King of Mean

Chapter 13:Making Friends

Elwin can't help but be curious about the Sect Master's husband, mainly because Mei Lin and Old Ya's expressions are strange. But now, all that's in his mind is getting the medicine to heal his family.

But even though he doesn't ask, Mei Lin feels the need for some explanation. "He died a few years ago, so don't worry, no one will bother you for wearing that tunic."

Old Ya hands the long blue tunic to Elwin, and he is surprised by how Its fabric is as soft as magically resistant. Somehow, he has a feeling that the tunic can withstand even heavy blade blows.

Yet, the fact that the tunic is more like a dress than any other outfit that Elwin knows, makes him uncomfortable. "Don't you have anything more practical like normal pants and shirts?"

Old Ya shakes her head. "I even have some pants, but they don't fit someone as tall as you."

Mei Lin giggles as she takes the tunic and puts it in front of Elwin's body. "Don't be ungrateful; this will look perfect on you."

He quickly picks the tunic while not liking the intimate way Mei Lin acts with him. Elwin is always suspicious of the intentions of others, and now even the voices in his mind don't say anything about the peculiar doctor.

However, he knows he is in a pretty bad situation right now and is getting help from those people, so he bows to Old Ya. "Thank you."

He then quickly creates a curtain of dark energy in front of him and wears the blue tunic. Meanwhile, Mei Lin and Old Ya prepare a bag of supplies for him, with some food and a magic water bottle that can keep several liters despite being quite small.

As soon as Elwin finishes putting on the tunic, Mei Lin looks at him with sparkling eyes. His perfect face, plus his gray-white hair and black eyes, create a truly charming appearance. The fact that his skin is gray just makes his look seem more exotic.

He takes the bag from her hand and speaks in a cold tone. "You're drooling."

"Huh???" She quickly wipes her lips with her tunic sleeve but realizes she wasn't really drooling and so smiles at him.

For a second, she sees a teasing smile starts to appear on Elwin's face, but he quickly goes back to looking cool and focused as he slips the jade dagger into the back of his tunic.

"Just point the way." He speaks in a determined tone.

Mei Lin points to large gates on the west side of the courtyard. "There are the stairs to the outer court of the Sect; just go down the stairs until you reach the foot of the mountain and head east... It would be nice to have a guide to walk through an area you don't know."

"Hmm..." He can't help but agree that a guide would be great, but then he shakes his head as he looks at the strange and confused expressions of the other people in the courtyard.

"I don't think anyone else wants to help me here... Also, didn't you say it would be dangerous to go there? Don't worry; I can handle it alone." He comments.

Mei Lin is really concerned about Elwin. He's the first peaceful contact between her people and his, but before they can do anything, he's going on a suicide mission, and she can't stop him.

"Wish I could help more... maybe you should wait for Miu." She suggests.

"I can't; you know my family needs help right now." He comments and then turns around before walking towards the gates. "Just don't let them die until I get back..."

"I'll do my best." She smiles.

As he walks to the gates, Elwin doesn't look sideways or back. He ignores the various comments people are making about him and his look while keeping his mind focused on his mission.

Mei Lin keeps looking at him until he disappears from her vision. Then she hears Old Ya commenting at her side. "He really looks like an interesting boy..."

"But?" She makes a curious expression.

"If all Magis are like him, there is no chance of an alliance between our peoples." Old Ya explains.

Mei Lin makes a thoughtful expression. "Somehow, I'm sure there isn't anyone like him among his people or any other..."


As soon as Elwin exits through the gates, sunlight hits his face, burning his skin and causing him a lot of pain. "Damn!! This stupid light..."

He pulls the hood of his tunic and covers his head. He can't help but remember when he was possessed by that dark energy that created clouds enough to block the sunlight.

[I have to learn to control this power.] He thinks while wondering if the mysterious voices in his mind could help him with that.

But now there's only silence in his mind, so he starts moving down the stone stairs in his front. He has to walk with his head down to keep the sunlight from hurting his eyes, but he still manages to notice that he is in the middle of a mountain, and there are several other mountains around.


