King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1015: Ambush in the palace

Within the hall where the transmission array is located.

The Nine Emperors and the Eagles were besieged by five black men.

The nine emperors are surrounded by dragons and light clouds, and the power is directly to the Lord. In the hands of Qing Lei Gu Jian, they throw out a terrifying and horrible man.


A man with a black mask had a dark green dagger in his hand, and a slight stroke in the air, a concealed evil force will be smashed and smashed.

"The situation is not good."

The eagle stood behind the nine emperors, blood flowing on his chest, and there were more than a dozen accompanying guards lying on the ground nearby.

Although the Nine Emperors rely on the power of Longyun to raise their combat power to the level of the Lord, they are still not the opponents of this mask man.

In addition to the mask man, the rest of the black man is a quasi-sacred realm, or a good killer in the dark corner of the ranking of about twenty.

And the hall is over.

The violent black and white black light of the Holy Power, criss-cross, banging, and endless.

Around the main hall, there is a large array of isolation, and all the horrible collision powers are resisted.

"Surround the Lord, you will be buried here today."

A slender man wearing a dark gray armor and holding a black pike suddenly slammed a black gun.


A series of huge black gun shadows, crazy in the hall.

"The Black Shark Lord, who sent you to assassinate the Nine Emperors"

The sacred king took the bright white crystal sword and quickly swept it out, and smashed a bright white sword light to the black shark.

The black shark lord, the shady killer in the black screen corner list ranked the tenth main killer, unlike other killers, the black shark lord brutal killing, each time with fierce violence to solve the mission objectives.

"There is a lot of nonsense"

The black shark Lord disdained coldly, and the rifle slammed out. He saw a black violent light column, emitting a horrible and dark atmosphere, swaying the void, and instantly hitting the empty Lord.


The hollowed out Lord was smashed and slammed into the enchantment of the formation behind him.

"Small Lord"

The old look of the eagle is slightly dim.

Nothing happened all the way. I didn't expect the real crisis, but it was hidden in the end.

In other words, these killers have long ambushed here, completely control the transfer hall, waiting for the arrival of the nine emperors.

A team of escorts who came with them, except for the hollowing out of the Lord, have been poisoned.

And this hall was enchanted by the high-level squad, and all the powers and powers were covered, and the outsiders were estimated to know nothing.

"White Flow Sword"

The hollowed out Lord once again rushed out to cast a high-spirited sword, and at the same time, the power of the small world was integrated into the space.

The whole hall is like a cloud of white light and shadow in the endless world.


Countless white swords, with the sword of the Hollow Lord, rushed to the Black Shark Lord.


Behind the black shark's lord, there is a sudden black airflow, violently violent, destroying all the white light swords in front of him, and hollowing out the sacred sacred world of the Lord's lord, and it is also subject to certain destruction.

"It's not good, the main character of the hollow is defeated."

The eagle is old and heavy.

The hollowed out Lord is far from the opponent of the Black Shark Lord, and the Nine Emperors face the mask man, and they can't resist it for long.

"Eagle, don't worry, we have saved."

The nine emperors suddenly showed a hint of joy.

The eagle’s face was a glimpse, and he had been trapped inside for a while. If someone came, it should have come.

"Oh, I still expect someone to come to you."

The mask man couldn't help but smile.

The isolation method around the main hall not only isolates all the sounds, but also blocks the spirit, and their plans are extremely incomparable, and there is no accident.

The mask man rushed out, the dark green dagger, flashing a deadly chill, silently wandering around the nine emperors.

Can be the next moment.


The entrance in front of the main hall was suddenly opened.

A few black scorpions guarded by the horrible body to give the squatting non-adult shape.

Zhao Feng, a person, broke the enchantment, came straight in

Outside the main hall, the Ji family disciple and the ghost scale emperor, the other black scorpion guards are restrained.


The black man in front of the Nine Emperors suddenly screamed.

The black shark Lord and the mask man also paused for a moment.

"Zhao Feng"

The Nine Emperor surprised and shouted.

Just now, he sensed the existence of Huang Tianling. Huang Tianling gave him to Zhao Feng. It was because of this that he knew that he was saved.

The eagle old face was surprised, why did Zhao Feng appear here?

At the same time, he also noticed that the array here seems to be very easy to destroy from the outside.

"Hey, take the initiative and come in, you have no chance to go out."

The black shark screamed and uttered to others.

Suddenly, the masked male and the rest of the black man who was surrounded by the eagle and the nine emperors, left the eagle old, who was seriously injured, and the nine emperors who consumed the energy of the dragon, rushed to Zhao Feng.

They naturally know the true strength of Zhao Feng, but they can suppress Zhao Feng by a holy master and four quasi-saints.


The black shark lord suddenly made a force, the horrible overbearing black air, and the madness of the sacred Lord, seemed to solve it quickly.

"Zhao Feng, you are also a member of the blackout corner assassination list, so that we will complete two top ten assassination missions at the same time."

The mask man is slightly excited.

The rest of the black people are also excited, as long as they hold Zhao Feng, and after the Black Shark Lord resolves the Hollow Lord, everything is over.

"Just by you?"

Zhao Feng snorted, and the amazing power of Zuo Yu was surging.

