, the most critical actually leads to so much.

Su Mushen and others did not think of it, "gambling" is too strong, completely giving the "King of Qianwang" to leave.

The next day, the last rate of "gambling" is higher.

The next day's box office statistics, "gambling" once again takes the first 16.4 million results.

It's just two days, "gambling" box office actually broke over 40 million, this speed can be used to describe it.

But the third day, "gambling" box office has dropped to 11.86 million yuan.

In the next few days, the "gambling" box office stabilized around 6 million.

"King of Qian Wang" is completely opened, and it is impossible to catch up with "gambling".

The Xiangjiang people are free to talk about the gambling god.

The gambling god has become a living person.

Saturday also entered the cinema.

He depends on "gambling".

After reading it, he was completely silent, he knew that he lost himself.

Xiao Co's "gambling" completely subverts the solid set of gambling.

He went straight to the hotel of Xiaoyang.

See Xiao Li, Saturday, "First, I lost."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Are you not coming to admitted to me?"

Saturday, "When will I come?"

Xiao Cong said, "I am going to time, you are going."

Saturday is pleasing, "Then it will be a week."

Xiao Central, "no problem."

Zhou Liu Fuyi, and then snorted and left the hotel.

His comedy has already been touched, but it is not reflected.

He doesn't believe that Xiao Chong also has this "backhand".

Xiao Yang smiled and shook his head. If he didn't have a backhand, he was really a military will be a military.


The editorial news of Qingyun Literature agencies came over.

Message content: "Chapter teacher, I am your responsibility of Xiaoxin. Congratulations," Zhu Xian "is hot, the highest subscription has reached 200,000."

The readers of Xiangjiang, although only millions of people, but the payment readers have basically 5 people will spend money.

That is, at least 400,000 people are watching "", and this number is still rising.

Xiao Jiufa news said: "The teacher, the instant face talks?"

Xiao Cong said: "There is no time."

Xiao Nine: "..."

Really helpless.

The other party really does not lack the money.

Xiao Jiu stabilized, continued to ask: "The teacher, we plan to publish" Zhu Xian ", the price ..."

Xiao Chong said, "The price you look at it."

Xiao Jiu thought that Xiao Chong was in return, hurriedly said, "the teacher, the truth of the trip can be divided into this basis, and we will add 5% on this basis."

Xiao Chong said, "no problem."

Xiao Jiu is slightly tone, "Teacher Xiao, how many words do you plan?"

Xiao Chong said, "about 1.5 million."

Xiao Jiu asked, "Can you expand a story?"

Xiao Chu asked, "Is the Qingyun Literature Society need to rely on a long history of millions of words?"

Xiao Jiuyi, "Zhang teacher, I just asked casually."

He then issued a message and asked: "Teacher, we intend to cooperate with wireless, promote your work, how do you think?"

"With you."

Xiao Head offline.

In the face of such a proud author, Xiao Jiu is also very helpless.

If it is changed to other authors, he has long been worried, but this chapter Yonglin teachers can't dare.

What should I do if the chapter of the chapter Yonglin is dug by the Xiangjiang Literary Tribe?

Soon, "Zhu Xian" will log in wireless.

Wireless this time to cooperate with Qingyun Literature and is the instruction of the upper leaders, so they don't dare to neglect.

However, the wireless people are somewhat unwilling to cooperate with Qingyun Literature. Because many writers of Qingyun Literature Society are tall and their work is indeed a small number.

Therefore, for the work provided by this Qingyun Literature, they have not paid attention.

Even, they did not allow editing to review and then pushed to the home page.

"Zhu Xian" is placed in the fantasy martial arts classification.

This time, the Qingyun Literature Society deliberately emphasized that "Zhu Xian" is the mountaineering of Xian Xia, it should be promoted, but the wireless is also nothing to take, and it will pay attention to what Xian Xia, and put it directly in the fantasy martial arts.

Although "Zhu Xian" has gained a lot of recommendation, after all, it is in the pages of fantasy martial arts, so people see people are not much.

Of course, once the readers of "Zhu Xian", it fell into the moment.

This article, this idea, it is absolutely!

How can this be in the fantasy martial arts?

Many readers are rather than fantasy martial arts.

But it seems that there is no other type can be placed, this is entirely a new type.

The readers will look at them again, all stunned.

"Zhang Yonglin?"

"How to be the same as Zhang Tianwang?"

"Yeah, I almost think that Zhang Tianwang came out."

"Get it, this manuscript fee, people play a businesspening,"

"It's just the same name, Zhang Tianwang is a bow long, this author is standing early, completely different."

"Don't think about it, read the book.

At this time, many readers have already begun to leave a message in the comment area.

"Love, love, this is what I have recently seen, no one."

"Wen, style, plot is the type I like."

"The post is a certificate, this book will be fire!"


The number of "Zhu Xian" has risen, and the other data is also raised.

The next day, the infinite editor watched the data and suddenly dumb.

"how can that be?"

"This type can rush to the first?"

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