King Of Limbo

Chapter 90 - Findel Part 3

With the introductions done, Tukmar began leading Aron and his group away from the airship docks. The many peddlers and traders who wanted to have a chance to sell their goods to this seemingly wealthy group could only sigh in disappointment and leave as Tukmar's guards kept them at bay.

Tukmar walked at the very front with Tukmar while the others followed not too far behind. "May I ask what brings the good sirs to Findel." Tukmar asked in a low voice while rubbing his hands together nervously and maintaining a bright smile.

"You're a smart man, I'm sure you can guess." Aron saw through Tukmar's attempt to gain some information and completely crushed it. Tukmar could only chuckle awkwardly while nodding his head, he thought perhaps Aron would be all muscle and no brains. Many leaders of independent factions tended to be like that. Arrogant and headstrong but easily dealt with when the right words were used.

"Forgive this ignorant once more, I didn't want to assume anything of the good sir. Just a few days ago it was announced they might be an undiscovered ruin present in the northern region so we're expecting many forces to visit our city. I didn't think one would arrive so quickly. Ha..." Tukmar explained his reasoning and continued to laugh awkwardly while Aron maintained a straight face and glanced around at the surroundings.

Despite the reputation the city held, at first glance it seemed rather prosperous and bustling. Aron couldn't see much that would warrant such a vicious reputation on the surface so he could only assume it had a hidden side to it.

"Where would the sir and his people like to visit? I can give a thorough tour of the city if you do wish." Tukmar offered but Aron chuckled in a somewhat mocking manner, it made Tukmar feel a slight shiver run down his spine and he kept quiet.

"No need, just take me to a place where my people can rest and get some good food. Those interested in seeing the city can do so on their own after." Aron replied while still glancing at Aron making Tukmar feel slightly at ease. As for why he chuckled, he simply found the idea of seeing the fake side of the city humorous.

Though when he glanced back, he could see many of his fellow faction members seemed quite interested in the city, the only exceptions being Jagu, Jin and Lady Rose who kept their gazes forward the entire time.

"Tell me Tukmar what's your position or role in the city?" Tukmar was caught a bit off guard by the question as Aron had shown no interest in him thus far. However he soo revealed a smile as this was a chance for them to build a cooperative relationship.

"Aha, this lowly one is only the ninth imperial prince. I'm not even worth mentioning to the great Sovereign sir." Aron raised a brow when he heard Tukmar was actually royalty considering how far he was lowering himself in front of Aron but it would at least explain why the people seemed to respect him. "Hoh? I didn't know the northern region had a monarch. I haven't done my research so why don't you enlighten me." That was a lie, it was only natural for Aron to do his research before coming to Findel, however every book he read had been written by an Ettenheim author. Aron wanted to gain some knowledge from a native as well.

"Yes, like many other monarchs of fall- I mean united kingdoms, Findel's monarch still operates largely independently but swore allegiance to the empire. Though they rarely interfere with our matters so long as we pay taxes and fealty." He explained while choosing his words carefully, Aron didn't press the matter as he was sure he had his reasons for being cautious with his words.

"I see. You being a prince must come with many advantages then why act as a lowly escort to me? I appreciate honesty." Aron asked before adding at the end, Tukmar knew what Aron meant and he gulped nervously before providing an answer.

"Aha, this one is only the ninth prince with few supporters. It's only natural to be friendly with potential benefactors if I wish to contest for the throne, good sir." He replied and for the first time since they began walking he received a glance from Aron. Aron detected no lies and nodded in a satisfied manner.

"I can understand, if you had my backing it's only natural you'd ascend to the throne." Aron showed a devilish smile and his vicious aura began to leak, he had suppressed once they arrived to not seem hostile at first glance but that time had passed.

Tukmar felt his heart squeeze and increase in pace at Aron's words. The sheer amount of confidence in his statement was astounding, Tukmar didn't know whether to be happy or sad. It seemed he got himself a powerful benefactor but at the same time he felt like he just sold away his pride.

'Patience Tukmar, if what he says is true then once I ascend them even he would have to respect me!' Tukmar already began to fantasize about his ascension after only a few words of exchange. Not knowing Aron had purposefully used "if" meaning nothing was guaranteed.

There was little to no chance Aron would go out of his way to partake in the politics of a fallen monarch. He simply gave the desperate prince hope so he could act as one of Aron's sources of information, once he lost his purpose or found a better source he'd naturally be tossed aside.

'He must truly be desperate.' Aron thought to himself as he glanced at the now smiling Tukmar.

