King of Mean

Chapter 11:Fragrant Plum Sect

Elwin is heartbroken for not being able to help his family. But he can't give up, so he quickly thinks of something and looks at the hot doctor. "Can't you use a Royal Elderberry Roots to cure them without having to do lewd things? You said that remedy could cure anything."

She quickly nods. "Yes, I think the problem was something specific to your body, and I'm sure we can heal your family with more Royal Elderberry Roots, but..."

"Then do it now!" Elwin speaks in a hopeful tone.

But the mysterious doctor makes a sorry expression. "Look around, boy. Our Sect has never been in such a poor state... I used our last medicines on your family because I was sure you wouldn't survive, so how do you expect me to have several Royal Elderberry Roots?"

Before he says anything, she continues. "Royal Elderberry Roots are extremely rare medicines, and only two people in our Sect had one. The Sect Master and Miu got them as prizes of a fight competition, so the Sect master used it on herself after getting badly hurt for defending us."

Elwin can't stop thinking that his family could die at any moment. "There has to be a way to get more of this, right???"

The doctor rolls her eyes. "Do you think you are the only one who has a family? Our people are suffering a lot, and Miu even gave you such a treasure... you should be grateful and not look for a way to die."

"Do you want me to sit down and watch my family die? Just tell me where to find more Royal Elderberry Roots!" He speaks in an upset tone.

"You're just a naive boy..." The doctor shakes her head. "But if you want to die, I'm not going to stop you."

"Rare plants like that grown in places called Enchanted Fields. There's a place like that about a hundred and fifty miles to the east. Look for a plant with purple buds; these are the Royal Elderberry." She explains.

Elwin looks at her with a grateful expression. "Thank you... I will bring these plants as soon as possible, so please take care of my family until I return."

"Do you trust me to take care of your family? You should know that your people and my people are not friends." She responds with a provocative smile.

"Would you hurt me after saving me? It doesn't make sense at all." He quickly responds.

She shakes her head again. "Miu was the one who helped you; I just helped her. Also, if you go to that Enchanted Field, you will surely be killed, and we will have no use for your family."

Elwin likes the honest way the doctor is talking. It would be worse if she said things to please him and had second plans.

"Let's make a deal then." He suggests. "You said that your people are in a poor state, and you have no remedies. So I go there, at this Enchanted place you talked about, I don't die, and I bring a lot of healing plants. You use part of them to save my family, and the rest can be yours."

"It looks like a good deal..." She comments. "But you are still going to die, and my people will not want your family here."

"Can't you really trust me??" He asks. "Give me at least one day!"

She makes a thoughtful expression, looks at Elwin's family and next at his body. Then shows him three fingers. "Three days; I can do my best to keep your family here waiting for you for three days and not a second longer."

Elwin slowly brings his face close to that of the mysterious doctor to the point where they can feel each other's breath. He has to look down due to the different heights between them, of course.

He is 1.98 meters tall and yet was considered to have a median height among other male Winter Elves, while she, with a height of 1.7 meters, is considered tall by the standards of her people.

"You will not regret helping me." He speaks in a confident tone.

She smiles. "I really want to believe you, but the odds are not in our favor..."

Elwin strokes his mother's hand. "Just wait a while... I'll be right back."

Then he looks at the doctor again. "How do I get out of this place?"

She smiles as she analyzes his body. "Do you think this is going to be that simple?"

"Oh, you're right." He looks down. "I need clothes. I also need a hood and a weapon."

"Hahaha..." She starts to laugh. Elwin continues with the same neutral expression and talking seriously about everything, which makes her unsure if he is too naive or underestimates his limits.

Then she takes one of the curtains that separate the beds and give it to him. "Use this to cover yourself and follow me."

Elwin uses that curtain to cover his body but then looks at the other people in that room with a concerned expression.

The doctor can understand his concerns. "Don't worry about your family. Only these people know about that, and they are also sick, so they won't create any problems."

