King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1051: Break through the Lord (below)

Dominating the forbidden land at the back of the temple, the interface between heaven and earth is faint, condensing a group of crystal-clear three-color holy glow, reflecting one side of the sky, and gradually twisted into a huge three-color light.

The magical powers of the three secluded palaces were suddenly stunned by this arrogant atmosphere.

Subsequently, the three-color holy glow was expanding, faintly covering the sky, the huge center of light rotation, like a bottomless pit, crazy to capture the tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth.

Dominating the interior of the temple, there are nearly ten large and small forces gathered at this time, including one of the nine secluded palaces, and the subsidiary forces that dominate the temple.

"The master is going to break through the Lord."

Bi Qingyue is stirring.

"Zhao Feng is finally going to reach the Lord."

The night prince was amazed.

After the breakthrough of the Lord, Zhao Feng, will lead the master to where to go?

"A terrible heaven and earth power"

The dark ghost is shocked by the Lord.

As a saint, he was shocked by the power of others to attack the black light.

"This is interesting."

The Nangong San, hidden in the dark, reveals a sinister smile.

call out

Bi Qingyue and the night of the Holy King looked calm and flew outside the hall.

"The elders of the demon, the nine secluded palaces did not rely on no evidence, so do you impose the crime on other Zongmen forces?"

Bi Qingyue faced the pressure of the Lord of the Magic and other people, and even felt difficult to breathe, but she still struggled to pass the sound.

Regarding the release of the assassination mission, she was always responsible for her, the secluded priest and the ruthless emperor.

These three are the strongmen who have been planted by Zhao Feng, and they can never betray Zhao Feng, unless the three are captured by the Jiuyi Palace to search for the soul.

In addition, refining the spiritual sacred jade spirit doctors, in the forbidden land, the nine secluded palaces do not dare to rush to grasp the Yuling holy doctor, otherwise the offensive forces will only be more.

“Why are these tasks posted in the Hall of Silence?”

A white-haired evil came to the Lord and immediately questioned.

"In the black corner, there are also assassination missions for the nine secluded palaces."

On the side of Biqingyue, the night priest immediately said.

When he discussed this action with Zhao Feng, it was expected, so a small amount of assassination was released in the corner of the black screen.

"Hey, the nine secluded palace will naturally come up with the certificate."

The sacred Lord of the Devils screamed coldly, and behind him, the dark clouds suddenly rushed, as if they were turned into a dark, wild beast, exuding all the domineering powers.

As long as you hold Biqingyue and the Nightly Saint, how can you not get evidence?

The Lord of the Magic is witnessing the desire to do it.

"Devil Lord, what are you going to do?"

At this time, in the hall, Nanfeng Wang suddenly flew out.

At the same time, many powerful forces in the hall also appeared outside the temple.

"Nan Fengwang, it is you again"

The demon of the Lord of the Devil is wrinkled, and the sacred light of the body is still running fast, without stopping.

The last time he intercepted the Haiyan Pavilion and other forces, because Nanfeng Wang gave a delay, and finally Tianjiange came and forced him back.

This time, Nanfeng Wang appeared here again.

"Nan Fengwang, I will not be responsible for you if you accidentally hurt you."

Behind the Lord of the Devil, the evil sage of the red-haired black robe is cold-faced.

Except for the Nanfeng King, those weak forces, the evil Lord is too lazy to see.

Suddenly, behind the Lord of the Magic, a huge spiritual energy breath, fluctuating.

"The Lord of the Magic, this is to come to Ganzhou to make trouble?"

The voice of the Lord of the Stars is directly transmitted.


The Star Demon Lord and two quasi-sacred masters came to Bi Qingyue.

The star demon Lord has a pair of dark purple eyes looking at the Lord of the Devil, and his face is deep.

He did not expect that the arrival of the nine secluded palaces was actually the Lord of the Devil, and there were two great masters of the sacred light.

"Star Demon Lord, Ji Jia is determined to manage this matter?"

The demon of the demon lord is cold and faint, sweeping away to the Lord of the Stars.

