King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1096: The use of blood crystal

Today, Zhao Feng has three vine fruits, yellow, blue and gold.

The artistic power in these vine fruits has a fatal attraction to the demigods, not to mention Zhao Feng, who is only Xiaoguang Xiaocheng.

And in this fruit, there is also a pure power, these powers are far beyond the power of the gods.

From the fierce competition between the demigod and the demigod, the preciousness of these vine fruits can be seen.

Because of this, Zhao Feng is afraid of absorbing these vine fruits at this stage.

At first, the ordinary Lord felt the power of the artistic conception near the vines. If he accidentally lost his soul consciousness, if Zhao Feng rushed to take a vine fruit, it would be no different from suicide.

In the end, Zhao Feng handed the three fruits to the little thief cat, and let it dig a small hole in the crystal wall on the surface of the three fruits.

In the hands of Zhao Feng, there is a **** crystal bead, which is the blood **** crystal.

If it weren't for the mighty power in this blood god, Zhao Feng couldn't resist the attack of the gods.

But in fact, there is a **** in the small world of Zhao Feng's fantasy city.

However, Zhao Feng used the special blood and blood power of the blood **** to promote the Jinchi Shield, and they could not completely resist the attack of the semi-god, and the power in the ordinary Shenjing would be even worse.

Although Shenjing is the crystallization of the power of the true God, it is also mixed with the vast heaven and earth, not pure power.

Moreover, Zhao Feng only mobilizes the divine power inside, unable to condense the power of God, and even unable to exert the true power of divine power.

Nangong Sheng can use divine power because of the guidance and cooperation of the evil spirits. Kunyun is naturally awakened by the will of the demigod and the memory of past lives.


Zhao Feng sighed.

Originally, Zhao Feng also intends to absorb the divine power in the blood **** crystal, and use it for his own use. Now, it seems that it is not so simple to use the power of God.

In addition, this blood **** crystal contains more of the power of the blood, and the preciousness of its blood force is not weaker than the magical power contained therein.

"Maybe, you can use the blood **** crystal like this..."

Zhao Feng’s eyes suddenly flickered and he was obviously thinking of a good idea.

"I can use the power of blood in the blood of the gods to shape the second body."

Zhao Feng said with a look of surprise.

Zhao Feng's first soul-divided body is shaped by the spirit of the snow, and the level of the realm is low. Therefore, Zhao died also spent a lot of time to cultivate.

With Zhao Feng’s current vision, Ling Yu Xue Yu has no original value.

At the moment, the second layer of Zhao Feng's "Division of the Soul" has been completed, and Zhao Feng can also say that he succeeded in winning the battle of Vientiane, then he must consider the body of the second soul.

Zhao Feng waved his hand, and in the fascinating world, a **** red liquid flew to Zhao Feng.

In the huge blood liquid, there is also a **** demon that has not fully grown.

According to Zhao Feng’s perception, this **** demon spirit has already possessed the power of the king.

"If you use this unformed **** demon, blend these **** liquids, and use this blood crystal as a source of strength, you may be able to create a powerful and special body..."

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked and excited.

Moreover, these **** liquids and **** demon spirits, including blood crystals, contain the power of a **** body.

If it is cultivated well, Zhao Feng can even shape the body of a descendant of the blood of the giant gods.

You must know that in the list of the Taikoo people, the giant gods are ranked fifteen, which is more than the spirit of the spirit. In contrast, Zhao’s body does not know how many grades to lower.

Of course, all this is just Zhao Feng’s whim, whether it can be successful or not, Zhao Feng is still unclear.

“You need to collect some information to confirm the body shaping plan.”

Zhao Feng pondered for a moment.

He has not participated in the secret technique yet, and he has no experience in this aspect. Therefore, this matter can only be temporarily put down.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng began to consolidate and enhance the realm of cultivation.


In the hands of Zhao Feng, there are a number of precious resources obtained in the corpse of the gods. These resources, in addition to their own efficacy, contain powerful qi and blood, as well as the spirit of the ancient times.

Zhao Feng's "Wan Nian Shen Yu" differentiated into several ideas, and participated in the "Five Elements of the Thunder" and "Jin Kun Sheng Lei"

The medicinal properties of these crystal blood medicines were led by Zhao Feng to the light of the Holy Light, and the wind and the sacred power of the soil were condensed, while the essence of the blood and the spirit of the medicinal materials were drawn by Zhao Feng to the holy body. .

This rich and pure essence of blood, not only has a great effect on the body of Zhao Feng's life level, to a certain extent, it can also strengthen Zhao Feng's own perfect blood and blood.

"It won't take long for the wind and thunder of the earth to break through to the realm of Dacheng, and the sixth layer of "Jin Kun Sheng Lei" will also be consolidated in Xiaocheng's peak..."

Zhao Feng is happy with it.

After entering the corpse, Zhao Feng continued to confront the top powers of the two dynasties. During this period, Zhao Feng also took a lot of precious corpse resources, so Zhao Feng’s two exercises have been completely consolidated and improved. .

