King of Mean

Chapter 12:Shi Mei Lin

As Elwin follows the lewd doctor through the corridors of the Fragrant Plum Sect, he notices that everywhere there are poor condition walls and empty cabinets.

He also sees several people of different ages with simple clothes, strange tunics, and pessimistic expressions. But of course, they have different reactions whenever they see him.

"Look!! Isn't he a Magi with Elder Mei Lin???" A young boy asks.

"He is so hot..." A girl comments as she looks at Elwin with an excited expression.

A guy next to her makes a jealous expression and shakes his head. "There is nothing attractive about a Magi!"

"Yeah; look at his bizarre skin and strange ears." A man comments with an expression of disdain.

"I like his pointy ears. And he's so tall... I bet he's quite big there too..." A woman comments as her eyes shine lustfully.

"What is that damn animal doing here?!" Another man asks while looking really upset.

A woman kicks that guy in the leg. "You are just jealous! Don't be so arrogant, or no girl will want to be your dual cultivation partner."

He makes a sorry expression. "My bad... But aren't the Magis our enemies?? What is one of them doing here?"

The other people get silent as they also want to know what is going on.

"Our enemies?? Who wants to destroy us is the Copper Sword Sect!" The woman quickly responds and then points to Elwin. "That Magi didn't do anything bad for us."

When talking about the Copper Sword Sect, that woman manages to make men and women angry. The girls only smile again when they look at Elwin, and the boys are still jealous of him but not angry.

Elwin pays attention to everything that is going on around him, but he doesn't understand the humans' language. Well, he has already learned to recognize a word: Magi.

Wherever they go, people keep talking about him. The girls are excited to see part of his naked body through the curtain while the boys are jealous, also because he is following the lewd doctor.

After listening to several conversations, he realizes that people also speak a name repeatedly. Then he talks to the lewd doctor. "Your name is Mei Lin, right?"

"Shi Mei Lin." She responds quickly. Then she looks at him and smiles. "But you can just call me Mei Lin; after all, we are intimate after what we did."

"..." Elwin doesn't say anything because he still wants to punish her for abusing his body. He wants to do it by doing that same thing to her so hard, of course. But now is not the time for that.

She said that as they pass near a young couple and they both flush. The girl can't help but imagine Elwin and Mei Lin doing lewd things while the guy is very jealous; after all, Mei Lin is in third place in the rank of most beautiful women of the Fragrant Plum Sec.

After walking for a few more seconds in silence, Mei Lin speaks. "What about you? What's your name?"

"I thought Huang Miu had spoken it to you." He responds.

Mei Lin shakes her head. "She just told me not to let you die."

"Elwin." He responds.

"Elwin? I think it's a good name." She smiles. "But I don't know anything about the Magis' culture anyway."

"..." He doesn't say anything. Now, Elwin is more concerned with his family than ever, so although he wants to know more about the humans, he can't think of anything but saving his family.

After walking for a few seconds, they arrive on a large patio and go to the front of a large room with an open counter, where it is possible to see several shelves inside. Most of them are empty, while there are items such as food, weapons, and clothing in others.

A charming woman who appears to be about forty years old greed Mei Lin with a gentle smile. "Elder Mei Lin, how can I help you today?"

That woman takes a quick look at Elwin before looking at Mei Lin again. He can't help but notice that woman, and all the others he saw, are at least pretty.

[What place is this??] He thinks while looking at the items inside that room. In addition to clothes, he is interested in a black hood because he cannot just walk around during the day due to his problems with the sunlight.

"Good morning, Old Ya." Mei Lin smiles at that woman and then points at Elwin. "You may have heard of the new visitor to our Sect."

The woman named Old Ya looks at Elwin with a thoughtful expression as she analyzes his body. "I see... so the rumors are true. We have a Magi in our home."

Mei Lin nods and then looks at the shelves behind Old Ya. "Well, as you can see, he doesn't even have clothes. So I came here to get new clothes and some supplies for a journey."

"Yes..." Old Ya looks at Elwin's body for a few more seconds before looking at Mei Lin. "You know I like you a lot, Meimei, but we have very little resources, so I can only take things out of stock with credits."

"Of course." Mei Lin nods. "I would never ask for things for free while we are going through such difficult times."

Then she runs her finger over a bracelet on her arm, and it shines before a leather bag appears in her hand, and she puts it on top of the counter.

Seeing that bag appear out of nowhere, Elwin makes a thoughtful expression. [Is it like a storage treasure? It seems like her people are not so different from mine...]

Mei Lin starts to take small rectangular stone pieces out of that leather bag, so she looks at Elwin. "If you come back... I mean, if you're going to stay here when you get back, you have to learn about this."

She takes one of those pieces of stone and gives it to him. "These are tokens, the way the Sect Master uses to manage the resources of our Sect. Everyone here, disciples and elders, receive a certain amount of tokens per month and an extra amount for doing special tasks."

"And you can exchange those tokens for anything in our stock with Old Ya." She explains and then looks at the empty shelves inside that room. "However, as we have few resources now, we have to use what we have carefully."

Elwin nods. "I just need a simple outfit, a hood, and a weapon."

Mei Lin looks at Old Ya again. "It can be an external disciple's outfit."

"Alright." Old Ya examines Elwin's body again before going to some shelves and starting looking for an outfit that fits him.

Meanwhile, Mei Lin looks at Elwin again. "What kind of weapon do you prefer?"

"Any sharp blade." He quickly responds.

She makes a thoughtful expression and then takes out something wrapped in a green fabric from her storage ring. She opens that package, revealing a beautiful dagger with a brushed steel blade and green jade hilt.

Just by the dagger's appearance, Elwin already can see that it is made of excellent materials. However, he also feels powerful energy coming from that. He would think that it is a magic dagger, but it is more likely that it has Qi instead of mana.

"What do you think about it?" Mei Lin asks.

"It is an excellent dagger." He answers. And he thinks Mei Lin is going to offer that dagger to him, but he doesn't think anyone gives something to others for no reason.

She giggles. "I'm asking if you want it."

Elwin looks into Mei Lin's eyes, trying to see her real intentions. "Why are you going to give me such a treasure?"

She kindly smiles at him. "I still think you will die if you go to the east alone. But if I can increase the chances of being able to get back with the medicines, that will be beneficial for me and my whole Sect."

"Oh, are you going to get medicines?" Old Ya hear their conversation and asks.

"Yes..." Mei Lin replies. "He's going to the Enchanted Field of Bison Province."

Old Ya looks at Elwin with a sorry expression. "This is a really dangerous mission, boy."

"Just take my clothes." He responds in a cold tone.

Then he takes the jade dagger from Mei Lin's hand and runs his finger over its blade before looking at her. "I'll bring it back to you as sooner as possible."

As Elwin analyzes the jade dagger, Old Ya looks at him with a sorry expression. "I can't find anything that suits you because you are too tall."

"Just give me the biggest outfit you have." He responds.

Old Ya starts to fiddle with some clothes while shaking her head. Then her eyes sparkle as she thinks about something. She goes to one of the room's corners and opens an old dusty chest.

From the chest, she pulls out a long dark blue tunic. "This is not your size, but I think it is the best I have for you now."

While Elwin analyzes that tunic, Mei Lin makes a strange expression. "That... it was from the Sect Master's husband, right?"

"Well, he can't use it anymore, so I think it's okay to give it to this boy." Old Ya comments.

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