King of Mean

Chapter 4:Silver Eyes

There is no worse thing for a mother than to see her child suffer. And in the case of Allyanna, Elwin's mother, and Galarel, Rennyn's mother, it is very painful to see her children fighting each other.

Tasar, their father, is also in the same situation while holding Galarel so that she doesn't run up to them. He doesn't want his children to fight, but the situation is very complicated.

On one side of the battlefield, there are his people, the old Winter Elven Clan. They survived in a dark cave for ten years, eating disgusting insects and kobolds that wagon far above the Infinite Abyss.

They are very weak, hungry, without any equipment like weapons and armor, and of course, they are terrified.

On the other side of the battlefield, there is the red army, the main force of the Summer Elven Clan, the second most powerful elven clan after the Elven Royal Clan.

They are well equipped with high-level weapons and armor and are being led by the young miss of their clan, and also, Avourel, one of the oldest and most powerful elves, is with them.

No matter how Tasar and the Winter Elves see the situation, their death is almost certain, while only Elwin's relationship with Valyra can save them.

They are not proud to want to sacrifice Elwin, but how could he suffer by marrying one of the most beautiful elves of all time? Also, they could all survive, including Rennyn, the Winter Clan's greatest hope of gaining strength again.

However, no one there other than Elwin and Rennyn can change anything now. Everyone else can only watch their fight as any interference would cause a conflict between the groups, and so both Winter Elves' hopes of surviving and Valyra's hope of having Elwin only for her can be destroyed.

As Elwin's dark lightning bolt flies towards Renny's back, almost all Winter Elves are worried. They don't want to see their hope of a better future dying with their talented young leader.

"SON!!!" Galarel screams in despair.

Fara is also concerned about her brother, but she can't forget that he wanted to give her to the Summer Elves, and that's not something that can be easily forgiven.

Ilyana is Rennyn's step-sister, but she always had a bad impression of him, or rather, she knew that he didn't like Elwin, and that's why she doesn't like him.

Tasar is more shocked by the power of both his children. He doesn't understand how they've been hiding their strength for so long.

On the battlefield's other side, Valyra is concerned that Elwin is even more powerful than she thought, which will make it much more difficult for her to persuade him to marry her.

Avourel is shocked that the aura coming from those young guys seems more powerful than his. And the mysterious woman behind Valyra looks calm while a silver light is seen in front of her face.

At that moment, when the lightning is about to hit Rennyn, everyone wonders what will happen.

Rennyn feels that powerful energy on his back and realizes that he cannot escape that attack. His ice mana acts willingly, creating an ice barrier around his body as he turns around while trying to create an ice shield.

*Rumble* *Bam*

The lightning bolt hits the ice barrier and breaks it before Rennyn manages to turn around.


Ice shards fly in all directions while an explosion of dark energy occurs around Rennyn.

Then everyone sees Rennyn's body, flying several meters away from that position. He falls and rolls on the ground while his clothes are destroyed, and it is possible to see many wounds and blood on his body.

"NOOO!!!!" Galarel screams and manages to flee from Tasar's arms before running towards Rennyn.

Avourel is sorry for a mother to have to see her son in that state and does not prevent her from going to him.

While everyone is surprised by the powers and look of Elwin, who continues to flap his dark energy wings in the sky, completely naked, he flies towards his brother.

Tasar and Fara try to go towards them too, but Avourel looks at them with a hostile expression, making them stop not to start a conflict.

"Son! Son!! SON!!!" Galarel screams as she kneels on the ground and puts Rennyn's head on her lap. He looks almost dead, but she can still hear his heartbeat.

That scene looks bizarre to both Winter Elves and Summer Elves. Everyone closely watches Galarel crying while holding Rennyn's body and Elwin slowly descending from the sky while his skin is totally dark and strange white tattoos shine over his naked body. He looks like a demon with those scary dark wings.

[Kill... Kill... kill him!!! NOW!!!] The mysterious voices echo in Elwin's mind while he doesn't feel like himself at the same time that he now looks like the real him.

Everything seems confusing to him, but he still knows what he wants: Protect those he loves and kill anyone who tries to hurt them.

He arrives in front of Galarel and Rennyn, so he stops flapping his wings but still magically floats half a meter above the ground.

"No!! Go back, demon!!" Galarel creates an ice dagger and points at Elwin. She is terrified of him because he looks like a demon now and not that usual strange boy.

"Get away from him..." Elwin coldly says as he creates a long sword of dark energy in his hand.

Galarel saw how easily Elwin defeated Rennyn, so she knows she can't fight him. So she drops the ice dagger and opens her arms in front of her son, trying to appeal to Elwin's compassion.

Elwin looks into Galarel's eyes while his eyes are completely black. "He tried to sacrifice my mother and sisters... what kind of brother is he? Damn, were you going to allow him to do that even with Fara... what kind of mother are you?"

Galarel shakes her head. "He wouldn't do that! He was just trying to trick Valyra. He would never let anything bad happen to Fara!"

