King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1154: Hurricane

"Kid, what do you want?"

This sturdy guard, with disdain, looked at Zhao Feng.

Although Zhao Feng gave him a feeling of opaque, but how mixed with the Sapphire sheep, how great?


Zhao Feng snorted and his face changed abruptly. He looked at the guard and gave him a powerful sigh of relief.

In an instant, the guard with Zhao Feng, the soul level is like a thunder, and the horrible soul pressure makes him almost faint.

Around the gate, the rest of the guards found it wrong, and suddenly gave off a powerful black light.

At the next moment, in Zhao Feng’s body, there was a hint of dark yellow light, and a horrible force was coming.

Eight guards, together with all the queues behind Zhao Feng and others, were all caught in this powerful force and could not move.

"Good and strong..."

"Is this the god?"

In addition to a few people of the Sapphire Sheep, all the people in the vicinity struggled with the strength of Zhao Feng.

As long as Zhao Feng had a thought, they would not be able to withstand this pressure and succumb to the ground.

"Real God...Adult, under your feet"

This sturdy guard, shocked, immediately begged for mercy.

In his view, with such a terrible strength, only the true God can be strong.

Once you become a true god, there must be a four-star force behind it.

Even the blue-eyed ice wolf will not arbitrarily offend a four-star force, and he is only an ordinary member of the blue-eyed ice wolf.

"Ten pieces of defective crystals, ten pieces a day"

The guard immediately changed his mouth.


Zhao Feng repeated these two words with a question.

"No... no, one piece will do."

The guard gnawed his teeth and said directly.


The terror and pressure between the heavens and the earth suddenly vanished.

“Quick procedure”

Zhao Feng took out and took out four pieces of Shenjing, and said indifferently.

"Yes Yes"

The strong guards nodded again and again.

The people who lined up at the back also held their breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

In the trading hall, it is forbidden to fight, but they have not entered yet. Once the true God predecessor is displeased, they will be killed directly, and no one will control it.

After receiving four tokens, Zhao Feng and others directly entered the trading hall.

Inside the trading hall, it seems to be isolated from the world. The air is filled with rich heaven and earth, and it can be regarded as a cultivation holy place.


The shadows of all kinds of powerful people are moving through the space, and there are also some small flying spirits and flying props.

In the field of vision, there are many buildings with different styles, magnificent or elegant, simple or mysterious.

But there are also many areas, all small shops. Outsiders can get a small booth as long as they pay a certain fee.

"Good fun"

Flowing clouds look innocent smile.

"This is the messaging token of the fierce Golden Sheep. After you have finished the matter, just come to me."

Zhao Feng handed Yu Liner a golden red token.

These items are all given to Zhao Feng by the **** of the sky, naturally for the convenience of communication.

"This time, thank you Zhao for your predecessors."

Yu Liner took the token and disappeared with the uncle and the cloud.

Everyone's needs are different. Zhao Feng has to do his own thing, so he can only be temporarily separated from the people of the Sapphire.

At this time, Zhao Feng just came in at the entrance, there was a noisy sound.

"Is this not a hurricane? Apprentice of Tian Yu Island Lord"

"It was really a hurricane. I didn't expect him to come here."

Nearby, the eyes of many powerful people, cast to the entrance.

I saw a white-skinned, handsome human being, with a noble face and arrogance. In the worship of the surrounding guards, I slowly entered the trading hall.

"Hurricane, the disciple of Tianyu Island, although it is only a semi-god realm, but has the strength of the first-order true God, I heard that he deliberately suppressed the cultivation, in order to impact the higher level of God."

"Genius is really different. If we reach the fullness of Xuanguang, we can't make a step in the way, only the impact of the gods."

The appearance of the hurricane caused the attention and discussion of all the powerful nearby.

Tian Yu Island owner, the ruler of the entire Tian Yu Island, and his disciples hurricane, naturally is also the object of great attention.

Zhao Feng’s gaze also gaze at the hurricane.

The semi-deity realm has the power of the first-order true god, and it is indeed very good.

"This is just Tianyu Island. I don't know how strong the Tianjiao is in the Blue Bay that rules Tianyu Island, and the wider world outside..."

In Zhao Feng’s heart, there is a great yearning for the vast wilderness.

You know, there are dozens of areas like Tianyu Island within the jurisdiction of the Blue Bay.

Listening to the death of the black dragon said that the entire blue bay is just a small corner of the entire ancient shack.

"One day, I want to confront the genius of the wider region outside Tianyu Island."

Zhao Feng’s heart is high-spirited and whispered.

Of course, what Zhao Feng wants to see most is the genius of the descendants of the Eight Great Gods, and even the eight great gods in the myths and legends.

However, after coming to the wild gods for so long, Zhao Feng has not received any news about the Eight Great Gods.

Geniuses who are descendants of the Eight Great Gods will not appear in the marginal areas of the wild gods.

"Oh, ignorance"

During the hurricane walk, I happened to hear Zhao Feng’s words just now, shaking his head and sneer.

In the area of ​​Xuanguang Dacheng, he can easily kill him with one finger, and this person actually said in a big way that he wants to confront the genius of a wider region.

Bringing up the real powerful genius in the wild realm, the face of the hurricane is revered.

Listening to his master, Tian Yu Island owner said that the four-star peak forces in the ancient Shu area, and even the Tianjiao cultivated by the five-star forces, have the thrilling power of the third-order true god. And they are destined to become a third-order true **** or higher when they are destined to succeed.

