King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1190: Killing hurricane

Since the hurricane saw himself in the wild and ancient secrets, Zhao Feng must not let him live alive. Once the hurricane told this thing to Tian Yu Island owner, the other party can certainly guess that Zhao Feng can enter and exit the wild and ancient secrets at will.

If Tianyu Island owner said this thing, I am afraid that the entire wilderness will not let Zhao Feng.

Therefore, you must not let the hurricane live alive, or even kill the hurricane now, and block this secret.

"Hurricane, what is wrong, keep up"

Among the Jinyu people, a golden armor led by the leader gave a cold drink.


Hearing the voice of the golden armor, the hurricane trembled and hurriedly agreed, just like the instinctive reaction.

This shows that the hurricane is so respectful and fearful to this golden armor.

Like the hurricane, many people in the team are very awesome to this golden armor.

Because this person is the strongest Tianjiao emperor of the Jinyu nationality, the hope of the future of the Jinyu people.

call out

At this time, the far side of the sky, crossed a pale gold mans, and went straight to the hurricane.

"What... you dare"

The hurricane looked shocked, Zhao Feng actually shot him directly, and he felt a killing

He was still thinking about why Zhao Feng would appear here. Is it to use the transmission array to leave and join other four-and-a-half forces?

But at the moment, Zhao Feng alone, but directly killed him, it is really daring

Even if the hurricane is not Zhao Feng’s opponent, but he is in the ranks of the Jinyu people, Zhao Feng’s behavior is undoubtedly challenging the Jinyu people.

"Who is you, why do you want to shoot me Jinyu?"

Di Lin Zhun Shen directly drink.

When the hurricane sees the emperor's sacred voice, it reveals a hint of joy. Although the emperor is not waiting to see him, at least he is a member of the Jinyu tribe. The emperor is arrogant and arrogant. For the Jinyu and his own face, Will stand by.

"I have some grudges with this person, his life, I want it."

Zhao Feng's cold voice came out.


That light golden light suddenly burst into a terrifying hot flame, as if it turned into a flame meteorite.

call out

After urging the Taikoo Blood Magic Yang, Zhao Feng’s speed suddenly increased.

"A strong power, a terrible blood of the horror"

Zhao Feng suddenly broke out of the power, the face of the horror scared white, the whole body trembled.

He clearly remembers that when he was fighting against Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng’s blood was not very strong.


Zhao Feng is too fast, and the hurricane can only rely on the wind that he is good at, and move away a distance.


Zhao Feng came to the side of the hurricane in an instant, running the holy body and the ancient blood, and slamming a punch.


The horrible hot flame power can directly hit the body of the hurricane.


In the fierce screams, the body of the hurricane broke directly.

Zhao Feng shot directly, and it was the next killer, and directly killed the body of the hurricane. In this scene, the hurricane did not expect that everyone in the Jinyu ethnic group did not expect


The horrible red flame of terror ignited all around the hurricane, and the raging and hot flame blew away the hurricane's body.

call out

A dark blue soul escaped from the red flame.

Although Zhao Feng's violent impact, coupled with the sun inflammation of the ancient blood magic sun, caused a certain injury to his soul, but not enough to kill it.

"How can it be"

The soul of the hurricane was so horrified that he couldn’t stop even Zhao Feng’s blow.

"Thunder and blame"

In Zhao Yu’s left-handedness, the robbery brand flashed, forming a twisted thunderbolt flame.


I saw a bright thunder burst in the body of the hurricane.


The soul of the hurricane, a scream of chilling screams, the power of thunderbolt is madly bombarded in his soul, wherever the soul disappears completely

In the end, the soul of the hurricane and the power of thunderbolt disappeared into the void.

Hurricane, dead

Even the hurricane did not think that he would die so suddenly, so simple

"Not bad, too ancient blood magic Yang, the fire of the righteousness"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

Zhao Fengguang's sacred body is enough to crush the hurricane, coupled with the eruption of the ancient blood and the power of the sun, the hurricane can not afford Zhao Feng's full blow.


On the Jinyu side, everyone can clearly hear their heartbeat.

Even the most powerful Tianjiao Emperor Lin Jinshen of the Jinyu tribe is full of horror.

Although he can easily kill the hurricane, but it must not be like Zhao Feng, so in a net profit, a stroke to kill the body, a move to destroy the soul.


The blond man stood in the same place, covered in red glaze, burning in the flames of raging fire, like the same flame demon, hegemony.

At this moment, everyone in the Jinyu ethnic group feels that their blood is in front of this person, and there is a feeling of burning and burning. This shows that the man’s blood is stronger than them.

"Who are you? Why are you killing my Jinyu people?"

For a long time, the emperor of the forest was stunned and said directly.

The man in front of him may be stronger than him, but the other person is alone, and his team has nine Jinyu people, including two third-order true gods.

In the face of all of them, Zhao Feng killed the Jinyu people. This is playing the Jinyu and his face. The Emperor Lin will naturally not be silent.

