King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1155: Wild too old

"Who is this person? Actually, it costs so many defective products to bid for Jinyuan Mine."

"UU defective crystal, the general demigod can not get so many defective crystals"

Everyone guessed that the person in the private room must be a strong four-star elder of Tianyu Island.

Even the hurricane is a bit curious, who is in the private room next to him.

UU's defective product Shenjing has far exceeded the value of Jinyuan Mine, so no one is competing for it. Jinyuan Mine was successfully obtained by Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng bid for this gold source mine, naturally for the future cultivation of gold wind and thunder.

"The dream is too ancient, I have a sub-product of the **** vein, UU defective crystal is completely small meaning"

Zhao Feng could not help but smile.

A substandard Shenjing vein is almost equivalent to half of a low-four-star power. It can be seen how rich Zhao Feng is.

Moreover, those powerful clay crystals can also produce a defective product for Zhao Feng.

Later, there were several precious items that were obtained by Zhao Feng at a very high price.

At this time, in the auction venue, Zhao Feng’s attraction is not weaker than the apprentice hurricane of Tianyu Island.

You must know that Zhao Feng is now spending more than 10,000 pieces of defective products.

There are so many defective products, only the true gods can only come out.

"You are so discouraged, after the auction, Hurricane wants to make a relationship with you."

At this time, the sound of the hurricane came from the private room next to Zhao Feng.

Suddenly, the auction venue was quiet, and now the hurricane actively wants to make friends with this mysterious strongman, and the other party will definitely report his name.

They really want to know who this wealthy power is.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no sound from the private room next to the hurricane.

Although Zhao Feng's impression of the hurricane is not very good, but he does not reject the relationship with the other party, after all, the hurricane is the apprentice of Tianyu Island, Zhao Feng wants to leave Tianyu Island, or to use the Tianyu Island master to control the transmission of the ancient array.

However, Zhao Feng has been too swaying. If he reveals his identity, he will almost be pegged by all the strong people in the area.

Zhao Feng naturally does not want to provoke trouble, so Zhao Feng chooses to be silent.

"This person……"

The hurricane looked very angry.

The other party did not speak, naturally he did not want to make friends with him.

He is a disciple of Tian Yu Island, even if the other party is a true god, he must give himself a face.

At this time, the other party did not rush to respond, completely ignoring him, which was completely in front of someone at the place, hurting his face.

"The next auction item is a piece of artifact..."

At this time, the host of the auction broke the deadlock.

The auction continued, and the appearance of the secondary artifacts almost ignited the climax of the auction.

However, these items are difficult to attract the attention of Zhao Feng.

The final auction of the auction is a gem that increases the probability of hitting the heavens.

However, Zhao Feng’s impact on the heavenly order has been fully grasped, mainly due to the impact of several orders of true God. Therefore, Zhao Feng did not participate in such a gem auction.

After the auction, Zhao Feng came to the inside of the auction hall, taking some of the products and products obtained from the auction.

Although Zhao Feng’s auction items are extremely high, Zhao Feng’s items are auctioned here, earning more crystallites.

After leaving the auction hall, Zhao Feng continued to wander in the trading hall.

Zhao Feng walked into several places where he traded weapons, but he did not find a weapon suitable for himself. Because the bow is a cold weapon, even if it is auctioned at the auction, the price is much lower than other weapons.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng smelled a fragrant smell of mellow wine.

In addition, it is a lively conversation.

"Xianzhen Building"

Zhao Feng’s eyes looked at the antique attic.

The size of this loft is not weaker than that of the prestigious auction house. It can be seen that this restaurant should be very famous.

The military practiced, absorbed the strength of the heavens and the earth, and did not need to eat at all. And such a restaurant can be so lively, full of people, must have its extraordinary.

"Go in and see"

Zhao Feng is slightly interested.

Entering it, Zhao Feng just found a nobody's position and sat down directly.

"What do you need?"

A little short, with a cat on the head, a slightly cute and lovely little two, asked passionately.

His hand waved in the air, and there was a light curtain with a lot of wine and price.

Zhao Feng came here for the first time. If he didn't understand the above things, he ordered a few drinks.

"Well, son, please wait"

The store is small and happy.

This guest can point to the precious ingredients in the Xianzhen Building. The price is expensive and most people can't afford it.

“The ingredients here seem to be made from the treasures of heaven and earth and the precious flesh of the beasts”

Zhao Feng's gaze, look at the wine and meat dishes of other guests on the wine table.


Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

The road to practice, the crisis is heavy, hard and difficult, occasionally enjoy, relax, and even have benefits.

Moreover, the food here is still extremely nourishing treasures of heaven and earth. While enjoying the deliciousness, it can also promote the cultivation of the realm. Why not do it.

Soon, Zhao Feng’s wine came up.

Zhao Feng did not say anything, he tasted the food here.

Meow meow

The silver line flashed and the little thief cat appeared on the wine table.

“Sure enough, it’s a cat”

Zhao Feng is speechless.

Since entering the wilderness of the gods, the little thief has been in the practice of retreat, rarely communicate with Zhao Feng.

But at this time, the little thief cat took the initiative to pull out, a hunger-like hunger.

Look carefully at the little thief cat, Zhao Feng reveals a trace of surprise.

At this time, the little thief cat has actually broken through to the semi-god, and the foundation is very stable.

"This thief cat is more than me at once."

Zhao Feng snorted.

Meow meow

The little thief cat looked at Zhao Feng for a while and stretched out the cat's claws.

"You need to prepare for the impact of the heavens, and need a lot of resources?"

Zhao Feng was surprised.

Just arrived in the realm of demigod, ready to hit the heavenly throne, what a freak this cat is.