Zhao Feng did not go to the hurricane, and turned and walked in the trading hall.

"The best auction hall?"

Zhao Feng’s gaze saw a huge auction hall, and his footsteps were slightly.

Originally, he was thinking about taking some useless things in his hands and directly exchanged some of the items and resources he needed.

However, Zhao Feng suddenly thought that the last time he killed three elders of the black-lipped lizard, he got three artifacts. These secondary artifacts, Zhao Feng, are also useless. If you get the auction house, you might be able to make a good price.

After all, most of the people in the trading hall are between Xuanguang Xiaocheng and Xuanguang. The half **** is occasionally visible. The true **** is very rare. The secondary artifact should be able to auction a good price.

In addition, with Zhao Feng's current level, the required items and resources are extremely high. The ordinary trading halls and shops are difficult to find. Auctioning the temple may be a good choice.

Zhao Feng went directly into the auction house.

"This guest, may you ask if you are bidding or auctioning items?"

At the entrance to the main hall, a prostitute who asked for a jade.

"Auction items"

Zhao Feng said lightly.

Later, the prostitute led Zhao Feng into a secret hall.

"Guest, please ask the items you want to auction, let the old appraisal"

An old man with a dark blue eyes and a faint and cold air smiled.

The auction house must guarantee the authenticity of the goods, and at the same time, identify the real value of the goods, which is beneficial to the auction profit.

When Zhao Feng waved his hand, he took out three different artifacts of different shapes.

"Three-piece artifact"

The old man’s eyes lit up.

A character who can take out three artifacts at once will be extraordinary.

After all, for the four-star forces, the secondary artifact is also extremely precious.

Later, the old man suggested that the three pieces of artifacts be auctioned separately, in order to obtain greater value.

"Put these things together, too."

Zhao Feng thought for a moment and decided to auction off all the useless medicines in the storage space.

Many of these treasures were Zhao Feng’s accidentally copying too much. They also had the last time to attack the black tongue lizards, and some useless rewards given by Tianhuo God.

These treasures are too low for Zhao Feng, even if they are dead, the black dragons are completely invisible.

"So much..."

The old man was surprised and smiled.

These medicinal materials are important treasures needed by Daoguang Dacheng. They are not particularly precious, but the number is amazing.

“Guests please rest assured that since you can auction so many valuables in one go, you can directly enter this auction, and the best auction auction house will surely shoot your most satisfying price”

The blue-eyed old man has a warm smile.

After watching Zhao Feng leave, the blue-eyed old man took out a communication order.

"Put the person, the light is big, but the resources he has, at least equal to the true God."

The blue-eyed old man showed a sly smile.

In the auction venue, almost filled with people, Zhao Feng paid a high cost, so in a separate small room.

It didn't take long for the auction to officially start, but the items that had just started to be auctioned were too low. Zhao Feng ignored it completely and cultivated it in a separate private room.

The auction will be carried out in an orderly manner. During the period, even if two parties hate it because of the auction, they will not do it in the trading hall.

Soon, they began to auction some of the ancient treasures of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng's large amount of treasures are divided into several categories by the auction house, which can raise prices and bid for high prices.

"500 times of product crystal"

There was a arrogant and cold voice in the private room next to Zhao Feng.

"UU0 defective product"

Below, the position of the front row, a rough-skinned half-god strong man, immediately bid.

"Isn't this the half-god Chen Yuhai of the Chiyang people?"

Some people recognize Chen Yuhai’s identity.

The Chiyang nationality is also a relatively strong four-star race among Tianyu Island.

"Hey, I don't know how to be good, I have 700 times of the product."

The person in the private room next to Zhao Feng heard a slightly angry voice.

"It is a hurricane"

"Apprentice of Tian Yu Island Lord"

This time, the sound of the hurricane was discerned by some people present.

Chen Yuhai suddenly showed the color of fear.

"Hurricane son, I don't know if you need these treasures. This 100-time product is crystal-clear and will be handed over to you personally."

Chen Yuhai apologized and said directly.

When the identity of the hurricane was exposed, there was no bidding in the auction house.

Subsequently, some of Zhao Feng's medicinal materials were taken away by the hurricane at the price of UU0.

What Zhao Feng did not expect was that some of Zhao Feng’s items that were auctioned next were also taken away by the hurricane at a very low price.

The rest of the items are far beyond the price expected by Zhao Feng, and are captured by many powerful players.

“The next auction is ‘Golden Mine, which contains extremely pure metallic strength. It is a necessary ore for the creation of secondary artifacts, and the quality of this gold source is extremely high...”

Zhao Feng in the retreat opened his eyes.

At this point in the auction, there was finally something that Zhao Feng needed.

"Golden source mine, the base price of 500 times Shenjing, bidding begins"

The host of the auction said with a smile.

"10UU defective product crystal"

The host of the auction just finished speaking, and Zhao Feng opened his mouth in the private room next to the hurricane.

"It's lavish, directly increase the price of 500 times."

“Hey, this gold source mine is so large, it’s worth the price.”

Some people talked about the auction.

"l100 defective products"

A refining master, thinking for a moment, directly speaking.

"UU defective crystal"

In the private room next to the hurricane, the plain voice rang again.

This time, the entire auction site was completely quiet, the reason is that Zhao Feng's fare increase is too crazy, the first direct price increase to 10UU defective products, and the second increase to the UU defective Shenjing.

Some people even think that if there are people fighting for it, then the people in the private room will directly offer 30UU defective products.

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