In addition, Zhao Feng in the huge crystal red vines, absorbed a lot of artistic power, and then with the semi-god fierce battle, so that Zhao Feng thoroughly realized the heavens and the earth, the artistic conception into its own use, Zhao Feng's soul will, The artistic conception has also been greatly condensed and upgraded.

However, the confrontation with the semi-god is fierce, and the situation is dangerous and urgent. Zhao Feng does not dare to use the will of the demigod to hone himself.

Therefore, Zhao Feng took all the pictures of the battle between the people and the semi-god, and all of them were taken into the left.

Zhao Feng’s last part of his thoughts entered the left-handed space.

In the left-handed space, in addition to the head of the gods, there are some precious resources that Zhao Feng is replicating.

Suddenly, the scene in the space of the gods changed, and the situation changed to the situation when Zhao Feng and other people fought with the semi-god.

Zuo Yu is able to restore the ingested scene, which is incomparably true. This ability will increase with the improvement of Zhao Feng’s will.

Even Zhao Feng, who has a clear mind and a strong will, feels that everything around him is incomparably true. Zhao Feng seems to return to the moment of confrontation with the demigod.

However, this time, Zhao Feng did not have any sense of urgency or crisis. He could very carefully use the power and artistic conception between the semi-god and the giant.

"The demigod's control of power is precisely to the limit, and it is able to integrate all the external forces that can be utilized into its own attacking sense..."

Zhao Feng's constant replays and each of the sacred and fierce battles, collisions, and observations of the various forces ignited by the semi-god.

This is equivalent to a demigod who personally demonstrated for Zhao Feng how to control the power in the body, how to use the will of the soul, and how to control the power of the mood.

Zhao Feng’s skills and insights are rapidly improving.

One day later, within the world of fans.

The wind and thunder of the earth outside Zhao Feng’s body suddenly trembled and burst into a layer of thunderous light, which filled an invisible gravitational force field.

"The ninth layer of the "Five Winds and Thunder" is the wind of the thunder, reaching the level of Dacheng"

Zhao Feng’s consciousness, leaving the space of the gods, returned to the body.

"Sheng Lei body also completely consolidates the realm of Xiaocheng, and can always hit the realm of Dacheng."

Zhao Feng feels the change of physical strength.

However, Zhao Feng's "Wan Nian Shen Shen" is multi-purpose, and his main idea is to stay in the space of the gods and learn from the gods.

Therefore, the improvement of Zhao Feng's artistic conception and practical skills is the biggest.

"With my current strength, even if you don't use the thunderbolt, you can also fight against the ordinary holy king."

Zhao Feng smiled.

At this point, the harvest of the gods is already amazing.

Although there are countless crises on the way, if Zhao Feng has been reigning in the palace, even if there is left-handed copying ability and unlimited resources, there is no possibility of such a big improvement.

However, time is urgent, Zhao Feng has a lot of success in his hands, no time to understand.

Zhao Feng’s figure appeared in the outside world.

Not far from Zhao Yufei, Zhou is a guardian of a small world power.

However, Zhao Feng is still able to clearly perceive that the pure and powerful Xuanguang Shengli.


The purple flame crystal flow around Zhao Yufei spread out. She seemed to be a dusty ice jade fairy, slowly emerging from the misty fairyland.


Zhao Yufei looked happy.

"Breakthrough to Xuanguang became a big"

Zhao Feng saw the realm of Zhao Yufei at this moment.

Zhao Yufei nodded with a smile.

Zhao Feng sucked a cold air, and the 19th Linguine bloodline of the Taikoo Wanzui list was not blown out. Such a horrible cultivation speed, even Zhao Feng could not match.

On the other hand, Kun Yun, who has just broken through the Holy King, has gradually become familiar with the power of the body and mastered some powerful combat techniques and secrets in his memory.

The strength of Nangong Sheng is also completely consolidating in Xuanguang Dacheng, a force of horror and evil, floating around, it is shocking, not afraid to approach.

"Zhao Feng, this time thanks to you, the strength of the old man has improved."

The curtain of the holy king said with a smile.

In the battle with the semi-god strong, the benefit of the sacred king is undoubtedly more, which is of great help to his impact on the heavenly order.

If it weren't for Zhao Feng, the sacred king of the sacred curtain would dare to confront the gods.

"Then be ready to go, go late, maybe there is nothing left."

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

Immediately, everyone ended the retreat and began to set off at the head of the corpse.

The closer they are to the front, the more people feel the divine power in the crystal walls around them. The stronger they are, the more other teams they encounter on the way, and of course there are also aliens.

However, in the absence of a clear gap between the strengths of the two sides, the two dynasties will not be free to do so.

After all, at this moment, the opportunity in the body of God is the most important.

Gradually, the crystal wall passages that the people walked gradually widened and eventually expanded into a huge passage that was boundless.

All the other squads that went to the head of the corpse of the corpse slowly gathered in this vast and large crystal channel.


The Nangong holy scorpion flashes the evil light.

Everyone also slowed down.

I saw that the end of this endless huge crystal channel is a vast crystal space, and the space is full of crystal ruins.

The powerful forces of the two great dynasties were stationed in various places in the crystal ruins.

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