A wave of hot and dusty wind shakes his tunic, making the sunlight hurt his feet. Elwin definitely shouldn't walk outdoors by day, but he doesn't have a choice now.

He notices various buildings built in the surrounding mountains and hears people talking about him. Well, he doesn't understand their language but notices everyone pointing at him and using that same word over and over again.

"A Magi!! Why is there a damn Magi here?!?!" A young man comments.

"Does he think he can disguise himself by wearing clothes like ours? Hasn't anyone told him his Qi stinks??" A girl laughs as she talks about Elwin's dark and ice mana.

Another girl makes a thoughtful expression. "So it's true... Elder Sister Miu actually brought a Magi to our Sect..."

"This is bad, very bad!" One guy makes a worried expression. "The Yuan Royal Family will rip our heads off if they know we're harboring the enemy in our house."

"What does the Yuan Royal Family have to do with us?" Another guy asks in an upset tone. "They've been neglecting us since the Copper Sword Sect Master married the second prince."

"This is different." The girl answers. "They won't help us, but I bet they would attack us because of a damn Magi. That would be a perfect excuse to finish us off."

While most people around agree with that, a young boy makes a confused expression. "I still don't understand why they hate us so much..."

"Because they don't accept our cultivation methods." A mature woman comments.

Then an old man looks at Elwin with a sorry expression. "The Copper Sword Sect hates us because we're different from them... and we're doing the same with that Magi boy..."

Meanwhile, Elwin continues down the stone stairs around the mountain. Soon he arrives in a large open courtyard. He sees many people there, disciples of the Fragrant Plum Sect, of course.

Mostly young men and women, training with various types of weapons such as swords, spears, staffs, bows, and even weapons that Elwin has never seen. They are divided into groups by the type of weapons they are using, and all groups have older people as tutors, teaching the young people how to fight.

Elwin tries to cross the courtyard unnoticed, but of course, he catches everyone's attention. All eyes are fixed on him as he quickly tries to reach the gates two hundred meters away from him.

Almost all the disciples and Elders around start to comment on things about him; many seem to be angry at him while others feel sorry and even afraid.

They stop sparring to watch him. But a pair in the center of the courtyard does not stop. They are an average-looking boy who looks about twenty-five and a hot woman in her mid-thirties.

The woman, like most women in the Fragrant Plum Sect, can easily charm most men with her sexy curves and gorgeous face, despite being far inferior to Huang Miu and Mei Lin.

*Whoosh* *BAM* *Thud*

With a quick move, the woman does a sweep kick on the man when he looks at Elwin. Then she knocks him to the floor and starts a punch towards his face but stops when her fist is an inch away from hitting his nose.

"In a fight, you can't be distracted..." She smiles and then looks at Elwin. "Even if it's a pretty face like that..."

The guy doesn't even try to move; having such a beautiful woman so close to him, attacking him with her sweet perfume, is actually rewarding. But as soon as he sees the lewd expression on her face as she gazes at Elwin, he gets upset and jealous.

"I was just curious about the Magi..." The guy comments. He knows what Tao Xinyi's personality is like and quickly thinks about screwing up Elwin. "I hear he's very strong... I think it was Elder Miu who said that."

"Hey, boy..." She calls out to Elwin using his language as he tries to keep walking and ignore her. "Why are you running from me?"

Although Tao Xinyi doesn't speak his language as well as Mei Lin, Elwin understands her words well and also has an idea of her intentions.

But he keeps walking towards the gates and doesn't even look back as he speaks in a cold tone. "I don't have time for your shit."

"Wow!!!" Many disciples exclaim in surprise as they understand Elwin's words. It's normal for people to know his language even though they don't speak so well.

And even those who don't understand his words can notice from his tone that he's scorning their beloved Elder Xinyi, which makes them all angry at Elwin.

[He's screwed!] They think, especially that guy on the floor, who now smiles at Tao Xinyi's upset expression.

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