King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1022: Palm

The two sides fought, the Holy Lord is the highest combat power, and the unattainable presence of thousands of soldiers.

The battle of the Lord destroyed the land, but the two kings fought at this point, and it was rare for the Lord to fall.

After all, every city is also seated by one or two saints. If the power gap is not very large, the Lord will not be killed.

At this time, the aliens who had an overwhelming advantage had fallen into a lord.

"Crazy Adult"

"The mad Lord is fallen"

"How can this be?"

Above the battlefield, countless interracial soldiers and commanders were shocked and unbelievable.

They can't imagine how even Jiabao City, which is not owned by the Lord, might kill the Holy Lord.

All the alien hearts were covered with a shadow of fear, and the original turbulent morale suddenly fell.

The several interracial leaders who had just been entangled with Zhao Feng were even more shocked and scalp.

"Is this his real strength?"

"Even if he is a quasi-sacred realm, how could he kill the sacred Lord?"

The three alien leaders could not believe that they had been fighting this horrible human.

Obviously, the real purpose of this hidden human power is not to kill them, but to kill the Lord.

On the other hand, the human side, the original downturn, suddenly dissipated, countless passionate calls, shocked.

"The alienation of the Lord's Lord"

"Is this a strong weapon to follow the secret weapon of Prince Edward?"

"It turns out that we have the power of the Holy Lord."

Countless human soldiers are extremely excited. Some have heard the command of Zhao Feng’s deeds. Even if they see Zhao Feng killing the Lord, they still can’t believe it.

"Zhao Feng"

Iron Red Ling stood in the air.

She originally thought that with the addition of two quasi-sacred masters, it would not take long for her to reinvent the sacred Lord and even use some cards to kill him.

However, Zhao Feng easily snatched her prey and killed it instantly.

Moreover, the strength shown by Zhao Feng was completely different from that of her squad, and the strength of the body was at least doubled.

"Did he always hide his strength?"

Iron Red Ling was in amazement. If at that time, Zhao Feng showed such strength, she would definitely lose.

Such a powerful and excellent man also has the blood of the iron family, the blood of the blood, and the unprecedented heart of the iron red diamond.

"This human"

The shadow of the Lord's eyes is gloomy, looking at the sacred Lord of the sky, and the cold-looking boy.

At this point, the Instant Lord finally understood that this was a trick of the human side, deliberately removing the power of the Lord and guiding them to the hook. In fact, human beings were prepared and sent a force that was not weaker than the top Lord. Quasi-Holy Lord.

However, why did the boy not kill the sacred Lord at first, but he had to wait for his own shots before he showed his true strength?

"The next thing for you"

Zhao Feng looks at the shadow of the Lord below


The instant sacred master suddenly realized that his heart was shocked.

This boy has never shown the reason for his true strength. He actually wants to kill him too.

"Hey, a man of great words"

The shadow of the Lord is cold.

Even if Zhao Feng Thunder killed the sacred Lord, it was unexpectedly added to the sneak attack. On the battlefield, no one thought that there would be such a change. Therefore, the sacred Lord is too careless to be so easily lost.

However, the situation at this time is really not good.

Instant Shadow Lord believes that it is impossible for Zhao Feng to kill him alone, but now it is the battlefield, and the other side has a strong iron woman.

On the top of Jiabao City, the Nine Emperors held the ancient sword of Qinglei, and they ran out of the atmosphere of Longyun.

"Full force retreat"

The Instant Lord shouted and ordered the military order.

The aliens in the battle, heard the general command, suddenly desperate, fled to the side of the Dragon City.

There are two kinds of retreat orders. One is that they basically withdraw from one side while fighting back. The other is ‘full retreat, give up resistance, and retreat regardless of everything.

At this time, the aliens are fully retreating.

call out

The instant shadow is transformed into a dark beam of light and flees to the rear.


Zhao Feng's wings fluttered out of the smoldering wind thunder, pushing his speed to a limit, Zhao Feng's figure flashed away, came to the front of the instant saint, Sheng Lei Li 魄 shocked open, blocking it.

"Human thief, go away, if you are alone, you will be afraid of you."

The instant shadow of the Lord is gnashing his teeth. Although he is good at speed, the speed of this human kid is not lower than him.

The instant shadow of the Lord's hands turned into a pair of huge pliers, stabbed to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng does not hide, do not let the wind of the fire, the whole body up and down, the red gold and thunder are shining.


Zhao Feng hardly took the attack of the sacred shadow of the Lord, while taking a palm.

"This body defense"

The instant shadow of the Lord feels that the tongs are sore.

In front of this boy, actually relying on physical fitness, hard against his attack, you must know that the monks are good at a fatal blow, the attack power is extremely powerful, and there is a certain restraint on the strong body of the refining.

"Scrapping aliens"

The nine emperors held up the ancient sword of Qing Lei, and ordered an order.


On the human side, the soldiers led the troops to kill them immediately.

And the nine emperors iron red diamonds went straight to the shadow of the Lord.

"Can't get entangled with him."

The Instant Lord immediately crushed a letter, and then escaped from Zhao Feng’s attack.

"Zhao Feng, stop the shadow of the Lord, don't let him escape."

The Nine Emperor turned into a Qinglei light and shadow, and came quickly.

The sacred Lord of the aliens can kill one. If it is to let it escape, it will turn back and kill humanity.


