King of Mean

Chapter 8:Dual Cultivation Partners

A while ago.

As soon as the land in that area shook for the first time, it caught the attention of Miu's group. They approached the place where those tremors came from and saw the winter elves come out of that cold, dark cave.

They also saw the Summer Elves arriving and hid on top of a mountain to observe everything from a safe distance. They watched the combat between Elwin and Rennyn, as well as his fight against the Summer Elves.

Everything that Miu and her friends saw shocked them. Elwin looked like a demon, fighting in a scary but also impressive way.

Then the big fire lion and the dark creature exploded, creating that powerful wave of force that even destroyed that mountain where Miu and her group were.

As the leader of her group and responsible for her apprentices, Miu quickly used a barrier technique to create a protective bubble around them.

That protective bubble is the most powerful technique Miu knows, and even though the mountain has blocked most of that wave of strength, she still had to use almost all her Qi to maintain the bubble.

When the dust settled, Miu could only think of one thing, or rather, one person. Then she quickly ran towards the last place where she saw him.

"What was that?!?!" Cheng Ning, a beautiful young girl with brown hair and fair skin, one of Miu's apprentices, asks as they run across the destroyed battlefield.

Cheng Shu, her sister, still has a shocked expression on her cute face. "That was so powerful..."

"Where are we going?? We should be leaving this place right now." Tao Ying, a tall guy, also one of Miu's apprentices, speaks in an apprehensive tone.

His brother, Tao Liu, nods. "Ying is right. That wave of force made a lot of noise. All the humans and Magis within dozens of miles must be coming here now. Nothing good is going to happen here."

"I know, I know..." Miu comments while continuing to check under rocks on the ground and looking for someone. "But I need to find him first..."

"Him???" Tao Ying makes a jealous expression. But he cannot be helped; after all, Miu is the most beautiful and young Elder of their Sect, and everyone wants to be her apprentice, or rather, more than just her apprentice.

Miu quickly explains. "Yes, help me find that guy with dark wings. The other Magis called him Elwin."

"Why?!" Tao Liu asks with the same jealous expression as his brother. "That guy is a monster!! He caused all this shit, so if he isn't dead, he'll be in serious troubles."

"Talk less and look more! We have to find him quickly and get out of here." Miu speaks in an authoritative tone.

Then Cheng Ning makes a worried expression. "Elder sister Miu... I'm afraid. That guy was terrifying..."

"And so handsome..." Cheng Shu comments while having a lewd smile on her cute face.

Miu stops and looks at her apprentices. "Have you guys ever seen anyone fight like that guy, be they cultivators or Magis?"

They make thoughtful expressions, and Cheng Shu raises her hand. "He seemed to fight like someone from the King Realm."

"Have you seen anyone from the King Realm fighting?" Miu asks.

She makes an embarrassed expression. "Ehh... no... but I've read in books that when King Realm people fight, mountains are easily destroyed."

"It makes sense." Miu smiles. "Anyway, that guy is the strongest person I have ever seen. If we can bring him to our side, he will make our Fragrant Plum Sect much stronger. The Copper Sword Sect people will no longer be able to intimidate us!"

"Are you crazy?" Tao Ying asks. "He is a damned Magi! There is no way for our people and his people to work together."

Miu shakes her head. "How are you so sure? Since our worlds came together, humans and Magis fight, but why? Why can't we get along?"

Tao Liu sighs. "Do you get along with the behemoths? No! You kill them because otherwise, they destroy your home. This is the same for humans and Magis. There is no room for everyone in our world."

"Then go back to the Sect." Miu points to the east. "I'm not going to force you to help me, but I'm going to find that guy and persuade him and join our Sect. Think about it; we can be the first humans to make an alliance with the Magi."

"He's a monster..." Cheng Shu comments. "But if he is on our side, he will be a ferocious monster only to our enemies and a good ally for us."

Miu nods. "Exactly. Now help me find him."

The Cheng sisters begin to help Miu look for Elwin while the Tao brothers make upset and jealous expressions, but they don't abandon the girls. They would be the new joke in their Sect if they returned after abandoning the most popular Sect girls for fear of a Magi.


After finding Elwin and his family, Miu started arguing with him about saving Valyra, so she suggests the Blood Pact. Her apprentices quickly agree that only such a pact could make them able to trust a Magi, but then they get curious about what the deal will be.

"Dual cultivation partner..." Miu's request shocks her apprentices, especially the Tao brothers.

Tao Ying had not yet got up after Miu pushed him back, yet, he falls again due to the shock of hearing those words. His brother is also so shocked that he almost falls on his own.

"You can not be serious!!" Tao Liu speaks in an upset tone.

Tao Ying gets up. "Miu??! You rejected all the members of our Sect, and now you are going to do dual cultivation with this dirty Magi?!"

"SHUT UP!!" Miu is furious and points her hand at the Tao brothers. "Call me Elder Miu, and don't interfere in my life! I do dual cultivation with whomever I want!!"

The Tao brothers are silent but do not stop swearing in their minds. Then Miu looks at Elwin again. "So? Do we have a deal?"

"What is du-" Elwin can't help but doubt Miu's words. He never saw those people, and they came out of nowhere. But he doesn't have time to think. His family is badly hurt, and they need help now.

Although he doesn't like making that Blood Pact, Elwin has no other option, and the voices in his mind told him to trust a woman with blue hair, who is probably the one in his front now.

No matter what happens next, Elwin has no allies and needs to take care of his family, so, despite not knowing anything about her, he chooses to believe in Miu and in the voices in his mind.

He takes her hand. "Yes, we have a deal; help my family, and I will do this dual cultivation with you whatever it is."

Miu holds Elwin's hand tightly. As his hand is already bleeding, she just cuts her hand with a small knife, and then their blood mixes.

She takes off a white band from her ring, which is a low-rank storage treasure, and begins to wrap it around their hands. Elwin feels unfamiliar energy entering his body, and he thinks about resisting, but he has already agreed to trust her, so he has to go to the end.

Miu looks into Elwin's eyes and starts talking in a clear tone. "I, Huang Miu, swear on my blood and Qi to help Elwin and his family as long as he is my dual cultivation partner."

Then she nods to him, making it clear that it is his turn. Elwin wastes no time and uses the rest of his energies to speak in a clear tone. "I, Elwin Helvi, swear on my blood and Qi that I will be Huang Miu's dual cultivation partner as long as she helps my family."

As soon as he finishes taking the oath, dark energy leaves his body and joins it with golden energy that comes from Miu's body. Then those energies come together and re-enter their bodies.

Elwin and Miu feel nothing different in their bodies, but they can feel that they are now connected by a promise.

Then he starts choking and spits some blood on the ground before looking at Miu. "How much time do I have to do my part of the deal?"

Miu gently smiles at him. "Don't worry about that. I'm going to take you and your family to my Sect and take care of you. We can talk about the dual cultivation when you get better."

Elwin tries to nods his head, but his vision starts to get dark. His body is at the limit, and although he is resisting the intense pain, he can no longer stay conscious.

Before passing out again, the last thing he sees is Miu's beautiful face and lovely eyes, which he's not sure are blue or purple.

"Valyra... now help her..." He speaks before losing consciousness.

Then she looks at Elwin's face again. "You don't seem to hate her..."

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