"Here is Zhangzhou, Zhaofeng Xiaoyou, and even a guest of Jijia."

The Star Devil feels an invisible shock and still says.

The Star Demon Lord is only Xuanguang Chucheng, but his soul will be extremely powerful, coupled with its deep soul martial arts, has the strength of Xuanguang Xiaocheng.

But not good at the soul level of the Lord of the Devil, its powerful spiritual impact, but let the Star Devil's Lord's soul shocked.

"It seems that Jijia is the way to go to Duanmujia."

The voice of the Lord of the Devil is cold, and the invisible magic is shocking.

The Lord of the Devils did not worry because of the arrival of the Lord of the Stars and Devils. The Ji family only came to the Lord of the Stars and Devils, and had no effect on their actions.

After the Lord of the Devils resolves to dominate the temple, he can also find the trouble of Ji’s family for this reason.

The star demon Lord looked a little bit, and the Duanmu family of that year was precisely because of the crime of sinning the nine secluded palaces, and was killed by the top of the nine secluded palaces.

"You two, stop Nanfeng Wang, Jijia, etc..."

The Lord of the Magic is directly transliterated.

How can it block the pace of the nine secluded palaces only by the power of the lord's palace today?


The three great lords of the nine secluded palaces suddenly set off, and a horrible and arrogant magical atmosphere suddenly covered the main hall.

All the onlookers with lower realms immediately receded, and even Biqingyue was far from retreating, because she knew that once she was searched for souls, then the nine secluded palaces would justify the death of the lord.


Evil comes to the Lord and the evil Lord, and rushes to the Lord of the Stars and the King of Nanfeng.

Some of the forces and ancestral gates that had previously come to the lord's house, such as the Dark Ghost Lord and the Black Yaozong elders, immediately stopped the high-level fighting power of the sacred princes and Xu blame.


The unstoppable Lord of the Devil, flew directly to the back of the main hall to ban the land.

Seeing that the Lord of the Magic is going to rush to the temple where Zhao Feng is.

A mountain ridge, suddenly bursting open, I saw a purple blood evil light rising from the sky, the hole through the sky, its fascinating purple blood pattern, looming.

The horrible evil power burst out and went straight to the Lord of the Devil.

This sudden purple blood evil force, let the other nearby quasi-sacred Lord, the Holy Lord, the whole body trembled, the heart of the inexplicable panic.


I saw a demon young man with purple blood, a whole body purple blood pattern, flashing streamer, dragging a series of silver-violet ghosts, blocking in front of the Lord of the Devil.

"South Palace St."

The demon of the demon is suddenly shocked, and a magical road is angry, invisible.

When the nine secluded palaces sent two high-level officials, Qianli rushed to the Zhenwu holy land in the Bohai Sea to take Nangong Sheng, but was scared back by the rumored half **** Kunyun.

Originally, as long as the Nangong St. stayed in the Zhenwu Holy Land, the Nine Palace was never going to find him again.

At this time, Nangong Sheng appeared in the main hall of the mainland.


The evil Lord of the Lord in the rear suddenly became red, and a long red blood rose in the wind.

He was the Holy Lord who had been arrested by Kun Yun in the original Wuwu Holy Land.

"Alright, today you will be singular and evil, killing together."

The black light of the magical sacred body is surging, and the black light around it suddenly spreads out and turns into countless seemingly spiritual black light tentacles. The horrible magical power is like an angry wild monster.

It seems to be a feeling of the outside world.

Above the peak of Zhao Feng’s retreat, the speed of the three-color light rotation suddenly increased and rapidly expanded. At that moment, the three-color light rotation seemed to become the world’s natural scorpion. All the strong people below, the vitality of the body, disappeared in the absence. .

Weng Hong

A taboo atmosphere that suppresses everything in the heavens and the earth, fluctuating from the tri-color light rotation, surging in all directions, the world is whistling and changing.

In the huge three-color light rotation, the three condensed lights suddenly came to the top of a mountain. The eight elements seemed to be subject to some kind of traction, and the madness gathered toward these three holy lights.