However, Zhao Feng's own cultivation resources are somewhat inadequate, and certainly can not meet the small thief cat, and the resources needed by the thief cat are extremely precious and huge. At this stage, Zhao Feng simply cannot provide it.

Meow meow

The little thief cat sighed, showing a taunting color.

Zhao Feng is speechless, the meaning of the little thief cat is that without resources, it can only wait first, and by the way, Zhao Feng's cultivation is followed.

"Come and eat your mouth"

Zhao Feng said with a slight disdain and dissatisfaction.

"You have heard that there is no such thing as a ridiculously old-fashioned eternal, mysterious world. It seems that there is a vision. Is it possible to open it in advance?"

"How is this possible? From the last time, 'the wild is too old, the secret is open, and it only took a thousand years?"

In the middle of the Xianzhen Building, in addition to the taste of food, then there is a place where the powerful forces of the great powers talk about the land.

It is a wild and ancient mysterious place. It is a world-famous secret place in the wilderness of the gods. It has been opened once in a million years and has never changed since the birth of the wild gods.

The origins of the wild and ancient mystery are even more confusing.

Legend has it that at the beginning of chaos, there was only one piece of land in the world, which was vast and infinite, with no end.

Until a certain day, an unprecedented battle of gods and devils took place in the wilderness of the mainland, causing the infinitely large wilderness continent to be broken, and the chaotic world to further develop and form the current Sanctuary.

The broken and uninhabited continents have turned into trillions of dust and debris, scattered throughout the Vatican.

The wilderness of the gods is the most extensive soil area left when the wild land is broken.

It is rumored that ‘the wildness is too old, the mysterious world is also a huge soil area that was broken after the wild land. However, this area of ​​soil has not been mined, and the creatures still maintain the appearance of the ancient times. The resources, the richness, and even the inheritance of the mighty gods of the ancient times are not necessarily.

"Hey, it’s useless to say so much, it’s too old and secret, it’s not our business.”

"The ones that can enter it are at least four and a half forces."

In the Xianzhen Building, a sigh.

All of you have heard of the wild and old secrets, but you have never seen them.

Four-and-a-half-sector forces must have the ancient gods sitting in the town. The ancient gods are the seventh-order true gods. There is no ancient **** in the whole Tianyu Island.

"The wild and the ancient mystery, the four-and-a-half-star power has a place?"

Zhao Feng was shocked and did not expect to come here, inadvertently heard such news.

"There are four and a half stars, that is to say, this secret is basically in the hands of the five-star forces in the wild gods."

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked.

Four and a half stars must have the ancient gods sitting in the town, what about the five-star power? What kind of anti-day power?

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng feels that the vast wilderness of the gods, he is really insignificant, small as an ant.

"The first mystery of the wild gods, basically missed me."

Zhao Feng shook his head and smiled a little.

Only the Jin Yuzu, the supreme ruler of the Blue Bay, can be regarded as a four-and-a-half-strength force. With Zhao Feng’s current strength, it is impossible to reach the Jinyu people, let alone get this precious place.

Therefore, Zhao Feng gave up this idea directly, and cultivated with peace of mind. In the future, he will eventually go back and witness the vast territory of the wilderness.

"Haha, you don't have to be so depressed."

At this time, a white man and a red-skinned middle-aged man walked onto Xianzhen House.

"Hurricane is also here."

"All the consumption of Hurricane's son today, I pack it."

Suddenly, countless strong people in the entire Xianzhen Building, have greeted them, and flattered.

The red-skinned man next to the hurricane was Chen Yuhai at the auction.

"This time, my home teacher Tian Yu Island will send me to the Jinyu people, maybe, in the next, I will be lucky enough to enter the wild and ancient mystery."

On the beautiful face of the hurricane, a smug smile appeared.

This is indeed the case. Tianyu Island owner is preparing to send the hurricane to the Jinyu people, but whether he can win the precious place, the hurricane is completely uncertain.

Nowadays, he only hopes that the ancient and old secrets can be opened later, so that he has the time to prepare for the competition with the Tianjiao among the Jinyu people.

"Hurricane is good luck."

"I didn't expect Hurricane to represent Tian Yu Island and enter the first secret of the wild gods."

When everyone listened, the more enthusiastic Hurricane exchanged talks.

The eyes of Hurricane and Chen Yuhai swept through the entire Xianzhen Building and found that there were people on all the wine tables.

Suddenly, the hurricane came to Zhao Feng in this direction.

"This brother, don't mind if I sit here with my friend."

There was a hint of coldness in the gentle face of the hurricane.

In fact, his meaning is very obvious, that is, let Zhao Feng take the initiative to leave.

Of course, he found the position of Zhao Feng. First, because there is only one Zhao Feng at this table, and other wine tables are more than three people. Second, before entering the trading hall, the hurricane heard the big words that Zhao Feng said. I have a little impression on Zhao Feng.

"Hurricane, why not talk nonsense with him"

Chen Yuhai's face was heavy and his eyes glared at Zhao Feng.

A bright light in the district, nothing in his eyes.

At this time, Zhao Feng stood up directly.

"No, I have already finished eating. This position will give the Hurricane."

Zhao Feng mentioned the little thief cat and left directly.

"Hey, count your interest"

Chen Yuhai screamed and then said with a smile: "Hurricane please sit down, this Chen asked, it is a penalty."

But the hurricane is in the same place, the beautiful face reveals a deep thought: "The voice of this person, some familiar, seems to have heard it..."

Suddenly, the hurricane rang in the auction house, and in the private room next to him, he constantly shouted a low-priced, cold voice.

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