"Fantasy Zone"

In the soul of the thunder, the power of infinite souls poured into the left.

Zhao Feng’s left-handedness evolved into an endless purple-gold labyrinth that exudes a deadly appeal.

Five people in front of Zhao Feng, subconsciously looking at Zhao Feng's eyes, the next moment, they feel that the mental consciousness is not controlled, and immediately struggled.


The mask man steeps and then retreats dozens of steps, the soul will work.

The other four quasi-sacred masters struggled for a moment, and their eyes lost their luster, staying in place, and motionless.


The mask man swayed and his face was unbelievable.

Although he hurried back, leaving Zhao Feng's range of martial arts, but part of the effect of illusion, still has a great impact on him.

The other four quasi-sacred masters, like fools, stand in the same place.

"How can it be"

The mask of the male soul trembled.

You must know that these quasi-sacred masters who follow them are all super killers on the black-skinned killer list, no worse than the quasi-saints in the trial of the Prince.

At this point, Zhao Feng had a look and actually killed them directly.

"Black Shark, hurry up"

The mask man was shocked and directly transmitted.

"A group of garbage"

The black shark screamed, and he naturally caught the battle on that side.

Zhao Feng’s strength seems to be stronger than that of the Prince’s trial. Such a powerful illusion is also not mentioned in the intelligence.

Although the Black Shark Lord is pressing the Lord, it is impossible to defeat him so completely.


The sacred Lord's face is a joy, and he runs the sacred light and swears to resist the Black Shark Lord.

"The strength of Zhao Feng has increased."

The eagle showed a smile and looked at the situation. They were saved.

Zhao Feng runs the Shenglei hegemony body, his body shape suddenly rises high, the whole body is surrounded by thunder and lightning, carrying the horror of the holy thunder, and immediately rushed out.


In front of the four black people, Zhao Feng directly hit the flight, life and death do not know.

"Night Shadow"

The mask man touched the dark green dagger, a layer of dark green light, slammed toward Zhao Feng, at the same time, the mask man fully operated the soul will, in order to prevent Zhao Feng's soul.

Behind Zhao Feng, a pair of red thunder wings opened.

The strength of the mask man is very strong. Zhao Feng has not broken the holy body to the sixth floor and does not dare to resist his attack.

call out

Zhao Feng crossed a wind and lightning arc in the air, avoiding the attack and chasing the mask man.


The mask of the male body is turned into a translucent shape, and a few lines of dark green light are drawn again, and then escape.

Suddenly, he felt a chill behind his back.

Meow meow

A dark dagger, piercing the mask from the back of the man's body.

"What, shadow killing the emperor"

The mask man was shocked.

Shadow killing the emperor blade, even if the holy body of the Xuanguang Lord has certain restraint.

In his amazement, a deadly soul crisis hit, and the little thief cat turned into a gray dark man, breaking into the void.

"Wind and Thunder"


A group of transparent purple gold flame seedlings carrying countless robbery marks, bombarded on the mask man

The physical soul level of the mask man was destroyed by a devastating thunder and fire.

Zhao Feng's double wings bloomed red light, pushing his speed to the extreme, directly hitting the mask male body.

The whole process, the flow of water, but two time.


Then, Zhao Feng was close to the mask man, fully swinging his fists and constantly bombarding the mask of the man's Eucharist.

Zhao Feng's Yan Zhifeng Lei Zhenyuan contains the brand of thunder and robbery. At the same time, there is also the power of Gu Lei in the holy body, which has a strong destructive power to the Eucharist.


The mask man fell to the ground under the slamming of Zhao Fengwei.

At the next moment, Zhao Feng flew directly to the sky and rushed to the Black Shark Lord. In the face of such a crisis, Zhao Feng would not be merciful.

“It’s a bunch of waste”

The Black Shark Lord completely suppresses the Hollow Lord, and as long as he gives him ten minutes, he will be sure to defeat him.

But his accomplices, even holding Zhao Feng's five-point time, can't do it.


The sacred king is happy to look out.

Zhao Feng's strength far exceeds his estimate, and the rest will be solved so quickly.


The black shark's main face was stunned, and roared, and suddenly turned and chose to escape.

The situation is developing too fast. With the strength shown by Zhao Feng, if he is teamed up with the Hollow Lord, he will have to be accounted for here.


When the black shark escaped, a shot swept to Zhao Feng, a black violent light, like a fierce giant shark, rushed to Zhao Feng.

"Block him"

Zhao Feng runs the will of the force, condenses a purple gold thunder crystal, and stabs the black shark Lord.

At the same time, the attack of the Black Shark Lord fell on Zhao Feng and temporarily defeated Zhao Feng.


The black shark screams, and an ink-green bracelet on the wrist suddenly flashes a layer of dark green halo, alleviating the soul attack of the black shark Lord.

call out

The black shark was transformed into a dark mang, and fled to the exit. The Hollow Lord was seriously injured and unable to stop.

"not good"

Zhao Feng changed his face.

The Jijia disciple who followed him was still outside. If the Black Shark Lord escaped, he took advantage of the situation, and the top of the great emperor's strength, Ji Lan, Ghost Scale, and so on, did not even have a single resistance.

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