"You know that isn't true..." Elwin sighs. "I could forgive him and agree to go with Valyra if it was going to guarantee the safety of those I love. But everyone knows that things are not so simple."

"Yes, that is possible!" Valyra shouts across the battlefield.

Elwin looks at her, and she can feel a cold aura touching her soul. "You are smarter than that. I knew Rennyn's feelings for you for a long time. He has tried to kill me before, and if he stays alive, he will keep trying."

"No... he can't have done that... that's a lie!" Galarel doesn't believe that Rennyn tried to kill Elwin before, even after she saw him try it just ago.

Allyanna and Ilyana do not show surprised expressions, but Fara is shocked and feels even angrier at Renny because she knows that he is capable of really trying to attack his brother.

Elwin begins to raise his dark sword. "Causing harm to me doesn't make me furious, but I can't allow him to stay alive after he tries to harm those I love. Without being able to kill me, he will certainly try to harm them again to attack me."

"You will have to kill too!" Galarel stands with her arms open in front of Rennyn, who tries to move but is badly injured.

"I'm not going to make Fara suffer more..." Elwin says as a big claw of dark energy forms around his left arm.

Then while holding his dark sword with his right hand, he takes Galarel's body with his giant clawed arm. She tries to fight, but that dark energy restrains her easily.

"Don't do it, son!!" Tasar shouts while he now has to hold Fara, too, as Avourel continues to look at them hostilely.

Elwin ignores his father's and Galarel's requests while looking at Rennyn on the ground. "I'm sorry that things ended up like this..."

"You... ahh..." Rennyn tries to crawl on the ground as blood leaks from several wounds in his body.

"If that's any consolation, I'm going to send Valyra after you. Maybe you can be together in the afterlife..." Elwin says and then makes a vertical movement with his sword forward at medium speed.

The dark blade shines just like Elwin's eyes, and at that moment, everything seems to be in slow motion.

As the dark sword goes towards Rennyn's body, everyone thinks they are finished. Galarel and Tasar beg Elwin not to do that, and on the other side of the battlefield, Valyra watches everything closely.

But then she feels that something is wrong and looks back. But before she completely turns around and Elwin's sword hits Rennyn's body, a flash of silver light shines behind Valyra.

The mysterious hooded woman on the horse behind Valyra disappears and instantly reappears in front of Rennyn, crouched and touching his shoulder.

She also reappears in another flash of silver light, but that doesn't blind Elwin, who can see in slow motion while she looks into his dark eyes as her eyes shine with silver energy.

Elwin tries to accelerate that attack, but due to him staring that move with medium speed, he fails to hit Rennyn before the mysterious woman disappears with him, leaving only another flash of silver light behind.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Elwin shouts in a fury, and his voice doesn't sound like normal, but thousands of different voices, yelling from the depths of a cold hell and making the souls of everyone around tremble with fear.

He drops the confused Galarel on the ground while pointing his dark longsword at Valyra. "What did you do???"

Them all there are confused, even Valyra. But she quickly understands what happened. "You saw the silver glow, didn't you? Why do you think that was my thing?"

"Don't try to deceive me! She was with you." He says back.

Valyra shrugs. "Do you really think I could give orders to the second princess? She said she would help me, but I didn't know about her real plans!"

[Kill... kill... KILL ALL OF THEM!!!] The voices scream in Elwin's mind as he starts to lose control of his anger.

Thinking that Rennyn has the help of the Royal Elven Clan and could harm those he loves because he didn't kill him quickly makes him furious at himself.

"This is also your fault!" Elwin flaps his dark wings, flying towards Valyra. "I will kill you!!"

His speed is incredibly high, but Avourel was expecting that reaction from him and quickly turns into a fireball while flying towards him also at super speed.

Despite being furious, Elwin is still conscious, and his senses are working better than ever. He sees Avourel coming towards him and tries to dodge him.

Their speeds are similar, but Elwin manages to avoid Avourel by a few centimeters. His body is in front of the old elf in a fireball-shape, but then he explodes, creating a big cloud of fire.


Elwin's body is thrown back by that explosion, and his mother and sisters quickly run towards him while Tasar goes towards Galarel.

"Don't hurt him!!!" Valyra shouts at Avourel while her soldiers are nervous.

From the flames, Avourel jumps and lands on the ground in human form again. He sees it while Elwin regains control of his body and stops in the air, flapping his dark wings.

The old elf looks at Valyra with a sorry expression. "I'm sorry, my lady, but he is a demon and must be killed, or your ancestors would not forgive me."

Valyra curses all the gods while Allyanna, Ilyana, and Fara arrive below Elwin. It is not easy for his sisters to see him in that scary form and naked, but they are more focused on fighting now.

Meanwhile, the Summer Elves are just as afraid of Elwin as the Winter Elves. That all feels like a nightmare, and those dark clouds in the sky just make it all look more bizarre.

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