King Of Limbo

Chapter 57 - 57: Aron Prepares

With their presence compromised the figure could no longer hide and just revealed themselves. The figure was masculine but their face was hidden under a dark cloak. This unknown man turned his attention to the gruesome bodies that laid before before him before turning his attention to Aron who had already stepped within his property.

"Don't you think this is a bit much? I know you're skilled enough to have just left them unconscious." The figure asked with clear disgust in his manner of speech but he was indeed right. Aron got no pleasure from being cruel to the two assassins that had come after him but it was necessary.

He was gambling on the fact that their gruesome state would trigger a feeling in the person observing him. To beasts certain emotions had smell; fear being the most common. When an individual was scared even so slightly, their body released a certain pheromone that beasts could track. Aron was no different and his gamble paid off.

As to why he needed the figure to reveal themselves, the reason was simple. To have a lock on their mana.

Human's couldn't naturally store mana within them but they did possess it as do all living things. Almost like a genetic marker that was unique between every individual. The same way humans could tell each other apart from faces was the same way Aron could tell them apart using mana as well but for that he'd need to see their figure at least once.

After that so long as the individual was within a certain range, Aron could track them or in this case know that he is following him.

"Well do you not have an answer?" The figure asked impatiently but Aron had already achieved what he had wanted and had no interest in a conversation with the man. "Tell me who do you think is to a blame? He watches someone wander into he beast den without giving a warning or the beast that protects its home?" Aron asked but didn't wait for a reply as he walked back further into his property and eventually went inside.

"..." The unknown man had no words and could only look down at the bodies silently while shaking his head.

Meanwhile, Anastasia had arrived at the grand mansion sized lodgings she was staying at. Before entering, a maid at the front door gave a polite bow and welcomed her. "Welcome back Milady, you have guests..." She revealed and Anastasia immediately knew who they were but maintained her smile and gave the helper a nod.

Once she went inside, she instinctively went towards the lounge area first where her so called guests had been waiting for her. The guests were non other than her brother and companions minus the reclusive Juliet.

"Anastasia, there you are. I was starting to worry." Henry was the first to look at his sister and express his concern which brought a warm smile to her face. "You know full well I can take care of myself Henry." She retorted with a small smile but this warm atmosphere didn't last long as Esmeralda narrowed her eyes towards Anastasia.

"Where did you go?" She asked plainly causing the entire mood to shift. Henry looked furrowed his brows and looked ready to come to his sister's defense but she spoke first. "I went to Aron's residence to plead he forget everything that's happened between us." Anastasia answered honestly causing a look of anger to appear between on Esmeralda and Brutas's faces.

"I had a hunch but to think you'd actually betray us!" Esmeralda looked the most angry over the revelation while Brutas nodded his head in agreement. But Anastasia wasn't happy either and intended on letting them know fully.

"This isn't you Ez, the Esmeralda I know wouldn't be so stupid! If the inquisitor hadn't intervened Brutas could have possibly been killed! So I'm sorry if I care enough for my friends to go try and plead for their well-being! If Brutas lost that badly then what hope do some measly assassins have? Especially when we know close to nothing of the full extent of his abilities!" Anastasia argued at the top of her voice, Esmeralda's once angry expression began to slowly break while Brutas only looked ashamed.

"You have no idea what I was willing to sacrifice for you lot so don't you dare act like my actions were wrong. If you are so eager to die then go ahead and plot whatever suicidal schemes you want but I'll have no part in it. Now leave my residence, all of you!" She ordered with a look of pure seriousness on her face.

"Annie I didn't know-" Esmeralda's anger had all but subsided and replaced with worry instead but Anastasia wasn't in the mood to listen. "Just leave, I want to be alone." She interjected causing Henry to give the others a knowing look and then a nod.

After that everyone began making their way out of the residence and Anastasia eventually went to her bedroom where she sat with her arms hugging her legs. 'Why did it have to turn out like this...' She thought to herself as she let out a sigh and lowered her head.

But back at Aron's residence, his work was only just beginning. He was currently pacing about his study with his arms crossed as he now began thinking of the best way to investigate Galos City and the Academy without drawing attention to himself.

His first option was of course to have Anastasia investigate but if she got caught and if the arch-mage was someone capable enough of breaking the contract he had set with her then his efforts thus far would come to an end so this option and using his allies for this was completely ruled out.

The second option to come to his mind was perhaps hiring some individuals anonymously but not only was this risky but also inadequate as it was highly unlikely someone would accept basically going against the arch mage.

The third option was to forcefully put others under a slave contract and have them do his bidding but Magic in this case was a volatile factor not to mention very traceable. It was akin to someone leaving their fingerprints in a modern world because provided the mage was competent enough, they could track the source of the manipulation.

This option made Aron completely rule out the use of magic which made his task all the more difficult and had him racking his brain for an idea. He continued to pace around in his library, running multiple scenarios until finally the next morning a plausible idea finally formed.

'That's it, this could work. For now let's prepare the tags.' Aron showed a genuine look of satisfaction like a scholar who had just solved an impossible problem. He hurriedly reached for a stack of plain brownish papers and placed them on a small table and took out his rune brush before calming his breathing and focusing.

One after another, Aron began imprinting a strange on each of the papers and a frightening speed. By the time he was done the day was close to coming to an end. Evanora only watched curiously like a confused child from up close but didn't disturb.

"That isn't food." Evanora stated the obvious in a tone of disappointment while poking the card sized paper with strange patterns on it.

"No, this is something that will lead me to the answers I want."

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