King Of Limbo

Chapter 77 - 77: Kings And Pawns

"An Internal conflict..." Aron, who had now moved to his room's window, muttered in a low tone after hearing what Anastasia had to say.

"Yes..." Anastasia confirmed as if by reflex, wondering how Aron would proceed. "Details, don't leave anything out." Aron turned back to face her and leaned against the window seal before asking her to continue with her report.

"Like I said, the academy will experience a lot of internal conflict. Commoners will especially be at a disadvantage depending on how things move. As for who's planning it... it's lady Belle," Anastasia revealed but Aron remained without a visible reaction to the matter. "And how do you know this?" he asked to confirm if she's just speculating or had solid proof.

"She approached to recruit me into her faction, along with my friends. Although they haven't said anything, I was told by my servants that she visited them as well so I can only assume it was for the same reason."

"She had told me that she had a plan to bring the academy into a new and prosperous age and I could be a part of it. She didn't disclose how she would do this but for now, she's recruiting capable students, before leaving she said it would be in my best interest to join as those opposed to her... she didn't say," Anastasia explained in a serious tone, she had thoroughly thought the matter over and she was confident an internal conflict was going to begin in the future.

"Interesting, then you're right about the chances of conflict arising in the not-too-distant future, but that's none of my concern." Although conflict did arise in Galos City, Aron wasn't planning on staying long enough to be affected by it.

His goal now was to seek out ruins for knowledge and possibly a way to return to Limbo, he delayed this only to recruit some capable individuals to help him on his endeavors. He was already close to accomplishing this and once he left, the chances of him ever returning to Galos City were very slim.

"I see, you don't care if your fellow commoners are mistreated." Anastasia regained part of her usual demeanor as she spoke her mind, only after the words escaped her mouth did she realize her blunder.

"You're right, I don't. If that's all you had to report then you're free to leave now," Aron dismissed her without stating what he really thought about the situation.

"And what of me? Should I accept Lady Belle's offer?" Anastasia asked because as much as she hated it, she was still under Aron's control and feared making the wrong decision. "You should already know the best stance to make in this situation, no?" Aron raised a brow towards her and asked to which she nodded.

"I'll stay neutral, If I don't oppose her I won't become her enemy and if I don't join her then I can also avoid making other enemies." Anastasia had already thought the decision over before coming to see Aron.

It wasn't the first time she's heard of an ambitious scheme, in situations like this there were usually only two routes a party could go: success or utter failure. Staying neutral meant she'd be avoiding danger but if the scheme did succeed she'd receive no benefits, given her status this wasn't really something she was bothered by, and Aron knew this.

"Reasonable enough, I don't really mind so long as you keep providing useful information," Aron replied, and Anastasia nodded before wearing her cloak then leaving.

At around the same time in Lady Belle's golden tower at the very top floor, Lady Belle was casually seated on a luxurious chair with a glass of fine wine.

"To think she'd refuse me without a second thought, I've always hated how pompous the Lamarcks were, and it seems she's no different," Belle voiced her dissatisfaction aloud while clicking her tongue in irritation before picking up a list in front of her.

The list contained a number of names on it, and she picked up a fine pen before crossing out the name "Juliet Lamarck" which was the only other crossed out name along with "Aron."

The names that remained were either checked or had no mark at all. "It's fine, there's still plenty of useful pieces I'm yet to try recruiting." She chuckled, but just then she heard a knock resound on her door.

"Come in." She showed a gentle smile and crossed her legs as two figures came into her room, Aela, and Reginald. Reginald looked rather uncomfortable being there while Aela could barely hide her joy. 'To be called up to Lady Belle's private room…' she thought while doing her best to not express her happiness.

"Is something the matter?" Lady Belle asked since both seemed as stiff as boards, deep down she knew it was because they were nervous being in front of her and she enjoyed it.

"N-no, milady, I was just admiring the beauty of this room," Aela hurriedly replied, and Belle chuckled as if understanding. "I see, you said you have some information for me?" Belle didn't want to waste time and subtly shifted the topic to why they were there.

"O-oh, yes, it's about Aron, the one who rudely declined milady's offer. I've learned that he formed his own faction, although not official, it seems all he needs is one professor to act as a supervisor and it will be confirmed. A-also, I wrote a list of all those in his faction, some names may be missing so please forgive me." Aela bowed and presented a piece of paper towards Lady Belle whose smile had now faded.

Lady Belle had a good information network and would usually hear if something like this was occurring since someone wanting to form a faction had to go through certain channels. Him being able to pass all those could only mean he directly got permission from the Arch-Mage.

What aggravated her more was the names on the list, it wasn't an exaggeration to say most of the capable individuals of the commoner faction had all joined his faction. 'What is he planning...?' She thought to herself unable to see why he was gathering such a force. Was it for convenience? Was the Arch-Mage herself forming a faction?

The more she thought about it the more she felt uncomfortable at the idea of her plans crumbling. "Thank you, you've done well, and I'll reward you accordingly at a later date." Belle maintained her composure and dismissed Reginald and Aela then turned away.

"Y-yes, anything for you, milady." Aela bowed but while she did so, Reginald didn't and instead took out a tag from his sleeve and stuck it on the floor. Almost instantly the tag assimilated into the floor and disappeared as if never there.

After saying her goodbyes, Aela grasped Reginald by the hand and quickly exited Lady Belle's room. Upon exiting the tower,she could no longer contain herself and showed a bright smile. "Yes! To think Lady Belle would invite us to her personal room, it's all but certain that we're members of her faction. Why aren't you happy? This is all thanks to you!" she expressed before hugging Reginald.

"It was nothing really..." he muttered with a complex look on his face.

"Don't be so humble, you could've taken all the credit for finding out about Aron's faction, but you didn't, thank you,really. Today is the happiest day of my life, here, come on, let's go celebrate my treat," she expressed before running off ahead of Reginald.

Reginald showed a small smile which soon turned into a guilty frown as a voice resounded in his mind making him recall a past conversation.

[You'll plant this in Lady Belle's tower, preferably somewhere she spends a lot of her time.]

[I can't, I'm not even a member of her faction, she doesn't trust me enough...]

[I've already considered that, I'll give you information about myself that you'll take credit for or rather your friend, I'm sure Belle has noticed her unwavering loyalty so she's likely to be less cautious. You must quietly follow along…]

"Reginald! Stop daydreaming and let's go." Reginald was brought back to reality when Aela called out to him in the distance and waved her hand happily towards him.

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