"The connection between Shengli and Guangxuan is successful, no, it must not let Zhao Feng break through."

The Lord of the Devils suddenly smashed from the edge of the explosion and rushed to the land where the three colors of light came.

At this time, Zhao Feng is the last moment of breakthrough.

"Demon Claw"

Nangong Sheng extended his right arm, and his blood red pattern bloomed. He quickly climbed on his arm and extended numerous blood-red flowering branches and leaves to form a purple blood troll's claw, which was torn forward.

"Roll, Nangong Sheng"

The Lord of the Devils suddenly drank, and there were countless black light tentacles around him, which surged and attacked Nangong.


The power of the two evil spirits, the instantaneous collision, the taboo power of horror inside, as if to swallow everything.

The pace of the Lord of the Magic is a little bit.

The Lord of the Magic Yuan did not expect that the progress of Nangong Sheng was so terrible. He who possessed the power of the evil spirits could actually resist the one with the Xuanguang.

Of course, if the Lord of the Magic is full of force, the Nangong San will be defeated, but at this time, it is the most important and important thing to prevent Zhao Feng from breaking through the black light.

Once Zhao Feng successfully broke through, with the amazing strength of Zhao Feng, it is enough to reverse the situation.

If Zhao Feng really has a sacred arrow, then the demon lord himself has a crisis.

Read this, the magical sacred master casts the secret method, the magic light tentacles of the whole body, changes into countless black light belts, and protects him.

The Lord of the Devils decided that regardless of the Nangong holy, Zhao Feng would be resolved first.


The eyes of Nangong Sheng suddenly became a purple abyss, in which a **** flower emerged.

"The next step will be handed over to you."

Nangong Sheng Moudao.

"Hey, let me play with you."

The voice of Nangong Sheng suddenly changed, and the power of the whole body of purple blood evil spirits rose.

The purple blood of the turbulent world suddenly rushed to the Lord of the Devil.


The Demon Lord has stepped back a few steps, and the black light protection of the whole body is broken.

"The power of God"

The Lord of the Devils was horrified, staring at Nangong Sheng.

In the sacred light of the Xuanguang, although there is only one force of evil spirits, it is also enough to smash the power of the sacred light, and the qualitative transformation.

"It seems to have been attacked by evil thoughts."

The Lord of the Magic is thoughtful.

Nangong Sheng, who was attacked by evil thoughts, has no reason, and uses the power that he cannot control, regardless of the consequences.

"Oh, no one can stop me."

The Lord of the Magic is cold and stern, and he runs the magical power of Xuanguang.

At the same time, behind the demon Lord, there was a black whirlpool, in which a black shadow suddenly appeared.


After the release of the sacred lord, the sacred lord directly rushed to the South Palace, and there were countless magic light tentacles around him, like the idea of ​​the sacred lord, and rushed through the space at the speed of thunder.

The two people’s earth-shattering battles allowed the rest of the lord to wait, and the heart was shocked and could not help but retreat.

call out

The darkness of the Lord of the Devil, the sinful laughter, rushed directly to the top of the mountain, Zhao Feng sitting in the temple.

The avatar of the Lord of the Devil, with the strength of the body of 60%, is even stronger than the Lord of the ordinary Xuanguang.

The Lord of the Devils sneered, and the sorcerer Nangong Sheng, who existed only for the battle, did not care about other details.

Retired alone, no one guards Zhao Feng, no doubt

"Dead, Zhao Feng"

The sacred body of the demon lord, the back stretches out a magical light tentacle, directly destroys the surrounding defensive array and stabs Zhao Feng's head.

At this moment, Zhao Feng is accepting the baptism of the Holy Spirit of heaven and earth. He feels that danger is coming, but he cannot move half a step, nor can he use the true Yuan or the Holy Power. If he withdraws from the middle, he will only destroy the light of the Holy Spirit in the body.

Seeing the attack of the Lord of the Devil's lord, it is necessary to run through Zhao Feng's head.

Zhao Feng had some angry faces and left to open.

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