King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1021: Thunder kill (question for monthly pass)

On the side of Jiabao City, Tiehong Ling and the two main commanders of the Quasi-Sanctuary rushed to the clouds.

"Haha, you humans actually sent a woman to compete with me."

The sacred Lord screamed loudly and his voice shook.

"But this human woman is very in line with the appetite of this seat."

The maddening lord of the sacred lord casts his eye on the iron red diamond.

Even if he is an alien, he feels that Iron Red is better than many exotic women.

"Just by you? Ugly monsters"

Iron red diamonds are cold and arrogant, and their hands are **** curved knives, red and burning, a hot air, sweeping all directions.

"It’s not bloody, bloody, bloody, strong."

"Iron Red Ling is in the Iron House, and is also the only genius after Tie Lingyun."

After the iron red diamond, the two Samsung leaders were amazed.


Behind the iron red diamond, a **** light curtain is formed, which is integrated into the heavens and the earth, forming a small world of **** fire.

Looking far away, like a **** red day, burning and burning, shocking the world.

In the face of the alien lord, Iron Red Ling did not dare to care.


Iron Hongling carries the power of the small world, exerts the secrets of body and law, and appears quickly in front of the sacred Lord. The **** scimitar plays a more powerful power under the increase of the power of the small world. Two huge blood flame crescents cross Pull out.

At the same time, the other two quasi-sacred masters came to the sides of the sacred Lord, releasing a small world and launching a full-scale attack on the sacred Lord.

"Hybrid body"

The sacred Lord saw the extraordinary of Iron Red, and suddenly released a hegemonic force, doubled his body, and his ink-green scales outlined a mysterious golden texture, a terrible body pressure. The small world of the iron red diamonds trembled.

"come on"

The sacred lord of the sacred lord runs the squad, and then the body is strikingly powerful, colliding with the top three quasi-sacred masters who have released the small world.


"Good strength"

The iron red diamond casts the iron home refining body practice method ‘ red jade glaze body, after the defense power is still worse than the madness of the Lord.

The sacred heavenly Lord's unique physical advantage can better reflect the power of the refining exercises.

"Tiejia woman, you are very good"

The sacred lord smiles, and the friction between the aliens and the human beings is constant. They are naturally familiar with the blood and blood of the iron family.

The iron-clad woman in front of her eyes is indeed very strong, but still not his opponent.


A claw surrounded by the sacred light of the Holy Land, slammed directly into the small world of Iron Red.


At the top of the battle of the Holy Master, a trace of aftermath, can be in the battlefield below, triggering a storm.

Originally, the number of people in Jiabao City was less than that of the aliens. Nowadays, two Samsung leaders, and the iron red Ling contain the madness of the Lord, and the situation in the battlefield below is one-sided.

The nine emperors stood above the city wall and looked into the distance.

"The general in the alien race, the instant shadow of the Lord has not yet shot"

The Instant Lord is the ruler of the Moon Dragon City. The powerful Lord of the Terran, the overall strength is one higher than the Holy Lord. It is good at speed, fatal blow, and defensive body.

Nine emperors are not afraid of the shadow of the Lord, but hope to be able to kill the two alien saints, of course, this is his best idea.

Within the Jiabao City, the sacred Lord concealed the atmosphere and saw the situation on the battlefield in his eyes.

He is only a royal family to protect the safety of the Nine Emperors, and will not fight for the Nine Emperors.

But even if he does not play, the Nine Emperors will not lose this.

"The Nine Emperors did a good job."

The hollowed out Lord smiled slightly.

Let Iron Hongling, the powerful quasi-sacred master, reduce the suspicion of aliens.

When Zhao Feng is shot, at least the sacred Lord will be left behind. As for the instant Lord, it is impossible to kill him in the eyes of the Hollow Lord.

"However, the middle battlefield is in a weak position and will lose a lot of troops."

The Hollow Lord looks at the battle between the leaders.

"Damn, you kid"

The snake-man interracial with Zhao Feng was completely suppressed by Zhao Feng and bruised and bruised.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng, strolling in a leisurely stair, has a stable atmosphere.

"Our leadership is strong"

"I didn't expect to lead the realm of the great emperor, but I can suppress the quasi-sacred Lord like this."

Among the soldiers led by Zhao Feng, many strong people paid attention to Zhao Feng’s situation and his heart was shocked.

Originally, they were not very optimistic about the new commander. After all, Zhao Feng looked too young and had no such reputation as Iron Hongling.

Now that they have seen the strength of Zhao Feng, they have no complaints.

"Old A, come help me"

The snake man was helpless and asked for help.

"It’s useless, it’s actually like this by the human emperor."

A man with a thick skin and a sharp corner on his nose immediately came.


After the two aliens of the quasi-sacred masters joined forces, they immediately pulled back the situation.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s body is slightly brighter than the red gold. Nowadays, the power of Zhao Feng’s holy body has played 60%.

"Hey, the power of this kid"

The alien of the sharp-nosed nose showed a hint of surprise.

Zhao Feng kicked out again


Two alien leaders, running the defensive secret, are still being repelled, and the snakeman is more seriously injured.

"How is it possible that this kid is playing real strength now?"

The snakeman commander was somewhat shocked.

He called a companion, but he was still beaten by Zhao Feng, and the grievances in his heart were difficult to tell.


Zhao Feng carries the horrible San Lei Li, and collides with two quasi-sacred masters.

The attack of two quasi-sacred masters fell on Zhao Feng, and they will be shaken by a wind and thunder. Zhao Feng itself is hurt.

"You two idiots, he is a strong builder, and he is away from him."

At this time, another interracial leader came.

