King Of Limbo

Chapter 89 - Findel - Part 2

Many kilometers away from Aron's airship, two airships of a similar size could be seen quietly cruising through the skies close to each other.

Anastasia stood on the deck of the one slightly ahead and leaned against the rail while quietly looking forward with a complicated expression on her face.

"Is something bothering you?" A voice came from behind her and brought her out of her thoughts. She didn't react hurriedly to it but, instead, calmly turned her head to see Juliet standing behind her while staring at her with piercing, silver eyes.

Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall and let the breeze carry it which gave her an even more majestic and intimidating look.

"Do I look bothered?" Anastasia did find her somewhat difficult to read and understand. Little was known about her, after all, she may have come from a major house like her, but she grew up isolated from the others.

Anastasia had no close ties to the strange young woman before her and if she were asked how she felt towards her, she'd say uncomfortable. Her cold and dominating aura that made her seem like she was above others reminded Anastasia of Aron and anything that reminded her of the man she hated was bound to not be received well, hence her uncaring reply to her question.

"Physically? No, you do not. But the air you've given off since we reunited during the journey has been different, almost as if that arrogance you held before had been crushed to dust." Juliet's bluntness knew no bounds and her words struck Anastasia right on the mark, but there was no way she would show this.

"How can I be arrogant when monsters like you exist? Let's just say my horizons have been expanded and I've been forced to take a different approach at life. If I can't beat monsters like you with sheer strength then I'll do so by other means," she declared with a look of anger in her eyes.

After the events that had transpired, it was natural for Juliet to assume this anger was directed at Aron for the humiliation he had given them but thinking this was the case made Juliet snicker.

Her expression grew dark, her glowing, silver eyes displayed a vicious intent to kill, making Anastasia take a step back out of surprise.

"Is that your reason for joining this expedition? No matter what route you take or how far your horizons expand, you will never be his or my opponent, just let the 'monsters' as you say handle each other. A pampered princess like you will only die if you get involved." Each word was said in a cold and deprecating manner, so much so that Anastasia couldn't muster a reply.

She felt like she did that day when she forever lost her freedom. She was looked down upon by that same vicious gaze, like she was an insignificant insect that wasn't worth much.

Hate. She absolutely hated this feeling, but she couldn't do anything in the face of absolute power, she couldn't even look Juliet in the eyes and kept her gaze lowered as if admitting defeat.

This lasted only a moment and Juliet returned to her regular self, she said no more words and turned to walk away. Only then did Anastasia raise her head but even she said no words, only the sound of Juliet's heavy armor could be heard on the deck as she made her way back inside the ship.

The sun was starting to set and Aron's airship "The Sovereign" had reached its destination...

Aron along with many members of the faction gathered on the deck of the airship to look at the city they were approaching, Findel.

Most of the members of his faction were, after all, commoners who grew up in small towns or villages. It was only natural for grand cities such as Findel and Galos to attract their attention.

"The architecture is different from the cities I've seen so far." Aron, who stood at the forefront with the other high-ranking members of the faction, suddenly commented his observation.

"It's not uncommon to see cities of varying architecture, before Ettenheim united the continent, they were many varying cultures present. Even now, they still somewhat exist in these major cities, the name may have changed to Findel, but many still stick to their culture." Claudia was quick to explain a bit on Findel but Jin, who was beside her, snickered dismissively.

"United, sure, that's one word for genocide. Findel simply survived because its people bowed their heads to the empire, the kingdoms that didn't were destroyed and forgotten. Findel is not what it was in its prime days, it used to be a city of trading under the kingdom of Pompei, but now..." Jin didn't finish his sentence and only stared at the city. On the outskirts, one could see many poorly made makeshift homes and people in rags working on fields or fishing in the nearby river.

Claudia could not refute Jin's words and just remained silent; everyone now simply observed the city as "The Sovereign" made its way to the airship docks.

As they docked, numerous individuals could be seen gathering around their airship waiting for the platform to descend. The various merchants and peddlers did this with most ships, but many gathered near "The Sovereign" simply due to its immense size and luxurious appearance.

Although not common, the city did receive its fair share of noble visitors who would always purchase various exotic products that would catch their eye.

Among the peddlers were a few individuals dressed in matching uniforms with sabers adorning their hips. At the forefront was a well-dressed gentleman with an air of superiority to him.

He wore a brown and green luxurious robe and was adorned in jewels from head to toe, clearly showcasing his wealth. In his hand was a pouch of what could only be considered money that he casually tossed up and down as he waited to see just who came to the city in such a grand airship, bearing an Insignia he had never seen before.

