King Of Limbo

Chapter 56 - 56: Fear

After Aron had finished speaking to Anastasia, he returned to his seat and was about to resume reading his book when Anastasia hesitated to leave. "Something you wish to say to me?" Aron sighed and asked Anastasia who wore a look of worry on her face as if internally debating something.

"Tonight... there's been an assassination set on you." Anastasia took a deep breath and somewhat recomposed herself before revealing to Aron. After doing so, she wanted to turn and leave but Aron spoke. "Stop."

As he said those words, Anastasia wore a regretful look as if wishing she hadn't said anything at all. After all, if he died, she'd no longer be bound to obey him. "Who ordered this assassination?" Aron asked bluntly while wearing a calm expression. Neither his gaze nor his voice carried any hostility, making him sound quite pleasing to hear in fact.

"I—" His question, however, caused Anastasia to hesitate. "I already know it's someone from your group behind this, if you don't give me a name, I'll just assume it's all. Anyway, you're free to leave," Aron quickly explained before telling her she could leave.

His lack of care towards what the actual assassination entailed only made Anastasia know he was that confident in taking care of whatever or whoever it is they could've hired. As for the person behind this, she could only guess what he would do to them. Anastasia remained pondering this silently by the door for a moment and clenched her teeth before getting ready to speak, but Aron spoke first.

"You really do care for them, don't you? It's fine then, just go," Aron said to her as if amused by how unwilling she was to reveal the culprit. Whether she told him or not, their fates were all but sealed once their usefulness had ended. As for her, he needed to slowly change or rather corrupt her into willingly following his ideals.

However, Anastasia remained worried that he may just mean he'll kill them all. "Do you really mean that?" she asked unsurely, however, Aron only gave her a small nod and gestured her to leave. "Yes, I do. As for why…well, just think of it as a warning to not let your friends carry out less than favorable acts; now leave me be," Aron said nonchalantly and gestured her to leave, Anastasia was of course very doubtful but despite him not demanding it, she felt a strong urge to do as he said.

As for why he really did this? She could only speculate possible motives, none of which seemed certain. In the end, only time would reveal what it was that Aron was truly planning. "One more thing." Aron's voice once more brought Anastasia to a halt just as she was about to leave, her heart felt heavy in anticipation as to what it was he would say.

"You coming here will possibly draw unwanted attention. We'll meet once every week on the tenth day; only come here if it's urgent. Understood?" Aron gave her a look and awaited her response to which she gave a small nod before she truly left; weight lifted off her shoulders.

Unlike Brutas and Esmeralda who especially refused to believe Aron was superior to them, Anastasia was quick to accept the plain facts. Brutas's humiliating defeat earlier only solidified what was already known to Anastasia. Her plan was simple, having been already made his servant there wasn't much she could do or offer aside from her willingness to cooperate with him, this was a gamble as she really had nothing to lose on her end.

'It's somewhat worked like I had hoped... so why do I feel so uneasy,' Anastasia questioned herself as she left Aron's property with her figure hidden under a cloak. Unbeknownst to her, her little visit didn't go unnoticed by a certain figure lurking in the shadows.

'He even has the lady of the Rosenberg household visiting her? But considering what happened earlier it may be related to that. Tsk, to think he would secure his property with glyphs and runes equal in security to what we have at the academy... I can only watch from here lest I draw attention to myself.' the figure thought as they watched Anastasia's figure disappear behind a corner.

However, even after that, the figure continued to observe patiently and quietly like a determined predator. After an hour had passed the lights in Aron's residence had all gone off and an eerie silence took over. 'Is he sleeping? Best wait a little longer just in case,' the hidden figure thought while keeping a firm gaze on the property.

Just when it looked like nothing of interest could be observed any longer, an interesting sight showed itself. Two figures—one male and another female—dressed in blacked body tight shrouded armor had appeared on the scene, just in front of the outer wall into Aron's property.

The two figures didn't speak but instead used hand gestures before giving subtle nods to each other as they proceeded over the wall and into the property. All this was observed by the hidden person who now seemed to be concerned.

'The Vonstein child was defeated with ease, so they opted to kill him in his sleep to prevent a direct confrontation, aye? But those glyphs should have already informed him of his guests or maybe they're just that skilled? Interesting, truly interesting.' The figure continued to observe, showing even more interest and curiosity as to what the end result would be.



Time passed and no sign of any activity could be seen from the property, the figure began to ponder making a move perhaps to observe from a closer point. However, before he could come to a conclusion the front door in Aron's manor opened.

The scene that revealed itself was something the figure had completely not expected.

Aron's figure appeared out of the home and casually walked out, however, both his bloody hands held the two figures who wandered into his property by the collar of their armor, dragging their near dismembered body and leaving a bloody trail behind him.

Both figures had their limbs cut near separation leaving only a ligament preventing them from doing so. Upon closer inspection, it could be observed they were still breathing but only mumbled words came out of their now loose jaws that hung freely.

Aron dragged the bodies until he reached just outside his property. "I know I'm still being watched, come out," Aron demanded in no specific direction, although he wasn't sure whether he was right or wrong, his instincts as a beast monger had never failed him but he received no answer.

"I see, then I will personally march to the Galos checkpoint and make an inquiry for an investigation," Aron declared plainly and began walking with the intent of dragging the bodies all the way.

"Stop! I will investigate personally, just leave the bodies. I guarantee you it won't happen again." A voice coming from no specific direction (it seemed) was heard by Aron but this time he was able to look in the exact direction the voice came from, bringing shock to its owner.

"You saw them enter yet you just watched, and you expect me to believe I'm safe? You must really take me for a fool. My patience has reached its limit, that is all I'll say," Aron expressed before dropping the bodies on the ground as if they were nothing, blood still oozing from his hand. Without waiting for a reply. Aron turned around and began heading into his property but was stopped by the hidden figure's voice.

"How could you tell I was here and where I was?" the figure asked in a tone of genuine curiosity. Aron then turned his head and gave a blank look before revealing how he did so.

"I could smell your fear…"

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