King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1095: Escape from birth

"I want to kill you all."

The sound of the extreme anger of the demigod came from behind.


The semi-god giant violently swayed out a heavy dark yellow light curtain, and the power of the small world projection made one of the world's heavens suddenly faint, a heavy weight and bondage, coming to the surrounding.


Kunyun immediately released his own small world projection, and a glorious little world power suddenly spread, and it was difficult to resist the artistic power of the semi-god and the small world.

Zhao Feng directly activates the perfect blood and blood of the blood, and fully operates the holy body, which is able to withstand the influence of this horrible small world projection force.

In the dead 煞 煞 的 的 赵 雨 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵 赵

"Give me to die"

The half-god violently angry eyes stared at Zhao Feng.

He realized at this time that Zhao Feng was the most important person in the whole team. All the actions that came along the way were almost all Zhao Feng’s command.


This time, the semi-god attack, under the growth of its own small world power, power is even more horrible.


The dark red wave blade, which seems to be able to smash everything, carries an unparalleled weight and oppresses Zhao Feng.

On the side of Kunyun, seeing such a terrible attack, the whole body is a tremor.

"The sky is eighteen palms"

The demigods stimulated the blood of the soul and hurriedly launched a dozen golden palms.


A mysterious golden palm of light, twisted between, twisted into the heavens and the earth.

The power of the dark red wave blade was weakened by a few points, and the speed was slow.


Zhao Yufei shouted anxiously.

Zhao Feng, who has a secondary artifact, may not be able to withstand such a terrible attack.

The sacred king and the south palace are also a tight heart.

But at this time, Zhao Feng’s words echoed in everyone’s mind: “Try to attack the half-god, find the right time, prepare...”


The four people who hosted the big array, including Kunyun, looked slightly shocked and couldn't believe it.

Seeing the attack of the semi-god, it is necessary to reach Zhao Feng. At this time, Zhao Feng let them take the opportunity to attack the semi-god.

Is there a way for Zhao Feng to resist such a powerful attack?


In the face of a fierce attack, Zhao Feng once again raised the Jinchi shield.

In the hands of Zhao Feng, a **** crystal bead appeared, in which a **** golden light emerged and poured into the Jinchi Shield.

This blood-colored crystal beads is the blood **** crystal that Zhao Feng got from the **** pool.

Zhao Feng also thinks about it now. Although he has no power in his body, he can borrow the power of the outside world.

At the time of the encounter, the original barbaric snarls and roars came from the bronze shield. I saw a huge red animal head condensed out and enveloped Zhao Feng.

That deterrent world, the supreme power of breath, is the breath of divine power

"How is it possible, even this kid has divine power?"

The semi-god suddenly stunned and felt incredible.

Kunyun possesses divine power because he is born again, and Nangong is because he inherited the power of evil spirits.

Just as the half-god was fiercely surprised, the sacred king presided over the dead scorpion, and controlled the huge horror of the big squad, and launched an attack on ‘half god.

Nangong Sheng holds the black flag and does not hesitate to pour in the power of a sacred god.

Suddenly, the huge scorpion object surface, a sinister **** pattern.

At the same time, the semi-god Kunyun is passionate, stimulating blood and body, blending the power of will, and waving the fists.


Kun Yun displayed the nirvana in "Dangtianquan" and hit countless hot and shining Jinguangquan.

These golden light fists seem to blend into one, the momentum is soaring, shaking the world, bombarding in the world where the gods are huge.

On the other side, the huge dark red wave blade, trapped in the red beast head around Zhao Feng, seems to cut the shadow of the red beast head.


Zhao Feng had expected that even if he mobilized his power, he would not be able to withstand the ‘half of the gods, such a hegemonic blow.

"Tore of the Thunder, the body of the Thunder"

Zhao Feng immediately runs the holy body and the wind thunder, and exerts two major defensive secrets. Among them, the ‘the earth sacred sacred sacred sac is the corresponding defensive secret in the ninth layer of the earth.

Zhao Feng’s body is filled with a dark yellow wind and thunder force, which instantly forms a crystal armor surrounded by wind and thunder. The armor is surrounded by an invisible gravity harvest.

At the same time, Zhao Feng combines the wind and thunder of the earth and the sacred power of the body, forming a luxuriant and simple wind and thunder cover around the body.


The red wave blade cut the defense of the Jinchi Shield and bombarded Zhao Feng’s two defensive techniques.


Zhao Feng’s figure was directly hit by a few miles, and the smashing into the crystal wall.

Same moment

The full attack of the dead 煞 煞 阵 and Kun Yun, all descended on the body of the gods.


The sacred king immediately drank.

Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei and the Vientiane Lord nodded.

On the top of the dead scorpion, suddenly a devastating crisis was brewed. The black cockroaches above the big madness accepted the power of the four people and the body shape twisted and swelled.


The four directly threw the flag in their hands to the location of the semi-god.

The entire squadron was shrouded in the sacredness of the semi-god, and then the huge incomparable sinister screams directly to the half-god, and then burst open.

At this time, Nangong Sheng, Kun Yun and others have already evacuated early.


A black blast that ruined the earth, mixed with all kinds of horrible energy, swept through.


The screams of the semi-god and fierceness are far into the ears of everyone.

"Not finished yet?"

