King of Mean

Chapter 5:Deep, Dark, and Cold

*Flash* *Rumble*

Lightning continues to run through the dark clouds above the battlefield as thunders make the soul of the Summer and Winter elves tremble.

Avourel has fought hundreds of battles in his two thousand years, and he was afraid many times, but the sensation he feels as he faces Elwin, flapping his dark wings in the sky, is unlike anything he has ever experienced. He feels a strange cold, which makes him feel a horrible emptiness inside his heart.

In fact, most Winter Elves, and all Summer Elves, except for Valyra, feel that strange cold and emptiness when looking at Elwin.

He, on the other hand, just feels like destroying everything ahead of him and killing everyone who got in his way.

"PREPARE FOR THE BATTLE!!" Fara's warcry runs across the battlefield as she, Ilyanna, and Allyanna stand in front of the Winter Elves.

"DON'T MOVE!!" Tasar orders. "We must not interfere in their fight, or we will all die."

Fara looks at her father with an angry expression. "We can't let him fight alone!! All Summer Elves are our enemies! We must fight!!!"


Elwin reaches above Avourel and descends from the sky while attacking with his two dark long daggers. Weapons made from mana are generally not impressive, but everyone can see that those ones look really dangerous.

Avourel takes his long sword from his scabbard and lifts it horizontally to block Elwin's attack. At the same time, Its blade starts to burn.

Everyone closely watches as Elwin descends from the sky like a bolt of dark lightning, carrying all the negative energy in the world, and the old elf keeps his sword flaming like an imposing sun.

Then their weapons clash, creating a flash of mixed colors at the same time as thunder echoes through the dark clouds.

*Flash* *Rumble*


An explosion of force throws dirt all over the place, making it difficult for people to see what really happened. Then everyone sees Avourel jumping backward while he still holds his sword in the same position.

He looks fine for a second, but then a lot of blood starts to leak for different parts of his body. Even he is shocked as he does not understand how he received those wounds.

"What?! I'm sure I blocked that attack!" He thinks aloud as he looks ahead and everywhere, looking for Elwin.

[Where is him?!?!] Avourel and all those who watch the fight wonder.


The old elf feels the ground shake and quickly jumps back.


A black figure emerges from the ground, throwing more dirt all over the place.

"It's him!!!" That black glow is unmistakable, and Avourel uses his burning blade to cuts horizontally and vertically in the air, creating two blades of fire that fly towards Elwin in an X-shape.

The hearts of women who love Elwin tremble with fear, including Valyra as those blades of fire go towards him. Even the winter elves at the back of their group can feel the heat of that attack.

Still flying towards the old elf, Elwin hears the whispers in his mind. [Don't back down... Continue!! Trust...]


He flaps his wings so hard that he creates waves of force behind him as he continues to fly towards the old elf and the fire blades.

Then a loud thunder surprises everyone while a dark lighting bolt descends from the sky and hits the fire blades a few centimeters from Elwin, making them disappear into the air like dust being blown away by the wind.

[WHAT?!?!] Everyone is surprised at that, but Avourel is really shocked. Those lightning bolts seem to come from the sky willingly to help Elwin, which makes no sense.

The old elf's heart beats faster than ever and time seems to be in slow motion while he focuses on all his senses to the fullest.

He again sees Elwin attack with his two dark daggers, then he raises his burning sword and blocks them.


The impact is so powerful that it pushes Avourel backward while a metallic sound echoes several miles away. The old elf feels as if those daggers carry the weight of mountains.

But he continues to block the dark daggers. "I am the oldest servant of my honorable house!! I carry all the strength of the Summer Elves and all the power of the SUN!!"

Avourel grits his teeth as the flames of his sword begin to grow. He focuses all of his mana to force Elwin back and kill him with a single decisive blow.

But even among those high flames, the old elf still feels cold ... So he sees gray-blue eyes emanating a dark aura in front of him. That is Elwin, of course.

Then a sinister, icy voice, which actually sounds like the echo of several different voices, breathes air colder than any other. "And I am the banner of all light and heat... I am the deepest cold and dark feelings of your rotten soul!"

At that moment, Avourel's legs tremble for the first time in his entire life. He is sure that he is not fighting the sick boy from the old Winter House anymore, but something else, something that doesn't belong in that world.

"What are you, demon?!?" He shouts while using all his will to push his sword forward.

"Who am I? HAHAHAHA..." Elwin starts to laugh in a sinister way, startling even the one who loves him. However, Valyra starts to smiles, seeing that she was never wrong about him.

From within the flames, Avourel sees Elwin's beautiful face approaching him, but now he has black horns and long fangs, as well as the most sinister look he has ever seen. His eyes are so dark that they look like endless abysses of cold and darkness.

"I am your END!!" Those words echo in different voices and tones, penetrating everyone's heart and making their legs tremble like those of the old elf.

"NO!" Avourel only has time to think of a word when he hears his sword creak.

Then Elwin's dark daggers cut the burning sword in half, and he moves them slightly to the sides, also cutting off both arms of the old elf.

"AHHHH!!!" Avourel screams in pain, not because of the injury but because of the cold and frightening energy that enters his body and seems to devour his soul.

The dark dagger in Elwin's right hand disappears, and a dark gauntlet appears around his arm as he strikes towards the old elf's chest.


Although Avourel's body is as hard as the red steel of his sword, Elwin's dark gauntlet pierces his chest like a hot knife in butter.

Elwin shoves his hand inside Avourel's body and holds his heart while looking into his eyes. "I feel the darkness inside your heart, old man... All your sins... all the harm you have done to others... all your fears... now all of this is mine! My power!!!"

"N-N-N-AA-H-HH-RG-HH" Avourel tries to speak, but foam begins to come out of his mouth along with his blood as he feels infinitely excruciating pain destroying his body, mind, and soul.

Elwin, still naked, with his body covered with strange tattoos, horns, and black wings, begins to laugh more and more as he sees the suffering of the old elf.

Then with a quick movement, he uses the other dagger to cut Avourel's legs off, leaving now only his torso and head. Then he hits the ground with the rest of the old elf's body, smashing him into flesh paste, which flies everywhere and covers Elwin's body with blood and guts.

As if that brutal scene wasn't enough to scare everyone, especially the Summer Elves, Elwin still has Avourel's heart in his hand and drinks the blood that drips from it as he smiles sinisterly at the Red Army.

Then Elwin and Valyra's eyes meet, and he remembers how Rennyn ran away after trying to hurt the ones he loves.

"VALYRAAAAA!!!" He shouts, and his voice again sounds like a lot of different angry voices. Even the sky is silent for his voice to echo through the hearts of everyone on that battlefield and even the mysterious spectators at the top of that mountain.

Valyra starts to laugh while even her red unicorn looks scared. "YES, MY LOVE!! Scream my name as much as you want; nothing can stand between us anymore!!"

"Indeed!!" Elwin responds as he spread his dark wings and prepares to fly towards Valyra now that Avourel is no longer between them.

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