king of power

Chapter 993 technology is no problem

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For Chen Li, this big might experience, the Evchen Design Bureau is particularly enthusiastic, and the deputy professionals who have a good relationship with Chen Geng is exciting to Chen Geng, a strong hug: "Fernandez Mr., I am so happy to see you again.

"See everyone, I am very happy,"

Chen Geng happy to shoot Esi Kravico: "How are you all in this time?"

"not bad,"

Yuri Kravico Kuhahe said: "There is wine, there is a sour cucumber, there is a bread, there is a sausage, what else is there for the Soviet? At least, there are too many days than a lot of brothers. .

Yuri Kravico is telling the truth, although the Soviet situation is much better than the original time and space, but the ruble is still depreciating at the same time at the price of prices, it is still the rubles every month. The problem is that in 1991, the purchasing power of the rubles in 1991 is very insufficient, such as the Ivesco Design Bureau, Tupo Left Design Bureau, etc., the Soviet research unit, which has cooperative relations with Chen Geng, is okay, there is Chen Li every "Quota" provided by the month

It may be more miserable than those of military units with Chen Geong without cooperative relationship.

This person is afraid of comparison, although the Ivesco Design Board is not as good as before, but if you compare the brothers, everyone is still satisfied.

"Yes, Mr. Fernandes, if it is not your help, our current days can be sad.

Yuri Kraviako is nodded, with a bit grate on his face.

Viachelaf Evchen, is the founder of the Soviet Ivesco Design Bureau: Alexander Yvcino's son, and is also the current Director Designer of the Ivesco Design Bureau. He also personally delivered it. Chen Li.

"You are too polite, we are friends,"

Chen Mong Xiao said: "It is a friend to help each other.

"Yes, friends should help each other.

Viachelaf Evchen Koi is smiling, he is half a point, he does not believe that Chen Geng is from the US big capital home, but this does not hide the Viachelaf Evcinko to take more Friendly attitude - If there is no help of Chen Pai, the days of the Ivesco Design Bureau can be too sad.

According to the idea of ​​Viachelaf Evcin, Chen Geng is best to take a break, go to the laboratory in the afternoon to see the AI-222-25 engine, can be in Chen Geng, and Viacslav · Ivchengko and the beneficial · Kravicon Association will advise some, see Chen Geng, and just obey him.

To the Power Laboratory of the Yvcin Design Bureau, Viachelaf Ivchengco pointed to a length fixed on the gantry for about 2 meters, counting the height of the gathering. Chen Geng's waist engine, said: "Mr. Fernandes, this engine is the AI-222-25 engine we have just completed the high-end trial, and is also the most advanced military turbofan engine in the world.

As early as the design, the Yvcheng Cooperative Design Bureau gave the initial information of the AI-222-25 engine to Chen Geng, so Chen Geng's data on the AI-222-25 engine was so bad, but Look at the data on the paper is not as good as those who look at the real guy: Can you imagine, a "carton" of 624mm in diameter, length 1960mm

It actually broke out more than 2500 kg of thrust, let a maximum takeoff weight of more than 10 tons of plane fly into the sky!


Chen Genglian nodded, although he couldn't see that this engine was so good, but this did not hinder him appreciating this engine.

Followed by Viachelav, he said, then said to Chen Geng: "Do you remember, we have said to your information, AI-222-25 engine is a AI-25TL engine As the foundation, like Ai-25TL, the basic architecture of the AI-222-25 engine is the same as the AI-25TL, and is also a turbine fan engine of a two-rotor.

"yes, I remember.

Chen Geng nodded.

"Although the basic architecture is the same, we have made considerable modifications."

Speaking here, Viachelaf Evcino is proud, : "For example, the new AI-222-25 engine improves high pressure compressor compared to the core machine of AI-25 Increased primary high voltage compressor and redesign the low pressure parts.

In addition, we not only increase the number of combustion chamber nozzles, but also re-optimize the design of the combustion chamber, allowing the combustion chamber of the AI-222-25 to increase by 5% more than the combustion chamber of AI-25TL.

In addition, there is a high pressure turbine, the high pressure turbine of the AI-222-25 uses a high pressure turbine of the D-27 engine gas generator, and the AI-222-25 engine is the Soviet Union after the D-90A engine. The two models have been used in the full number of digital control systems, plotting the turntile engine ... "

Chen Geng listened to the end of the link.

