King of Mean

Chapter 3:Dark Lightning


A loud sound of thunder echoes across the battlefield as the explosion made by Rennyn's ice attack and the black lightning that Elwin caught with his bare hands creates powerful waves of force.

The most powerful people there recover their vision faster in time to see Rennyn being thrown into the air hundreds of meters away from the impact.

Elwin is also thrown back in the opposite direction while his body glows with black energy.


Another lightning bolt comes from the dark clouds and hits Elwin's body, still in the air.

"NOOOO!!!" Five voices cry out in concern for him. Three from her family, one from the mysterious girl among his people, and the fifth one is Valyra, who is very concerned about not having real control over the situation.

"Son!!" Galarel screams as she tries to run towards Rennyn, but Tasar holds her.

Meanwhile, everyone else there, whether from the people of Elwin or the red army of Valyra, as well as her mysterious assistant, are shocked that Rennyn does not seem to have the advantage over Elwin even though the difference in their power is supposed to be very significant.

As Elwin falls towards the ground, his body begins to change color from gray to dark gray. Although he is in a lot of pain, he also feels peace because the voices in his mind are completely silent.

Valyra looks back and realizes that her assistant is totally focused on Rennyn, which concerns her a little. She tries to signal the woman to rescue Elwin, but she doesn't pay any attention to Valyra.

Rennyn falls and rolls on the ground several times. However, Elwin is hit by another dark lightning bolt a few centimeters from the ground, and at that moment, something shocking and frightening happens.

Big wings of dark energy come out of his back. Despite being made of energy, those wings literally tear their way out through his flesh and bones in the part of his back below his shoulders.

"AHH!!" He screams in pain as his body stops in the air, floating just centimeters from the ground.

When people stop looking at Rennyn and focus on Elwin, they are shocked to the soul.

"Dark affinity!! A soldier from the red army points to Elwin while making an expression of disgust.

Many people of Elwin's clan take steps backward as they begin to fear him. Most of them didn't know that he has Dark affinity in addition to the Ice affinity that all Winters Elves have.

Allyanna, his mother, makes a concerned expression, as do his sisters and Valyra.

Elwin is also shocked. He has made many advances in the Dark element in the last ten years that he has lived in that dark cave. But he really managed to catch that lightning bolt in his hand, and it also has to do with the electric element.

And of course, among the many things he managed to do with the dark element, creating wings was not one of them. He can feel that he is floating due to those wings even though he is not flapping them.

Seeing Rennyn getting up, Elwin also sees that people of his clan try to approach him to help him, but Avourel makes them step back with just one look.

Elwin looks at his hands and realizes that his skin is almost completely black, and strange white symbols start to shine on his body.

He is very curious about what is happening to his body, but he is still very angry at Rennyn and only thinks about killing him for wanting to harm their sisters.

Rennyn also recovers from the shock and again turns his body into a shard of ice while flying towards Elwin.

[Kill! Kill!!! Kill him!!!] The mysterious voices again whisper in Elwin's mind, and he flies towards Rennyn.

As he flies, he feels the black energy run over his body, focusing on his hands. So he tries to materialize dark energy weapons as he did before.

But unlike before, two short curved swords, looking like long daggers, appear in his hands as they glow with black energy. That energy runs around the short swords as if they were lightning, just like those that came from the dark clouds.

Elwin is shocked again, but he continues to focus on the battle and on Rennyn, who is almost reaching him.


The speed at which they fly is so fast that it generates strong winds, also making it difficult for most people there to follow their movements with just their eyes.

When Elwin is at ten meters from Rennyn, he swings his short blades forward in a double horizontal strike.

The speed of that strike shocks everyone there. Even Avourel, the oldest and supposedly most powerful person among them all, is surprised while he is sure he would not be able to avoid that attack.

But Rennyn, in the shape of an ice shard, manages to dodge Elwin's short blades by a few centimeters and flies to the side.

While the dark blades seem to cut even the air, the ice shard explodes in ice energy, and Rennyn returns to having his normal body at the same time that he makes a horizontal cut with his hand towards his brother.

The air freezes where Rennyn's hand passes, forming several spears of ice that fly towards Elwin.

Elwin feels faster than ever while his senses make everything around him in slow motion. He knows that those ice spears are really deadly and thinks about dodging them.

But he also knows that if they avoid them, they will continue to fly towards his people, especially in the direction that someone special for him is. People are focused on the fight, but they don't realize that Rennyn doesn't care about hurting anyone else, even his own people.

Then Elwin quickly flaps his wings, rotating his body horizontally in the air. He avoids the ice spears while hitting his dark blades down, breaking the ice spears in half.

