King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1052: Battle against the magic

Zhao Feng retreats to the corner of the pavilion, the little thief cat stretched out his head.

Originally, when the demon lord was attacked, the little thief was ready to stop, but Zhao Feng stopped it.

I saw Zhao Feng, who was bathed under the tricolor of the Holy Light, and suddenly left.


At that moment, Zhao Feng’s amber gold smashed out numerous layers of golden ripples.


For a moment, the avatar of the Lord of the Magic is pierced by this layer of golden ripples.


Suddenly, this dark black body, turned into countless tiny particles, turned into a layer of black mist, inhaled Zhao Feng's left.

Zhao Feng’s complexion finally calmed down and absorbed the last holy power given to him between heaven and earth.

In fact, when Zhao Feng’s body light was connected with the heavenly and earthly light, his left scorpion changed.

The mysterious golden ball in the left-handed space seems to be subjected to some kind of stimulation, and suddenly it rotates to scatter a layer of mysterious golden ripples.

According to common sense, if Zhao Feng used so many light of disintegration at one time, the will of Philip could not be sustained, but at the moment there was no such phenomenon. The mysterious golden ripples were completely spontaneously scattered.

In the space of the gods, in addition to this mysterious golden ball, there is only a half-death head with a trace of God's robbery, and the half-headed skull is naturally corrugated by the mysterious golden ripples, and I don't know how many times.

I don't know when, above the mysterious golden ball, there is a twisted black object next to the head of the god.


The mysterious Golden Globe Center, a stock of the power of the source of the wild, gathered in the dark black group.

When Zhao Feng opened his left, the golden ripples scattered by the mysterious golden ball naturally illuminate the outside world and illuminate the black spot, so this happened.

Therefore, Zhao Feng did not use any force at all, but only left the left-handed who had changed.

What Zhao Feng didn't think of was that after the light of the solution, the mysterious golden ball actually inhaled the energy in the avatar after destroying the avatar of the sacred lord.

This absorbed energy enters the left-handed space and blends into the twisted black object above.

After the destruction of the sacred Lord of the Devil, the three-color whirlwind of Zhao Feng’s head was gradually dimmed.


On the top of the temple, and the incomparable magical lord of the Nangong Holy Land, the figure suddenly became stiff and looked down.

"My nine secluded body"

The magical sacred Lord's forehead burst into a blue vein and suddenly drank.

The secrets of the esoteric secrets in the nine secrets of the Jiugui Palace are extremely difficult to cultivate. The resources and energy spent by the Lord of the Devils are countless.

But now, his avatar was directly destroyed by the golden light of Zhao Feng’s left-handedness.

"How is it possible? He is not breaking through the last moment of the Lord, how can he use other powers?"

In the rear, the evil Lord who fought with Nanfeng Wang came to the Lord.

The phenomenon in front of you is completely contrary to common sense.

"And this power has instantly destroyed the avatars of the elders of the Demon."

The evil lord looked at Zhao Feng and had a fear in his heart.

For the layer of golden ripples that had just been transmitted from the left corner of Zhao Feng, even he could not see through it.

"Zhao Feng"

The Nanfeng King, the Star Devil, and others are shocked and unable to understand the scene just now.

"The golden ripples penetrate the material and the soul..."

The star demon Lord's eyes flashed purple star Kanazawa.

This is the second time he saw Zhao Feng’s left-handedness, but he was still shocked and unable to understand.


At this time, the huge three-color light rotation on the cloud sea gradually slowed down.

The last trace of the three-colored radiance of the Holy Spirit, slowly landed, all penetrated into the three-color Holy Light in the body of Zhao Feng.

The three-color Holy Light in Zhao Feng's body rotates with some wonderful rules of heaven and earth, suddenly extending another color, dark yellow.

Zhao Feng’s body slowly dimmed in the flash of crystal clear light.

The vision of heaven and earth gradually disappears

"This is the Eucharist?"

Zhao Feng feels his body at this time, and it feels wonderful.

The body is highly integrated with the Holy Power and the Soul, and is also connected to the heavens and the earth to maximize the buffering of all damage.


Zhao Feng took off directly and turned into a red light, and flew away to the Lord of the Magic.

"Awful, actually let him break through"

The magical sacred face is iron and blue, and his eyes are angry.

He did not expect that the South Palace is actually hidden in the main hall.

I didn't even think that when I was about to succeed, Zhao Feng’s eyes were so strange that Jin Mang actually destroyed his body and instantly destroyed it.


The Lord of the Devils played a huge black light and bombarded the body of Nangong.


Nangong Sheng spewed out a blood, and the eyes were restored to their original condition.

After all, he is only the cultivation of Xuanguang's first-generation, even if the evil spirits are temporarily in charge of the body, using the power of a trace of evil spirits, it is still not the opponent of the lord of the tens of thousands of years.

“Thank you, Nangong Sheng”

A strong and gentle Lord's Power, catching Nangong Sheng, gently put it down.

Zhao Feng knows that the reason why Nangong Sheng is so desperate, regardless of the consequences, is just to think about the original human condition.

In the magical space, Zhao Feng helps Nangong Sheng everywhere, and finally he helps Nangong Sheng gain the power of evil spirits.

"The Lord of the Devil, this time, come, don't leave."

Zhao Feng opened his eyes and looked at the Lord of the Devil.

When he succeeded in advanced Xuanguangjing, the vision of Zhao Feng’s left-handedness was completely over.