"This has nothing to do with the Jinyu people. He has a hatred with me, so I take his life."

Zhao Feng looked at the Emperor Lin to be a god, and his look was light.

"Dili Lin, still forget, this person has excellent talents, I am afraid that it is a disciple of a big force, and the hurricane is not a person of the Jinyu people."

Behind the emperor's quasi-god, a third-order quasi-sounding voice persuaded.

In front of the blond man, facing a team, they are not afraid, which proves that the other party is either famous or has a card.

With his experience of hundreds of thousands of years, this matter is still good for this.

"Is the person who killed me the Jinyu people like this, is it too much?"

The Emperor Lin was screaming and did not listen to the advice of the old man.

People who know the hurricane may be the genius of the big forces. Even if Zhao Feng is really a genius of the big forces, there should be many strong protections. How can one walk alone in the wild and ancient mystery?

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s cultivation is too low.

"what do you want?"

Zhao Feng looks cold and indifferent.

Zhao Feng does not kill the hurricane at the speed of the Thunder. If the hurricane leaks out his secret, it will be even more troublesome.

Although there are nine people in this team, at the speed of Zhao Feng, these nine people do not display their cards, and no one can catch up with themselves.

"As long as you give me a bow and admit it, this thing, I have never happened."

Di Lin Zhun Shen said directly.

The emperor's quasi-god has always been a patriot in the family, and many people admire him. But at this moment, Zhao Feng ignores that he will kill the hurricane and make some people shocked at the place. This makes Di Lin a very uncomfortable.

But as long as Zhao Feng bows in front of him, it is invisible to prove that Zhao Feng is not as good as himself.


Zhao Feng brows slightly, and a cold mans shot in his eyelids.

Emperor Lin’s quasi-god does not want to see the hurricane, nor does he care about the death of the hurricane. At this moment, he just wants to use his own power.

call out

Zhao Feng converges on the power of the blood, behind a pair of dazzling golden light wings, ready to leave.

"Block him"

Di Lin’s quasi-goal was immediately drunk, and he rushed out directly with two third-order quasi-gods in the ranks.

"Yuguang binding"

The three directly operate the will and the righteous power.


Three golden jade belts, carrying the sturdy golden jade, entangled Zhao Feng.

"court death"

Zhao Feng snorted and was very unhappy.

With a wave of his right hand, a black robe appeared next to Zhao Feng, and several fierce Taikoo races.

The Taikoo Ling pet that can be taken out by Zhao Feng alone has at least the strength of the second-order true god.


All the spiritual pets and Zhao died at the same time, the horrible power attack, instantly destroying the combat skills of the three Jinyu tribes.


That attacked the aftermath and went to the emperor.

"Be careful, Di Lin"

The two third-order veterans immediately shot and defended the aftermath attack for the emperor.

"You don't force me to kill you."

Zhao Feng's eyes are like the ice-cold cone, piercing the mind of the emperor.

With a wave of sleeves, Zhao Linghe disappeared.

call out

And Zhao Feng is also turned into a golden light, disappearing into the distance

"Di Lin, told you, don't provoke this person"

An old man immediately said.

"I didn't expect the other person to be a taming beast, taming with so many ancient races, and a black man is not simple, actually realizing the death of the righteousness to a realm."

Another old man sighed and said that such a young and powerful tamer beast, it is difficult to find one person in the entire ancient squatting area.

"You are really waste"

Emperor Lin’s gnashing teeth gnawed his teeth and angered.

If you are with him, the fourth-order true **** in the family, or the fifth-order true **** Tianhua true God, will be able to hold Zhao Feng.

Although it was furious, but recalling Zhao Feng’s indifferent eyes, Dili’s mind gave birth to a fear, as if the other party had to take his life, it was a very easy thing.

"Let's go, or meet with the main team of the Jinyu people, don't miss the shocking treasure, if the Tianhua true **** is willing to take the shot, you want to take revenge, it is also easy."

The old man continued.

He does not prevent Di Lin from quarreling, but to take revenge, he must kill the other party directly and never suffer.

After killing the hurricane and getting rid of the Jinyu people, Zhao Feng continued on his way.

On the way, Zhao Feng also met a lot of teams. These teams are generally more numerous, and all have third-order true gods. Even the fourth-order true gods have met a lot, and their goals seem to be consistent with Zhao Feng.

call out

Zhao Feng could not help but speed up.

After dozens of days, Zhao Feng came to an area where the mountain peaks.

Zhao Feng found that all the nearby peaks were more or less inhabited by a team.

Moreover, the space here is very unstable, and it has great disturbance to the flight. The distant sky is even blurred and can't see anything.

call out

Zhao Feng flew directly to a dwarf peak.

"Master, you are here."

Tsing Yi old man respectfully said.

Beside it, Zhao Wan and the eternal black dragon are here.

After coming here, Zhao Feng opened the perspective of the spiritual eye and looked into the distance.

His gaze, through the heavy turbulence, finally saw the void, standing on a transparent palace with only half, and another part of the palace was hidden in the void.

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