King Of Limbo

Chapter 78 - 78: Banquet

Once evening came, Aron heard continuous knocking at the front door of his manor. He was currently already dressed in the living area skimming through the knowledge he obtained from the Galos Academy Library. 'Nothing particularly interesting, but still useful,' Aron thought to himself before turning to Evanora who was seated down on the dark, red carpet.

"It's time to go," he said to her before standing and heading towards the entrance of the manor, Evanora slowly got up and followed along.

Once he opened the door, he found Claudia dressed in an exquisite dress with equally attractive accessories. When she saw Aron exit the home, she went silent for a moment and just looked at him in his formal attire, looking far better than any noble she'd ever seen. The dark and red colors of his suit matched him perfectly well and gave him a strong appearance fit for a leader.

"Is everything ready?" Aron's question brought her out of her short daze and she nodded. "Yes, everyone is there and accounted for, they're just awaiting your arrival. You look appropriate for the occasion," she explained before passing a compliment in her own way.

"I'm only following the dress code you proposed." Aron didn't think much of what he wore and walked towards the carriage parked in front of his home pulled by a beast known as a Domestic Avail.

It largely resembled a horse but had a outstanding figure with a pure, white mane decorating its neck. 

Evanora, who wore a plain black dress that hugged her petite figure well, didn't say a word and just boarded the carriage and soon they set off.

The journey to the venue was rather quiet since Evanora, per usual, didn't speak while Aron just looked out the small window towards the bustling streets and passersby.

"Do you have a speech ready? I have some suggestions that can build the confidence of everyone if you wish to see them..." Claudia broke the silence and suggested, but Aron shook his head. "No need, I do have some words for them but it will be rather brief. Did you do what I asked?" Aron changed the subject and Claudia nodded.

"Yes, I made the usual rune pieces of paper you provided and stuck them at the several locations all over the property," Claudia replied and felt an urge to ask their purpose but stopped herself from prying, Aron nodded at her answer before going silent once again.

'The tag I gave Reginald activated last night, so I'm sure Belle will be keeping an eye on our activities.' Aron showed a small smile that made Claudia wonder what he was thinking about.

A short while later, the trio arrived at the venue that had been named Sovereign Manor. It had a large metallic outer gate with vines and other flora curled up and twisted onto it. As for the manor itself, it was very large but had a simple design, it held three floors and was linked to two taller buildings on either side. 

As for it's grounds, much of it looked unkempt. The grass and other flora were outgrown, many flowers had wilted and dried up and the fallen leaves were carried from place to place by the cold, evening breeze.

"Sorry about the condition, the estate owner focused largely in restoring the interior but we bought it before the exterior could be handled. I'll have work begin on it as soon as possible," Claudia quickly said with worry that Aron's initial take on the property may be bad.

"That won't be necessary, l prefer it this way." Aron's answer left Claudia a little confused, Aron noticed this and proceeded to give her his reason without her asking. "I feel most comfortable in places where nature in untouched. There's a certain beauty to it," Aron muttered just as rumbling could be heard from the dark clouds above.

Without warning, some light drizzle began to fall and they quickly made their way to the manor. Upon entering they were met by a woman in servant attire who greeted them politely. 

Since Galos City wasn't a place open to anyone, workers were scarce. Students were of course allowed to bring servants with them but within a reasonable number. The servant that welcomed Aron and the others, for example, was one of Claudia's while those under Xavier were catering to the members of the faction.

Upon entering the large hall in which everyone was gathered, all attention turned to Aron. Claudia left his side to go stand with the others while Evanora made her way to the buffet table. Aside from her everyone had their eyes glued to Aron.

"Good, you're all here, enjoy this brief period of luxury because after tonight many obstacles await you all. Wether you live or die will absolutely depends on your hard work, perseverance and intellect, if you're aren't willing to endure then you're bound to meet an untimely death."

"I won't sweeten my words or lie to you about the future. By joining this faction you have become the enemy of a Grand Mage..." As Aron stated this, the atmosphere of the room grew heavy, individuals began to glance at one another but no one dared to say anything.

"If I wasn't clear enough, I'm someone who will go against anyone to accomplish what I've set for myself. I'm bound by no laws nor am I moved by the principles of others so if after tonight if you're still sure of following me, then prepare to have your hands stained in blood, who that blood belongs to? It doesn't matter so long as it's not your own."

"Normally, this is where you all swear loyalty to me but your words are empty and meaningless, this is just your last chance to leave. Stay and betray me later and I will crush everything you hold dear before ending your life as well, wether I'm capable or not you're free to test it and find out," Aron warned and the atmosphere in the hall grew even more heavy. 

Worry and hesitation could be seen in the eyes of many. It didn't take long for some individuals to start leaving the hall, nobody made an effort to stop them and left without harm. 

Including Aron, the total number of members of the faction was now just fifteen. Those that remained seemed to have been okay with Aron's words but then again who could know what truly drove someone, but if they were willing to go so far then Aron had no reason to turn them away.

The rest of the celebration carried out normally with the remaining standard members being granted the rank of Hollow Sovereigns. Xavier and Claudia were given the Elector rank while Jagu, Jin and Evanora the Grand rank. It didn't need to be said that Aron was the Arch Sovereign of the faction.

After bestowing ranks, Aron left the banquet hall and began touring the manor with a glass of wine in hand. Claudia was quick to go after him immediately; she saw the opportunity to talk to him alone.

"Yes?" When he heard the loud steps caused by her heels, he stopped and turned his head around to face her. "What you said back there, you knew it would make you lose members, so why?" Claudia watched a lot of capable individuals leave after Aron's intimidating words.

"Even if what I said was lie if individuals aren't prepared to face impossible situations then when the day comes that we do encounter such a situation, they'll prove to only be a burden. Numbers are substantial, I only needed at least ten individuals any way," Aron replied before turning to walk away.

"Am I a burden then?! I can barely fight so when we encounter a situation were I'm useless, will I be abandoned?" Claudia's heart began to race as she voiced her worries, she couldn't seat calmly when she saw how easily Aron was willing to let go individuals who had better combat prowess than herself.

Aron paused and walked over to her stopping only a few inches away and he looked at her with those piercing, grey eyes. "Then prove your worth before such a situation ever comes to be... do that and I won't allow anything to take you away from me. Okay?" Aron's words reverberated in Claudia's ear and she felt her heart beat increase, a mixture of fear, admiration and motivation grew within her heart.

"Y-yes." Her pinkish lips parted slowly and she muttered her response in a low barely audible tone while looking into Aron's eyes. 

"Good, if that is all, then you can return and enjoy yourself. Like I said, tomorrow our preparations begin," Aron instructed before turning and walking away down the empty hall, his footsteps masked by the rain that had grown heavier outside.

Claudia could only watch his figure walk away while lamenting on his words. Can I prove myself to be that valuable? Will he keep his word? Just what is his end goal? What kind of upbringing created such a man? 

Countless questions arose within her mind but only time would tell if she would receive answers.

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