King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1191: Holy Land

"Everything here is made by people in time and space."

Zhao Wan also looked at the distance and said immediately.

It is only in the time and space of the Holy Land that is good at the power of the space, it is possible to discover this treasure hidden in the void.

However, it is obvious that with their ability, this transparent palace cannot be completely brought out.

Fortunately, the palace itself is slowly emerging from the void.

The transparent palace is full of people, and there is no one, because the transparent palace is surrounded by terrible space and turbulence. Zhao Feng estimates that even the ancient gods are not willing to approach easily, otherwise they will be directly torn by the turbulent flow of the space.

"There were not so many people here, because the strong man of the time and space holy land, after discovering the building, summoned all the people who could gather, stayed here, and even put an end to all outsiders. They did this, but they attracted other Human attention"

During this time, Zhao Wan has been here, and he is quite familiar with the situation here. He continues to add: "Later, the people who stalked the heavens and the earth also came here. I heard that there was a collision between the two, and then the more The more powerful teams are attracted, even if the two holy sites are extremely powerful, it is impossible to block all other forces, thus forming the current situation."

Zhao Feng listened to Zhao Wan’s narrative, and a layer of pale gold ripples in his eyes continued to stare at the transparent palace.

Although the palace is transparent, each wall is a space barrier. The space inside the palace is also very unstable, and many places have small space cracks.

"All are treasures"

After observing for a long time, Zhao Feng exclaimed a sentence.

Inside the palace, it has the same layout as the ordinary hall, but every piece of decoration and decoration inside it looks extremely precious.

This is only the result of Zhao Fengguang's vision. After all, he can't feel the breath of these items.

In the central hall of the palace, there are unidentified objects shrouded in layers of space, and even Zhao Feng can't spy on its true face.

"Oh, it is indeed a land of great enthusiasm, but the owner wants to get a little benefit from it, too difficult."

The demise of the black dragon smiled slightly, but he was equally yearning for the opportunity in the transparent palace.

The annihilation of the black dragon can not see the scene inside the palace, but with his experience in experience, this is definitely a terrible treasure. Once there is a big opportunity in it, the whole life may turn around.

However, the power of the black dragon at this time is too weak, and there is no hope at all.

"This is not necessarily the case. Treasures are based on opportunities, that is, opportunities and fate. Opportunities need to be caught by themselves, and fate is destined."

Zhao Feng said lightly.

However, the fear of the death of the black dragon is right, and every force gathered here is terrible.

The most top-notch, including the two holy sacred places, and the five-star powers, any of these forces can easily kill Zhao Feng and others.

The demise of the black dragon and the slightest shock, Zhao Feng’s self-confidence and spirit, made him feel awkward.

"If you let me come here earlier and help me to restore my strength, this time I might find some benefits."

The smashing black dragon complained.

"You go out this time and you have a lot of gains."

Zhao Feng is undecided.

With the ability to kill the world, it is sure to plunder many precious resources. Now I dare to complain with myself.

In the face of this opportunity, the death of the black dragon is indeed a big boost, but it is not the main help.

Zhao Feng’s right hand waved and Zhao died.

Then, Zhao Feng and Zhao Chen directly entered the small world in the world of Zhao Ming.

"I will control this artifact for you"

Zhao Feng released the death scepter from the space of the gods.

If Zhao Chen can use this death scepter, not only can his own combat power be increased, but at a critical moment, it is still a powerful card that may reverse the life and death.

"Refining and chemicalizing"

Zhao Feng handed the scepter to Zhao.

Zhao Feng runs left and always locks this death scepter. As long as it changes, Zhao Feng immediately takes corresponding measures.


Zhao died to run the power of death, constantly infiltrating into the death scepter and refining.


The death scepter naturally knows what Zhao is going to do. It immediately trembles and resists the power and will of Zhao.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng said nothing, just give it a blow and say.

Three days later, Zhao Zheng made a glimpse of this death scepter and successfully left a soul mark in it.

"The Curse of the Dead Mantra"

Zhao Chen holds the stick of the Death Mantra, and the whole body is covered with black mist. Occasionally, there are a few screaming screams, which are horrible.

Zhao Feng found that the breath of Zhao’s body suddenly climbed several times. His whole body was black and foggy, and his face was sinister and cold. It was like a witch, and it was daunting.

"The stick of the Dead Mantra, is this its name?"

Zhao Feng’s heart is a glimpse.

As you can see from the name, this scepter not only contains the meaning of death, but also the more profound and mysterious curse.

"This piece of stone is handed over to you. When you don't use this artifact, use the stone to suppress it."

Zhao Feng took out one of the largest seal stone and handed it to Zhao.

Although Zhao Xuan has refining the stick of the Death Mantra, the Staff of the Death Mantra is also invisibly infected and erodes the heart and mind of Zhao. If the rod of the non-death curse is incomparably weak, I am afraid that when Zhao is refining the stick of the death curse, it will be completely demonized by it, and even the entire person who died in Zhao may be controlled by the stick of the curse.