From start to finish, he knew he could him. Since he was the only one to lower himself to such an extent and come to personally greet him among the imperial family, Aron could tell he was both desperate and ambitious. Two traits that could both be used against him.

He considered those who hadn't shown themselves to be smarter as they perhaps wanted to see what Aron was capable of. A good airship and powerful demeanor could all be an act after all.

"What do you think of that man?" Claudia he wasn't far behind Aron turned to Lady Rose and asked curiously. She couldn't hear the conversation but she was worried he was the scheming kind, as a fellow thinker she wanted to hear what Lady Rose thought. "A poor fool." She replied coldly causing Jin to chuckle as well.

"The fact Aron is actively talking to him is scary on its own. Just look forward to the coming events, I think I may just enjoy myself this time around." He chuckled leaving Claudia confused.

It didn't take long till the group arrived at a large building that served as both a guest house and restaurant. Tukmar went as far as paying for all their expenses and renting them rooms before leaving them to rest, saying he'd return in the night so they could talk over a meal.

The members eased up and enjoyed themselves while Jin began sampling the various liquors the city had to offer, Jagu being Jagu remained vigilant in case of anything. He truly hoped they'd get attacked at least once so he could stretch his limbs.

"Hic... c'mon have a drink, one sip won't hurt." Jin offered Jagu who was seated on the opposite side of the table. Evanora was also present but she quietly sampled the many delicacies that Findel had to offer.

"If we get attacked and I'm in a state like you it will be beyond humiliating." Jagu growled and pushed away the Jug of liquor that Jin offered him. "Oh come on, who'd be stupid enough to attack us during the day? Even Aron has gone to his quarters to rest so relax."


Before Jagu could even reply a loud bang resonated throughout the building as a figure flew through the wall before being brought to a halt by another wall.

Despite being made of thick marble, the first wall was completely shattered while the one that brought the figure to a halt was damaged and now had numerous cracks on it emerging from a large dent.

"What the..." Everyone in the large dining area of the region looked at the fallen figure dressed in all brown like the sands of a desert.

"How brave of you to try and spy on me." A deep murderous tone came from the hole on shattered wall, only then did they realize that Aron went to rest in the room on the other side.

His figure soon emerged from the wall with his lifeless gray eyes glowing furiously. The entire atmosphere in the dining area had now changed. The figure dressed in brown struggled to stand but eventually managed to do so as Aron approached.

The figure was feminine as she quickly reached into her garments before taking out a sort of crest the size of a child's fist.

"*cough* Please halt, I'm an imperial watcher you-" The figure could not finish her words as Aron appeared in front of her at a startling speed and gripped her by the throat, slowly raising her up into the air.

He tilted his head and looked at his struggling prey oddly before removing the veil that masked her face. Anyone who saw her face would agree that she truly was a beauty. Light hazel eyes, smooth caramel skin and long silky black hair gave her an appearance of an exotic princess.

"I wish she'd spy on me." Even in this heavy atmosphere, Jin sighed helplessly as he watched the pretty woman struggle in Aron's hand. Jagu wished something similar as he too wanted the chance to choke some unfortunate enemy.

"A-Aron, wait!" Claudia was the only one who rushed near Aron to try and bring the matter to an end as she explained. "She must be a valued person by the imperial family, if you hurt her we may ruin relations with them making our stay here difficult. Rather we can ask them to give an explanation as to why they send someone to spy on you..." Claudia tried to reach a diplomatic stance on the matter.

Although her family was more powerful, while they stayed in this city they needed to at least avoid making the rulers their enemy but Aron had other thoughts.

'The other factions will be here in a few days' time. We don't have time to go about things the right way, there's more than one way to gain their undivided attention.' He thought as a smile appeared on his face, the woman in his eyes looked at him with wide eyes as she felt a surge of fear erupt in her body.

He was truly going to kill her!

Her lips parted and she wanted to speak but....


The loud sound of bones cracking filled the room followed by an eerie silence. With a thud, the woman's lifeless body fell to the ground. Aron then turned his attention to the ceiling and spoke. "Are you going to keep watching or attack?" After he spoke this question, everyone present followed his gaze and saw multiple figures in the same attire as the now dead woman hiding on the support pillars of the roof.

Jin stood up and wiped his mouth in a satisfying manner while Jagu's muscles tensed up as a smile that revealed his sharp teeth was bared. Claudia on the other hand felt that things had just escalated too quickly.

What was going on?

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