*Bam* *Smash*

Pieces of ice fly everywhere as Elwin's eyes line up with those of a little girl in the middle of the winter elves more than three hundred meters away from him.

"Elwin!!!" The girl screams as she notices Rennyn quickly approaching Elwin from behind. His intention was not to hurt Elwin with those ice spears but to redirect his brother's attention.

Elwin's eyes sparkle with small black rays as he spins in the air. He knew his brother's intention, but in the end, he couldn't let innocent people from his clan die, especially that girl.

In that second, which seems like a minute, Elwin tries to find a solution for not getting hit by Rennyn's long ice sword. However, his mind and senses work much faster than his body. He even thinks about possible movements but knows that his body would not be able to do that while he spins in the air.

[You must accept the darkness...] A single voice whispers softly in his mind.

Elwin can feel the icy aura of Rennyn's sword approaching his back as he is trying to regain control of his body by flapping his wings.

[You must become one with her.] Another single voice whispers in his mind.

When Rennyn's ice blade is just a few centimeters from hitting his chest, Elwin tries to lift his dark blades. But his speed and his brother are very similar, and that position favors Rennyn.

Seeing that he will be seriously injured by Rennyn's attack, Elwin is left with no option but to try to do what the voices in his mind have spoken.

He doesn't know what it means to accept the darkness or why the voices said to become one with 'her' as if the darkness is a woman.

But with no time or alternative, he tries his best to connect with his dark energy. He basically tries to relax and let that energy run through his body.

"HAAAAAA!!!" Rennyn shouts while feeling the tip of his ice blade touch Elwin's chest, piercing his old clothes and skin.

But then Elwin's body glows with a flash of black energy and turns into black dust, leaving only his old clothes in the air to be cut by Rennyn's ice blade.


Elwin reappears above Rennyn, completely naked. In so much confusion and shock, he moves his hands down, and his dark blades reappear as he quickly hits his brother's back with them.

A layer of magic ice appears on Rennyn's skin as his powers instinctively protect his body. However, Elwin's dark blades break that barrier and penetrate Rennyn's body.

"AHHH!!!" Rennyn now screams in pain as he feels mysterious energy enter his body and start attacking his organs.

*Bam* *Booom*

His body is pushed against the ground by Elwin, creating an impact and crater in the earth.

However, he tries to endure that pain while quickly turning around, already creating several ice spears with his hands to try to attack his brother.


Elwin flaps his dark wings and flies upwards, avoiding some ice spears and breaking others with his dark blades.

Rennyn quickly gets up while layers of ice appearing in the holes in his back to stop the bleeding. His powerful ice energy struggles inside his body with black energy but only manages to suppress part of that and momentarily.

He is furious with the pain and humiliation, so he starts firing dozens of ice spears at Elwin, who continues to fly upwards while naked.

Materializing weapons with the element is not so complicated, but it takes a lot of mana, and everyone is impressed with the power of Rennyn, who continues to create so many spears and blades of his ice energy.

Well, other people are more impressed by the fact that Elwin teleported after turning into a cloud of dark dust, and others are actually more impressed by the size of his big 'spear.'

While flying upward, Elwin dodges the various ice spears that his brother throws at him. He also notes that many ice shards are forming and spinning around Rennyn, while his energy seems to be getting stronger by the second.

That seems impossible because the more a person spends mana, the weaker they should be and not stronger, as Rennyn seems to be getting.

Elwin feels that approaching Renny now would be suicidal, and he doesn't know how to control that teleport ability yet.

As he thinks about what to do, the voices sound words that make sense in his mind again. [Trust the darkness... let her enter your lightning.]

Again, those words are confusing. However, while Elwin flies higher to avoid Rennyn's increasing attacks, he feels a familiar connection with those dark clouds in the sky.

An image of him holding the ray of black energy a while ago appears in Elwin's mind, and he raises his right hand while focusing his dark energy.

*Flash* *Flash* *Flash*

Lightnings bright in the sky while Elwin's arm glows with black energy, looking like pure electricity.


At the sound of loud thunder, a bolt of black energy falls, or rather, connects with Elwin's arm. He feels incredibly powerful energy wildly running through his body.

That energy seems overwhelming and uncontrollable, but Elwin also feels his internal energies quickly controlling that to the point where he feels he has complete control over that dark bolt.

His lips instinctively arch, forming a sinister smile as he moves his hand down, throwing that dark lightning bolt towards Rennyn.



The dark lightning bolt breaks all ice spears and blades on the way to Rennyn, and when it is just a few meters away from hitting him, he realizes he's screwed.

Upon realizing that he cannot stop that attack, Rennyn again becomes an ice shard while flying in a random direction.

But what he doesn't realize is that the dark lightning bolt makes a curve in the air, following him.

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