Zhao Chen took the Fengshen stone and pressed it on the stick of the death curse. He suddenly felt that the evil thoughts in his heart were weakened, and his heart could not help but be cold.


Zhao Zheng immediately sat down on his knees, expelling the evil thoughts in his heart, and using the stick of the death curse to cultivate his sentiments.

Zhao Feng left Zhao’s small world of the lost world.

"The stick of the Death Mantra is not easy to deify Zhao."

Zhao Feng’s mouth twitched a smile.

Zhao Feng's three souls are connected with Zhao Feng's body. Zhao Sheng's soul appears in any situation, and Zhao Feng and other avatars can detect it.

If the stick of the Death Curse wants to completely erode the consciousness of Zhao, unless Zhao Feng and other avatars are eroded.

"I should break through too."

Zhao Feng sat down in the cave.

This place of heavy treasures, gathered too many strong people, Zhao Feng only broke through to the demigod, only have the opportunity to compete with it, or can only be reduced to cannon fodder.

Zhao Feng unleashed the power of the small world, wrapped himself, and then took out many treasures to practice.

If you look closely, you can find that there are many people practicing in this continuous mountain.

Everyone realizes that this place of great treasure is absolutely extraordinary, otherwise how can the strongmen of the two great holy places be kept here.

Such a precious land of great treasures, only if it is strong, will have the opportunity to fight for some opportunities.

And above this continuous mountain peak, there is a force that contains space and meaning, which is very suitable for comprehending the meaning of space.

On the nearest mountain peak of the transparent palace, there are nearly 20 strong people on the knees, each with strong breath and extraordinary temperament.


These people are filled with a layer of space.

At the forefront of these 20 people, there is a white-haired youth, and the fluctuation of the space in his body is the most powerful and obvious.

At some point, behind the white-haired youth, the emptiness of a dark silver is condensed.

Suddenly, the white-haired youth opened the dark silver eyes, and the vainness behind him suddenly condensed a few points, and the dark silver luster appeared. The deep pupils overlapped and seemed to lead to the endless space.

"The empty space is right, the space of your space is the fourth most important. Now you should be able to see some scenes in the palace."

Behind the white-haired youth, a deep-skinned old man whispered.

"Four spaces of meaning"

Many of the strong players in the field were shocked.

It is only quasi-god, and the space has reached the fourth level. Throughout the time and space, the new generation, only the empty yuan can achieve such a degree.

"I saw some, the land is treasure, and most of them are space treasures."

The eyes of the empty yuan, the dark silver, are changing.

After listening to this, the rest of the people, etc., were all excited.

On the other steep peak not far from the mountain, there are nearly 20 people. Their bodies are tall, and many people have strange black inscriptions on their faces.

"I didn't expect the space of the empty space to be the fourth place."

A middle-aged man was shocked and moved.

Space ambiguity is an kind of ambiguity that any strong person will try to cultivate. Mastering this kind of ambiguity, you can use telepresence, big shifting and other magical powers, whether it is to escape, chase the enemy or hurry, it is very useful.

"A rumor, the empty space of the sacred ‘the time and space, the blood is very pure, and even got the ‘time and space domination, the adult’s pointing”

Another sacred **** of heaven and earth said.

"Even so, he is not my opponent."

A cold and mad voice came out, and did not shy away from anything. It seemed to be said to the empty yuan.

Many people present, no one retorted.

Because the words that are said are the gods and gods, and the sacred gods of heaven and earth.

"This is nature, space is just for the sake of the road, which is better than the brothers' devouring."

A young man immediately flattered.

Suddenly, swallowing the sky seems to have a sense of gaze, looking at a certain direction.

On the other hand, all the powerful people on the side of the Holy Land have also discovered something.


The sky in the distance is surging, and a huge warship with a hundred feet is coming like a lightning bolt.

In front of the battleship, a young scholar, facing the wind, a gentle smile.

"What is that? A big warship"

"Which power is this?"

Many of the strongest peaks were alarmed by this huge battleship, and their hearts were shocked.

"It’s a man of heaven and earth, and it’s really good."

The swallowing **** stood up directly, his eyes flashing and staring at the dark yellow warship.

Tianyun Holy Land, a sacred place built by the wilderness of the wilderness, the reputation is not as good as other holy places, but it cannot be ignored.

"Tianyun Holy Land, Sikong Zhun Shen"

The empty yuan quasi-godly said that he is more interested in the squad than the sacred god.

"This is not to be afraid of coming late, only to use the means of transportation. If nothing is obtained, it is not easy to go back with the teacher."

Sikong was nodded and smiled, and his words and demeanor were free and peaceful, which was completely different from the quasi-god arrogance of the other two holy places.

At the same time, on a short peak.

In the small world where Zhao Feng is located, suddenly there is a dazzling golden Ray of light, which faintly radiates a fascinating divine power.

"The master is about to break through"

Tsing Yi old man is happy.

Zhao Feng's breakthrough can be said to be a quasi-god, that is, he does not know the strength of a few orders of true God.

(Second more, fight for three more in the evening, ask for monthly ticket support)

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