Zhao Feng snorted, and behind it was a vast expanse of thunder and lightning, instantly blending into the sky and the sky.

In the next moment, the Instant Lord is placed in a space where the wind and thunder are raging, and the rules of the power of terror suppress him and the speed is reduced.

"This little human world is curious."

In the blink of an eye, the Holy Spirit is shocked. He has never seen a small world of the quasi-sacred Lord. It can be so powerful.

He can feel that there is an extraordinary ancient atmosphere in this small world of human beings.

The Shadow Lord did not dare to care, immediately released the power of the small world projection.

A layer of dark water flows in a humid space, slamming into Zhao Feng's small world of wind and thunder.

The small world of the Lord has a completely different power. Although it is only the power of projection, it can easily smash the small world of the general emperor.

But at this moment, the shadow of the shadow of the Lord's small world, and the battle for Zhao Fengfeng Lei small world, only a little advantage.

The Shadow Lord can't manage that much. As long as he is not obstructed by Zhao Feng's small world, he will be able to escape smoothly. The speed of the rear nine princes and the iron red diamond is slightly slower, and it can't be rushed in a short time.

"Oh, just try it out."

Zhao Feng showed a smile.

After all, it is the small world projection of the Lord, and Zhao Feng’s wind and thunder world can compete with it, and it is already very good.

Zhao Feng’s body-warming winds are surrounded by madness, and the power of Sheng Lei’s body is slowly gathering in his right palm.

At the same time, the small world of wind and thunder also brought a certain strength increase to Zhao Feng.

"Breaking the sky, the palm of the thunder, breaking the palm"

When Zhao Feng’s palm slammed out, his sacred body was a little weak.

I saw a huge mountain of golden red palms, flashing infinite lightning, pushing forward, everything on the way, all destroyed.


Zhao Feng’s palms directly hit the small world projection of the instant Lord.


The powerful force of St. Raytheon and the wind and thunder, released through the sin of the sacred thunder, is infiltrated into the system of the small world projection.

"How can I... my small world architecture?"

The shadow of the Lord is a hop.

He suddenly felt the small world in the body, shaking, and the root structure was destroyed.

At the same time, the power of the small world that he released was also beginning to appear chaotic, the strength weakened, and the power of a sacred sacred slap in the shadow of the sacred Lord.


Zhao Feng’s wind and thunder world immediately took advantage of it and suppressed the power of the shadow of the small world.

"It turns out that the weaker the infrastructure of the small world, the easier it is to be destroyed."

Personally experimenting with the effect of breaking the sky, the heart of Zhao Feng has a clear understanding.

In fact, many emperors have rushed to shape the small world because they have no experience or guidance from their elders, and they regret it in the future.

Some saints will spend a lot of time and energy to strengthen the small world, and even some saints will destroy and recreate the small world.

"If I change to a small world of ordinary quasi-sacred Lord, I am afraid that I can burst it in one palm."

Zhao Feng is smug.

The Instant Lord is obviously a very old lord, and the small world system is relatively stable.

"This human thief"

The instant sacred scalp is numb.

He did not expect a quasi-sacred Lord to be able to cause damage to his small world.

We must know that as long as the fundamental system of the small world is not destroyed, even if it is completely destroyed, it can rely on the source of strength to recover.

The instant Lord does not hesitate to turn into a huge scorpion surrounded by black light, and to display the secret of escape.

Behind the iron red diamond chasing Zhao Feng, the heart was scared.

If Zhao Feng kills the sacred Lord, there are reasons for surprise and sneak attack. Today, Zhao Feng is really chasing the shadow of the main character. If the instant shadow is not good at speed, I am afraid that it will be long and crazy. The Lord is coming out.

"Lock the bow"

Zhao Feng’s hand on the dark silver ancient bow, a red wind and lightning arrow, a "squeaky" sound, and went away.


The next time the golden wind thunderbolt appears, it directly penetrates the shadow of the shadow of the Lord.

After becoming a black scorpion, the sacred lord, the defensive power becomes stronger, and the body size becomes larger, which divides the damage of the lock of the heavenly bow, but it is useless after all.


Zhao Feng continuously swayed a few bowstrings, and a red arrow was flying through the void, directly in the body of the instant shadow.

"Abominable, human thief"

The huge scorpion of the instant sacred sacred screams in the sky.

Zhao Feng’s attack is extremely destructive to his body and can affect his speed.

"In order to fight for the merits, you can't let the seriously injured you die in the hands of others."

Zhao Feng behind the wing vibration, catching up with the shadow of the Lord, a palm shot.

"Give me to die"

The instant of the shadow of the saint's body, turned into a deadly black poisonous mans, stabbed Zhao Feng.

He was seriously injured and speedy, it is impossible to pass Zhao Feng.

"Wind and Thunder"

Zhao Feng cast a record of soul martial arts, a group of purple gold thunder fire, suddenly bursting on the instant shadow of the Lord.

At the same time, Zhao Feng, with his super maneuverability, escaped from the appendix attack of the sacred Lord, and came to the shadow of the Lord, and the holy body was suppressed.


Zhao Feng successively shot a few palms, destroying the huge body of the instant shadow of the Lord into numerous pieces.

The shadowy ghost of the Lord, who has not had time to escape, was killed by the soul of Zhao Feng.

Another alien tribe

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