King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1016: Hurry

Outside the hall, the three disciples of the Ji family, the ghost scales, and the dozens of armor guards fought together.

Zhao Feng did not intend to let them in, so he left more than a dozen black guards and gave them a practice outside.

These black scorpions are the kings of the peaks or the realm of the great emperor. They are the men of the Black Shark and are also very professional killers. The combat experience is more abundant than the various evil people here.

"Taste this trick, the black wind claws"

The black giant claws on the back of the ghost scales are twinkling and faint, and they are full of horrible ghosts.


Dozens of black claw marks appeared, like a sharp blade, flying out of chaos.


Four black scorpions guards were squandered by the squad, and the black scorpion was cut into many sharp gaps.

"Hey, this inheritance is really good."

Ghostly Emperor enlightened this inheritance for a long time, and now is the first actual combat, he constantly tries a variety of secret methods and attacks.

On the other hand, the three disciples of the Ji family cooperated with each other and collided with the remaining black guards.

Among them, Ji Lan is bound, and assisted by illusion, Ji Wuye and Ji Tianming are the sacred sacred creatures.

"Purple Star Magic Field"

The scorpion of Jilan, filled with a layer of purple star magic fog, surrounded the black scorpion guards, shrouded in it.

Suddenly, the spiritual will of these black shackles was disturbed by confusion and frequent mistakes.

"falling stars"

In the eyes of Ji Wuye, it suddenly bursts out like a blue-violet scorpion.


On the soul level, countless stars burning blue and purple flames, overwhelming, roaring, and the sounds of the sky, people's minds collapse, unable to resist.

The variation of Ji Wuye's purple star is the strongest among the three.

The transmission of the battle outside the main hall naturally attracted all the strong men in the temple.

“What happened inside the transmission hall?”

"I feel the battle of the gods of the mysterious light, we still don't get close"

Due to the terrifying mysterious power in the temple, many powerful people are only watching in the distance, observing the situation inside the temple with spiritual knowledge, and dare not set foot in it.

However, a veteran gray-haired old man walked slowly before the transfer hall.

"I don't know if the transmission array can still be used"

The gray-clothed old man looks as usual, looking at the chaotic battle between the Jijia disciple and the black **** guard.

At this time, at the entrance to the main hall, the black shark Lord rushed out.

"Ready to go"

The sound of the Black Shark Lord sounded, and the black scorpion guarded outside, immediately retreating, ready to leave with the Black Shark Lord.

"You are all accomplices of Zhao Feng, give me death."

The black shark Lord looked at the three disciples and the ghost scales of the Ji family, as well as the gray-clothed old man not far away, and his eyes appeared fierce.


The heavenly power of the Lord's Lord suddenly descended, and the entire palace was creaking.

The Jijia three disciples and the ghost scales under the great power of the Holy Spirit felt that the whole body was stagnant, and the blood vessels could not flow. The pressure of terror seemed to squeeze them into pieces.

Suddenly, this sacred stalwart, dissipated, the Jijia three disciples and the ghost scales suddenly relieved.

"Transfer array can still be used"

The old man in the gray coat looked indifferent and suddenly opened his mouth.


The black shark's main face is shocking, the heart is mad, and the forehead is cold and sweaty.

This old man, so easily destroyed his great power

He did not carefully perceive the realm of the old man, just thinking that the other party must be with Zhao Feng. Since standing outside, the realm is definitely not high.

At this time, he carefully perceived it, only to find that he could not see through the realm of the old man.

Jijia three disciples and ghost scales emperor, holding their breath, looking at the gray old man.

They only know that the Black Shark Lord is Xuanguang Chucheng, and this old man seems to be stronger than the Black Shark Lord.

The black shark is complex in color. At this time, he did not go. He was chased by Zhao Feng and the Hollow Lord. He died.


The black shark Lord did not expect that Zhao Feng also brought such a powerful high man, his eyes showed a hint of coziness.

Suddenly, he has more than a dozen men, the soul of the body began to swell, a crisis of destruction, brewing.


The dozens of black escorts burst into flames, and the power of terror destroyed all the entrances to the hall.

"The old assembly will avenge you"

The black shark is turned into a dark mans and goes to the distance.

"come back"

In the center of the explosion, the sound of old people came out.


The heavens and the earth are suddenly dim, and the invisible willpower will penetrate a void.

"How can it be"

The body of the Black Shark Lord paused in the air and could not move forward half a step. His body was bound by an invisible ultimate power.

The smoke dissipated, and the old man in the gray coat was not damaged at all. His eyes were like stagnant water and he looked at the black shark Lord.

In front of the three disciples of the Ji family and the ghost scales, stood a huge golden blue body.

"Thank you, Zhao Feng"

Ghost scales are glad in the heart.

When the guards exploded, Zhao Feng had already rushed out, running the holy body and the body of the thunder, blocking the power of the explosion before the crowd.

The souls of more than a dozen kings of the emperor blew themselves up, and even Zhao Feng was too much to eat.

At this time, Zhao Feng looked at the gray-clothed old man not far away, and his heart was shocked.