"Zhao Feng, do you think that breaking through the black light is my opponent?"

The Lord of the Devils laughed haha.

Things have developed to this point, and he can't turn back, otherwise he will not let the whole dynasty, see his jokes, and see the jokes of the Jiugui Palace.

In addition, the Lord of the Magic has been prepared to guard against Zhao Feng. As long as Zhao Feng takes out the blasphemy and other arrows, he flees directly.

"I also want to see what the great Lord of Xuanguang Dacheng is,"

Zhao Feng’s mouth is slightly raised.

At this time, he feels that the world is righteous and righteous, and it is like a hand-to-hand, which can affect one side of the world and generate great power.

The leaps and bounds in the power and the rules of the righteousness made Zhao Feng still somewhat uncomfortable. He was in need of a strong opponent to hone and consolidate his strength. Although the Lord of the Magic is a bit too strong, it is also appropriate.

"After breaking through the Lord, how do you forget to write the dead words?"

The Lord of the Magic is ridiculous for Zhao Feng’s arrogance.

Zhao Feng’s strength is indeed terrible, but now he has just broken through the Lord, and it is estimated that even the power and means of the Lord are not yet familiar.

Even if Zhao Feng stabilized the realm, the Lord of the Magic also did not fear.

The afterglow flashed, a black light, and instantly hit Zhao Feng.


Near Zhao Feng, the Lord of the Devils suddenly extended out of countless magic light tentacles, rushing to Zhao Feng, and the power of a small world projection, Zhao Feng locked.


Zhao Feng urged the holy body, the holy body immediately pulled up, countless red light thunder and lightning marks, flashing golden light, making Zhao Feng look like a gold seal **** of war.

After breaking through the Lord, Zhao Feng's holy body and the Eucharist are combined, and their abilities are greatly enhanced.


Spreading the thunder and flying scorpion, with the powerful insight of Zuo Yu, Zhao Feng escaped the vast majority of attacks by the Lord of the Devil.

"Sheng Lei broken the palm"

Zhao Feng runs the wind and thunder force, and suddenly shoots a shimmering red gold palm, which contains Zhao Feng's many artistic conceptions and rules.


The magic light tentacles around the Lord of the Devil, collided with the holy thunder, and uttered a horrible storm of destruction.

"This is the law..."

The demon of the Lord of the Devil is sinking, and the attack of his magical tentacles is actually blocked by this palm.

Among the sacred palms, the power of the powerful thunder and lightning conception penetrates into the void.

"Oh, it can affect my little world."

The magical lord of the Lord is slightly moving, and Zhao Feng’s palm is not simple.

"Magic light breaks"

The Lord of the Devil's anger screamed, and the magic light touched hands, condensing power and attacking a little.


Zhao Feng's Sheng Leizhang was penetrated by the magic light tentacles instantly. At the same time, those magic light tentacles, once again hit Zhao Feng.


In Zhao Feng’s holy body, he suddenly provoked horrible power and thunder and lightning, and within a few dozen miles, he was caught in an invisible weight and lightning bombardment.

At the same time, a layer of force and thunder, combined with the wind and thunder force, formed a quaint red gold hood, appeared in Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng is fully committed to the operation of Xuanguang Shengli, and at the same time will force the power of the minefield into the body of the body.


Zhao Feng was repulsed by the magical lord's stunts. The body of the thunder was broken, and the violent force of the thunder and lightning was not attacked by the Lord of the Devil, and he was resisted by his magical light tentacles.

"On this level, I also want to fight with Xuanguang Dacheng."

The Lord of the Magic is not allowed to laugh.

After Zhao Feng broke through the black light, it is indeed a stronger than the ordinary strong light, but it is not his opponent.

"You are too happy to be happy."

Zhao Feng’s mouth showed a smile.

The magical lord of the Lord looked for a meal and felt that something was wrong and the spirit was swept away.

I saw that the opponents of Xu and the night prince were suddenly defeated, and then the two of them, the Lord, began to assist Nan Fengwang and the Star Devil, to deal with the evil to the Lord and the evil Lord.

It turned out that when Zhao Feng and the Magic Yuan Shengzhu had just played against each other, they turned their attention to Xu and the night priests, and they worked hard to help them, even at a critical moment, suddenly launched a soul martial arts.

Xu Laoqi and the night of the Holy King have Zhao Ming's meditation, it is not difficult to do this.

Zhao Feng really wants to hone his strength after the breakthrough, but he is also a person who takes care of the overall situation.

"Zhao Feng, you..."

The Lord of the Devil is glaring and mad.

A newly-expanded Xuanguang was a lord, and when he was fighting with him, he was still distracted from other battlefields.

"Demon flurry"

The Lord of the Devils shouted and opened his arms, and the light of the Holy Light in the body spun rapidly, and a more powerful and powerful force, surging.


The Lord of the Devil is in the heavens and the earth, and suddenly there are countless black and white magic light tentacles. Each tentacle is like a horrible demon, swaying and dancing.

"Not good, the magical lord of the Lord has shown his stunts."

Zhao Feng looks dignified.

Just breaking through, his realm of cultivation has not been stable, even if he gives time to consolidate the realm, and under the confrontation with the Lord of the Magic, most of them are suffering.


Zhao Feng suddenly released the power of the projection of the small world of wind and thunder, and cooperated with the force of the minefield to weaken the attack power of the Lord of the Devil.

"Zhao Feng, I am coming"

At this time, behind Zhao Feng, the sound of Nangong Saint’s cold voice came.

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