"Ok..." Elwin nods and follows the doctor. He doesn't like to leave his family alone in a place he doesn't know and in such a state, but he has to get medicine to cure them, and for that, he has to trust that peculiar woman.


In another part of the Fragrant Plum Sect, specifically in a large room, a group of people sits at a large arch-shaped stone table.

Just like in the infirmary where Elwin was just ago, that room also has old walls that seem to be collapsing. However, there are many pieces of furniture in that room, as well as luxurious magic lamps different from the simple ones that illuminated the infirmary.

In that room, there are also large windows through which it is possible to see the top of a mountain and a beautiful open field below, which goes as far as the horizon reaches. In that area, it doesn't seem to have many trees, let alone a forest.

At that large stone table, there are several people of different ages and physiognomies. There are women and men who appear to be over sixty, just as there are those who appear to be in their forties and thirties. However, the youngest person among them, looking about twenty years old, is the beautiful Miu.

In front of the stone table, there is a small wooden table and a very luxurious and comfortable chair, where a beautiful blue-haired lady is seated. She appears to be between thirty and forty years old, but it is difficult to say with certainty her age.

She has a charming mature face and also a beautiful body with 1.71 meters in height. Her skin is fair, and although her body does not have curves as seductive as that of the mysterious doctor, she can also enchant any man with her big breasts and perfect round ass.

But now, none of the men in that room can enjoy that view, as they are all very concerned. Everyone is looking at Miu with different expressions like confusion, anger, and expectation.

"Are you telling us that after watching a bizarre battle between Magis, you brought the survivors here? Is that so, Elder Miu?!" An old man asks.

Miu looks at him with a respectful expression. "It's like I said, Elder Tao."

Elder Tao sighs as the woman next to him shakes her head before looking at the woman in the center of the room. "We have to kill those Magis now!! Just give the order, Sect Master."

"No!!" Miu quickly exclaims. "Didn't I just explain how those Magi can benefit our Sect? They are clearly at war with other Magi and can be our allies. We were going to be revolutionary as the first humans to make alliances with the Magis Races."

"Are you crazy?" Another man speaks in an angry tone. "We are trying not to fight the Magis since that our worlds have joined, and you think bringing a group of them here is a good idea?! Their other enemy Magis will come after them, and we will be screwed!"

Elder Tao nods. "Let alone the fact that when the other Secs discover that we are making alliances with Magis, they will hunt us down as traitors!"

While other people agree with his words, an old woman with a kind expression gets up. "Would that be any different than what they are doing to us now? Our Sect has never been in such a bad state, and only the Sect Master was trying to do anything before Elder Miu gave us a new option."

Another woman also gets up. "I agree with Elder Guo. The Copper Sword Sect is destroying us... The Cryo Rose Sect are the only allies we have, but neither can they defend us anymore without suffering the same fate as us. I think what we need now is exactly new and powerful allies."

"But why do they have to be Magis?!?!" Elder Tao's wife asks. "There is no way for our people to ally with dirt animals!!"

Another man also stands up. "Regardless of what they are, the question here is whether they can be good allies. Is it worth the risk?"

A beautiful woman who does not appear to be more than thirty years old also speaks. "Elder Miu made it clear that they were very powerful, especially the winged guy. We can test him before deciding whether they are worth the risk."

"And is he going to cooperate with us easy like that?" Elder Tao's wife asks.

"I already explained about that too." Miu quickly speaks. "I did a Blood Pact with him..."

"Sect master..." Miu bows her head as her charming face starts to flush. "Our Blood Pact is about me helping his family as long as he is my dual cultivation partner."

"Oh..." Everyone in that room is shocked, while most of them also look happy for Miu.

But the Sect Master's expression remains neutral and thoughtful for a few seconds before her lips also curl up in a beautiful smile.

"I thought that day would never come... my daughter." She speaks in a loving tone.

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