In the distance, Zhao Feng, who is bathing his whole body, pulls the bowstring.


In Zhao Feng’s Thunder Soul, a force that destroyed the thunder and robbery poured into it.

At the same time, Zhao Feng mobilized the blood of the gods in the blood of the gods.


I saw a huge red gold arrow shadow, running through everything, dragging the horrible red gold energy storm, rushing to the center of the explosive energy.


The horrible gold and thunder attribute storm, accompanied by a breath of God, exploded again.

"Go fast"

After shooting the defective products, all the people ran away.

"Vientiane wind and mine"

The Vientiane Lord immediately changed the nature of the heavens and the earth.

Zhao Feng and the Vientiane Lord and the Lord control the huge wind and the righteousness, leading Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei and some holy people in the black corner, and quickly evacuated.

The curtain king and Kunyun are extremely fast, even more than Zhao Feng who is seriously injured.

As long as everyone escapes from one end, it is not easy for the gods to find them in the corpse of the layers of crystal walls.

"This is enough to be old and undead."

Kun Yun proudly smiled, and then looked seriously at Zhao Feng.

They are able to reinvent the semi-god and succumb to the birth of the day, all thanks to Zhao Feng's cards and plans.

"It’s a demigod attack."

Zhao Feng found that even if he used the wind of the wood, the injury on his body recovered very slowly.

A bottle of colored nectar appeared directly in Zhao Feng’s hand.


Zhao Feng directly drank a bottle of Baiyuan holy pulp.

A holy atmosphere that nourishes all things, suddenly spread out in the body of Zhao Feng, filled with limbs, every minute of the body, and finally infiltrated into the soul.

Zhao Feng runs the wind of the wood, and the recovery rate of the body injury suddenly accelerates.

Opening his eyes, Zhao Feng found out that everyone around him looked at Zhao Feng with a dull look.

"Zhao predecessor, was that the hundred source holy pulp?"

A saint of the black corner, swallowed deeply.

It should be known that Baiyuan Shengshui can increase the gems of breaking through the Lord. In addition, Baiyuan Shengdie has a great promotion and condensing effect on the life level, soul and sacred light of the Lord.

At this time, Zhao Feng used such precious treasures to heal.

"The performance of Zhao’s predecessors was really admirable."

Another dark corner of the sage is flattering.

Originally, they hated Zhao Feng very much and dragged them down.

But now, Zhao Feng directs everyone to get rid of and reinvent the aliens and half-god, and their attitude toward Zhao Feng immediately changes.

A cave in the corpse of God.

Zhao Feng and the team of the curtain king have temporarily stopped.

After a big battle, everyone is almost exhausted.

Inside the fascinating world.

Zhao Feng runs the "Resurrection of the Soul" and the wooden wind and thunder, repairing the injuries on the body and soul.

Subsequently, a yellow fruit surrounded by crystal walls appeared in the hands of Zhao Feng.

This is the vine fruit that the small thief cat helped Zhao Feng to take inside the huge crystal.

"Weapons lend me a hand"

Zhao Feng said to the little thief who was resting.

The crystal wall on the fruit is relatively hard, and Zhao Feng cannot destroy it.

But in reality, Zhao Feng wants to see the black short blade that the little thief has obtained.

Meow meow

The little thief cat is very clever and naturally understands the meaning of Zhao Feng, but it is very generous to hand over the black short blade to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng carefully looked at the front of the hand, the handle is plain, without any breath of the blade.

Zhao Feng poured into the Xuanguang Shengli, but the black short blade did not see any reaction.

Meow meow

The little thief cat jumped to Zhao Feng's shoulder and made a big deal.

"I can't use... artifact?"

Zhao Feng looked shocked.

If he hadn't seen the thief's cat easily chopping the hard and incomparable crystal wall, Zhao Feng wouldn't believe the little thief's words.

Zhao Feng has seen the highest-ranking gods, that is, the broken ancient artifacts that appeared in the ancient mysterious palace.

Nowadays, Zhao Feng’s hand is black and white, and the plain black short blade is actually a legendary artifact.

You know, there has never been a real artifact in the entire continent.


Zhao Feng picked up the black short blade and scraped it a few times on the surface of the yellow fruit, and suddenly a layer of crystal chips fell.

"There is no such thing as urging this soldier, but relying on its own strength."

Zhao Feng once again believed that this black short blade is really an artifact.

"Give it to you, cut off the crystals on the surface of the fruit."

Zhao Feng white looked at the little thief cat and directly threw the fruit and the black short blade to the little thief cat.

Originally, Zhao Feng was very happy. The little thief cat got a vine fruit for himself. As a result, I realized that the little thief had fished an artifact.

Even if the fruit of Zhao Feng is so precious, it is impossible to match the legendary artifact.

Meow meow

The little thief cat smiled and walked toward Zhao Feng with a hint of Zhao Feng.


The little thief put his hand into his mouth and then pulled out two vine fruits.

Zhao Feng looked shocked and immediately picked up the two fruits and found that the two fruits were indeed the fruits of the vines.

Zhao Feng stared at the belly of the little thief cat. He really wanted to dissect the little thief cat and see if there were any treasures inside.

Meow meow

The little thief cat seems to see Zhao Feng’s thoughts and immediately explains that this is the only two that he harvested when he finally escaped. There are only two

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