As the platform began to extend to the ground, a small smile could be seen under his well-kept beard. He quickly adjusted his robe and head gear before placing the pouch of money on his belt along with other pouches already hanging there.


"Descend first." Meanwhile on the airship, Claudia instructed the other members to descend first before turning towards Aron.

"While you were away, I mentioned numerous airships approached us and inquired who we were and even offered to escort us. I think that man below the platform is an important man in this city, though I'm unfamiliar with his appearance, those in power change far too often in Findel." Claudia quickly briefed Aron since she knew he'd be curious as to who was waiting for them.

"Do you know him?" Aron nodded towards Claudia and turned to question Lady Rose who stood beside him wearing a veil to hide her appearance, unless necessary, she didn't need to draw unnecessary attention from nobles once they arrived. "No, I've never been one to focus on those in power. However, I advise you not to let your guard down, there's no such thing as a kind merchant, especially in Findel," Lady Rose warned before she and the group began to descend the platform.

Xavier and Jagu walked at the front followed by Claudia, Jin, Evanora, Lady Rose, and lastly Aron. Their luxurious looking faction cloaks gave them an air of nobility while the dark colors and intimidating emblem projected a fierce aura.

"New city, new liquor. Such are the joys of traveling." Jin heaved a satisfied sigh and wore a smirk while Claudia just rubbed her temples and prepared to speak with the man awaiting them.

His guards personally made sure no peddlers or other merchants came close otherwise the group would have been overwhelmed with traders. 'If he's capable of maintaining order in such a situation then he must be an important figure,' Claudia thought as she came to the front.

The guards couldn't help but stare at her and even the man himself subtly glanced at her. To them, she was considered an exotic beauty since her features were rarely seen in this region.

"Greetings! I, Tukmar Uk-Jasil, welcome you to the city of Findel. Please forgive my ignorance since we are behind with the workings of the rest of the continent, so I'm unaware as to who blesses us with their presence this day." Once Claudia got close enough, the man named Tukmar performed a bow and introduced himself before asking for their identity in a respectful manner.

"Thank you for the warm welcome, Sir Tukmar, we aren't anyone special. We are an independent faction called "The Sovereigns," so it's natural you haven't heard of us, especially since it's our first time here, we're practically no different from pirates. *Chuckle*" Tukmar, like any merchant, was adept at using words to charm people, but Claudia wasn't lacking in this aspect either as she beautifully answered Tukmar's question.

Tukmar went silent for a bit and raised his head, upon hearing "independent faction," he couldn't help but feel certain joy build up within him. From first glance alone, Tukmar could see they weren't lacking when compared to even the big families, so they were either really powerful, really wealthy or both. And since they were independent, it meant he had the chance to build a partnership with them since it was their first time here.

"Oho, I see, I see. Please forgive my ignorance once more. Allow me to act as your guide then, since this is your first time here, whatever your needs feel free to tell me and I, Tukmar, will carry them out. May I inquire the names of the Sirs and Ladies?" Tukmar made a gamble and took a submissive stance. Who didn't like to be treated like they were powerful? His goal in doing this was to have them feel more relaxed around him to further learn more about this unknown force.

"We would very much appreciate that; we're tired from the long journey, after all. Ah, where are my manners, my name is Claudia, think of me as an advisor and planner. Next to me are Xavier and Jagu, our combat specialists if you will. Jin, here, acts as a right-hand man to our leader. Behind me you'll see Evanora, the young lady there is our protector while the lady next to her is our expert on arcane affairs, you may just refer to her as Lady Sovereign." Tukmar quickly took note of everyone along with the unofficial positions Claudia made up on the spot.

His gaze finally stopped on the one individual who was yet to be introduced. Upon making eye contact, he felt a sense of inferiority and quickly lowered his gaze subconsciously.

Aron walked forward and now stood in front of Claudia. The people of Findel were mostly below average height, so Aron looked far more intimidating to them than everyone present except Jagu, who was taller and more muscular.

"I'm Aron, leader of this faction. I look forward to my stay here, so please guide us well." His voice and manner of speech indicated he wasn't making a request, rather, he was ordering Tukmar to do it.

'Powerful!' This sentence and aura were enough to tell Tukmar just which spectrum this faction fell under, he gulped and his hands became sweaty as a feeling of unease began to arise.

A/N: Reminder, Join my discord for illustrations.. Link in my profile page.

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