This gray-haired old man easily binds the Black Shark Lord, and its true strength is at least the Great Master or the Holy King.


The black shark Lord is in the shackles of the old man of the gray coat, unable to help himself, slowly returning to the ground.

The black shark Lord looked desperate, he did not expect Zhao Feng to have such a powerful helper, the assassination mission failed, he has no way to escape

"Haha, let's die together."

The black shark's face was distorted, and the whole body's power was compressed to a point, exploding in an instant.

"Not good, be careful..."

In the face of the self-destruction of the Black Shark Lord, even Zhao Feng did not dare to neglect.

Zhao Feng launched a small world of wings and wind and thunder, rolled up the three disciples of Jijia and the ghost scales, and quickly fled to the sky.


Near the main hall of the transfer, it turned into a ruin, and many of the great emperors who had joined together were injured by the aftermath of the explosion.

Even the Lord has blew himself up, and those who watched the powers suddenly went away.

And the old man in gray, standing in the field, the invisible willpower, will guard it, without any harm.

"Thank you for the seniors to take the shot and stop the killer."

Zhao Feng took the initiative to thank you.

Regardless of whether the old man is intentional or not, if he does not, the Black Shark Lord is likely to escape.

"Little brother, the transmission array in the hall, should be able to use it."

Asked the old man in gray.

Zhao Feng left the sweep to the rear of the transmission array, there is a defensive array near the big array, although it was destroyed, but the texture structure of the transmission array does not seem to be damaged.

"The array is not damaged and should be available"

Zhao Feng fell on the ground, releasing the Jijia three disciples and the ghost scales from the small world of wind and thunder.

"Zhao Feng, we need to leave as soon as possible"

Eagle old voice.

Eagle Lao, Jiu Huangzi and others, far from the center of the explosion, did not suffer much harm.

However, at this time, the eagle, the nine princes, and the sacred lord have injuries, and they have already exposed that this place is very unsafe. Take the gray-haired old man outside, the strength is unfathomable. If they are enemies, they will die. deal.

They must immediately rush to the battlefield and report the matter to the royal family.

"Predecessors, if you don't mind, you can leave with us."

Zhao Feng feels that the old man is not malicious and invites him.

"No, I have to wait for my apprentice."

The gray-clothed veteran refused Zhao Feng’s invitation.


Zhao Feng and Ji Jia disciples, ghost scales emperor, and the gray clothes old man to leave.

The ancient transmission is on the stage.

The eagle is inlaid with the best elemental spar in each groove, and the flashing white awns suddenly appear on the stage, and numerous arrays of silver patterns are used to outline the extension.

The sacred Lord and the eagle old, looking at this mysterious gray-clothed veteran, fortunate in his heart, fortunately he is not an enemy.

At the same time, they also feel that the luck of the Black Shark Lord is too bad.

At this time, not far away, a white figure rushed to the old man in gray.

The girl is wearing a white gauze, and the beauty is like pure white lotus, clear water and autumn, and the eyebrows are a little smile, giving a sense of tranquility.

Zhao Feng’s eyes suddenly shake and look at this picturesque and pure girl.

Rao is Zhao Feng, who is used to beauty, and is deeply attracted to it. There is also an inexplicable familiarity.

Just like the moment when the thief cat unveiled the veil of Liuqin in the Honghu Lake in Qinghua, the thrilling beauty is enough to make anyone temporarily lost.

"What a nice view"

The ghost scales looked dull and looked at the white girl.

Even Ji Lan was attracted to it.

Similarly, the white girl looked at a group of nine emperors in the transmission array, and her eyes fixed on Zhao Feng.

The blond hair and temperament gave her an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

The next moment, Jiuhuangzi Zhao Feng and others disappeared on the transfer stage.

"Master, I bought a good guqin"

The white girl showed a crescent moon smile.

"I’m always absent-minded, I actually dropped the piano.”

The old man in gray clothes said faintly.

"Little girl, how come you are here?"

"Don't hide, little fairy, we sincerely want to be friends with you, huh, huh"

Suddenly there were two men’s bantering voices outside, and I saw two big men jumping in.

The two great men were all quasi-sacred realm. They saw the old man next to the girl, and did not feel much threat, they did not care.

"Adding trouble to the teacher again"

The old man in gray clothing showed a hint of helplessness.

The white girl is slightly red and reveals a hint of smile.

The ordinary left eye suddenly changed color, and a black shadow was drawn from it.

This black shadow is only a state of the soul, and it is covered with a lot of secret tattoos. The face is similar to the black shark Lord.

"what is this?"

The two big men who followed the white girl looked shocked.

Such a strange scene gave him a very unclear feeling.

Suddenly, the soul of the Black Shark Lord suddenly rushed out, and the will of the horror soul of the Lord's Lord rushed out.


The two men looked shocked and feared and fled immediately.


The two great men fell to the ground, the soul fell, and then the soul of the black shark Lord, turned into a black light, into the left hand of the gray old man.

"Let's go, you can use a large array."

Gray old men and girls, embarked on the ancient stage.

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