The three interracial leaders and Zhao Feng opened the distance and fought long distances.

Behind Zhao Feng, a pair of red thunder light wings unfolded.

call out

Zhao Feng directly approached the snake man to command, and San Lei Lizhen suppressed it.

Under the speed of Zhao Feng, the snake man could not escape, but only the beatings. The other two commanders were helpless. They only rushed up to stop in front of the snakes.


The three interracial leaders became more and more shocked. The snakes who first fought with Zhao Feng were exhausted.

Zhao Feng took control of three leaders, two quasi-sacred masters and one emperor.

Such a move naturally attracted soldiers and commanders who fought nearby.

“Is this our commander? It’s so powerful”

"Good combat skills, speed and strength defense are impeccable"

On the side of Jiabao City, many kings were shocked. They finally admitted that the Royal Highness of Prince Edward was really super-powerful. It is no wonder that the Prince faced the alien attack and did not panic.

On the other hand, the aliens feel that they are gloomy and can't stand it. In the end, another quasi-sacred Lord joins Zhao Feng’s battle.

Four commanders, against Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng's body surface thunder flashed again, and the invisible San Lei Li Wei Wei pressure increased a few lines.

At the same time, Zhao Feng took a shot

Breaking the sky

A huge red gold palm shadow, filled with countless red lightning, and suppressed to the front.

Zhao Feng’s palm is just a purely holy thunder, and there is no power to integrate the wind and thunder.


The four commanders also operated the real yuan to withstand Zhao Feng's palm. They still felt paralyzed and their arms were cracked.

"Good and deep combat skills, this kid took out the killer."

The interracial nose of the sharp nose was shocked.

Above the clouds, the sacredness of the sacred Lord is aware of the slightest difference on the battlefield.

"The strength of this human kid..."

The Holy Lord is a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, on the human side, although there is no strong master of the Lord, the genius of the quasi-saint is extremely powerful.

Suddenly, the Holy Lord seems to have an induction, looking behind him.

"The Instant Shadow Lord is on the battle"

On the side of Jiabao City, many leaders have a guilty conscience.

The original weakness, because Zhao Feng one person to control the four leaders, has improved, and at this time, the strongest saint in the Dragon City, to be shot.


The instant shadow of the Holy Lord turned into a very black light beam, and instantly came to the battlefield, and the sky was suddenly dark, and the infinite evil spirits rushed.

"killing humans"

The shadow of the Lord's voice was low, and then he rushed to Zhao Feng.


The two great saints of the aliens fought, and the blood of the alien soldiers was boiling and the momentum increased.

call out

The Shadow Lord did not attack the Nine Emperors, but went straight to Zhao Feng.

According to the instinct of the Shadow Lord, this boy is even more difficult.

"Zhao Feng leads"

"Not good, the shadow of the Lord is our commander"

In the ranks of Zhao Feng’s commander, many of the sages and kings were shocked.

Their commander is stronger, and it is not likely to be the opponent of the Instant Lord.


The four commanders who played against Zhao Feng were happy and afraid.

It is because of the instant shot of the Lord, this young man will die, and fear is that after this war, several of them will be punished.


The wings behind Zhao Feng fluttered quickly, avoiding the attack of the Instant Lord.

“Predicted in advance?”

In the blink of an eye, the Lord is shocked, a great emperor can actually escape his attack.

Zhao Feng, who escaped the shadow of the Lord's attack, fled to the distance, seems to want to escape the instant Lord, in fact, he is approaching the Holy Lord.


The four commanders had been wronged for a long time and immediately stopped.

But in the next moment, the red gold thunder of Zhao Feng’s body suddenly blossomed brightly, and a sturdy and overbearing Sheng Lei Li 魄 slammed away.


The four interracial commanders seemed to be oppressed by the giant mountains. They spurted out blood, and the exhausted and heavier snakes were commanded by the snakes on the sixth floor of Zhao Feng.

Thunder wing flash

In the next moment, Zhao Feng displayed a secret technique of hollowing out and turned it into a red wind arc, which appeared directly behind the sacred Lord in the sky.


The sacred Lord who is fighting with Iron Hongling and others feels a crisis of life and death.

Breaking the sky

Zhao Feng runs all over the body and smashes the wind and thunder.

This time, the sacred sacred palm, but Zhao Feng hit under the full strength, while the fusion of the wind and thunder.

I saw a red gold palm shadow, appeared on the top of the sacred Lord, the horrible flame of thunder and raging.


The sacred body of the sacred lord of the heavens was smashed by Zhao Feng, and he squatted directly, and the blood filled the sky.

"How can this be"

The sacred Lord screams blood, and the heart is shocking. It all comes too fast.

The sacred Lord immediately runs the real element, expelling the numbness and pain of the body, and preparing to stabilize the figure.

The next moment, Zhao Feng appeared on his right side.

Zhao Feng’s pale gold left, suddenly shot a purple gold thunder crystal, stabbed into the soul of the Holy Lord.


The sacred lord of the mad screams, the level of the soul, as if suffering from Thunder and Thunder, is not wanting to live.

At the same time, a red palm print once again oppressed him.


The body of the Holy Lord is broken and the soul of the soul dissipates.

The whole process, but three interest rates.

The instant shadow of the Lord is still squatting below, the iron red diamond in the sky and the other two commanders, but also the inner mad jump, looking at the Zhao Feng around the whole body of red gold, the eyes are shocking.

(Introduction of this new book with good potential, "Sword Breaking the Sky": When the invincible national masters descended to the mainland of the Immortals, one of the legends of the invincible generation, which was suppressed by the eyes of the gods under the 100,000-foot five-finger mountain, opened. )

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