He naturally knows that the so-called D-90A is the PS-90A of Russia after the Soviet Union, so that there are countless army fans, especially the flops, and the engine -PS-90A, which hopes to purchase and even introduced. We can Buying, performance can be compared with the military turbine fan engine comparable to the Pratt Whitney PW2040 engine above the C-17 transporter of the United States.

The idea is of course very good, but these cowts are completely ignored: Old Mao is willing? I don't say that the Bear will refuse to sell the PS-90A to our question. Even if the crazy, the loud bear is willing to sell the finished product, just like selling D-30kp-2 and Al-31F, but the bear is willing Transfer the relevant technologies of the engine? You know, even if we purchased hundreds of D-30kp-2 and Al-31F, the gross did not transfer the related manufacturing technology of these two engines - Chengfa Plant's D-30kp- 2, that is, the vortex-18, that is still the Chengfa Factory.

Moreover, even if the Bear will transfer the PS-90A technology, we have not finished the entire process from the project to R & D, and the vertical process. For this engine, it will always know how to do it, and for a reason For countries with defense independence, this is absolutely unacceptable - if we want to develop its own high-performance fighter, walk through the full process of aviation engines, absolutely an essential ring ... It seems to be biased ? Chen Wanto is busy with God, and listened to Viachelaf Ivchen reporters: "The right digital control system guarantees the computer system to perform timely monitoring, and ensures that the engine is operated at any time in the best state. In addition, according to your original recommendation, we also design the AI-222-25 engine as a unit structure in design ... "

Speaking here, Viachelaf Ivcinco is obviously exciting: "The design of the unit is really a good thing. In the process of use, once there is a life-oriented or damaged unit, you can be on the front line airport. The repair shop immediately replaces the relevant unit, greatly simplifies the maintenance procedure ... "

What kind of cell structure is a modular design!

The unit is the name of the Soviet Union, the name of Chen Geo is more accustomed to "modular design"

This concept is also the suggestion of Chen Geng proposed by the AI-222-25 engine project, and now the Soviet Union, although it is convenient to repair at the front line airport, although there is no clear proposing "modular design"

The concept, but in actual research and development, it has already begun to do this, but the standard is not clear, it is not uniform, and the modular work is not good enough.

However, this time, according to the agreement reached by Chen Geong, the technology and patents of the AI-222-25 engine are shared with themselves. Chen Ming puts a lot of suggestions for modularization. Now, Iraq The Doubu Design Bureau listened in his own recommendations.

Chen Mong is very satisfied with this, sometimes the designer is too talented to the investor's headache: "I have learned, but I am more concerned about the cost, and the production of Ai-222-25. How much is the cost? "

Many of the technologies of Ai-222-25 are inherited from Ai-25TL, now Chen Ge is more curious, and the manufacturing cost of the AI-222-25 engine is much higher than AI-25TL.

"not many,"

Viachelaf Evchenko said: "Probably between 20% and 23%.

Only one-fifth to quarter? This cost increases Chen Geng very satisfied, he nodded, asked: "The information provided to me before, and the first version is this, the first version is what we see. The AI-222-25 without the agility combustion chamber is the base version. There is also a AI-222-25KFK version with a short force combustion room with a standard combustion room AI-222-25F version. "

"Yes, now the three versions are now planned.

Although Chen Li's sudden asked this question, Viachelaf Yvcin, still nodded, at the same time, his heart is a little curious about Chen Geng's questions to say.

"If I need to add new versions, what should this be?"

"Hey ... I can ask you what version is you ready to add?"

Viachelaf Ivcheng, hesitated, couldn't help but ask.

Chen Geng: "A connotation ratio is 5.

5 or more, more oil-based version of Ai-222-25 more fuel, and even lower noise.

"A civil version of a big road?"

Viachelaf Evchen Wrinkled the eyebrow, some unexpected: According to the situation you know, Mr. Fernandes Chen did not have this thrust demand.

However, this seems to be a matter of doing things.

Viachelaf Evchen Reconstro, nod: "If the military industrial equipment committee and the government approval, our Ivesco design is absolutely no problem.

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