king of power

Chapter 994

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Viachelaf Evcinco does have enough confidence to say this.

What is the Ivesco Design Bureau? They are the only design bureau in the Soviet Union, manufacturing a three-rotor aeroeir engine, while the turbulence of the three rotors, except for the British Rawls Royce, only the Evchen Design Bureau!

The first three-rotor engine D-36 of the Ivesci Design Bureau has now become the engine of the Soviet medium short-range main trunk passenger Jacques -42 / d, and the D-18T three-rotor engine developed by D-36 technology. It is also the only big thrust aerial engine in the Soviet Union, which can develop a C-5 '"Galaxy" with the United States.

The strategic transport plane is relatively anti-124 "Ruslan"

The strategic transport plane is the strong D-18T.

Therefore, for the Ivchen Design Bureau with rich technical reserves, technology has never been a problem, and the problem is whether the Soviet government and the Soviet Union Military Industrial Equipment Committee approved this cooperative project.

Of course, Chen Li has never doubts the strength of the Evchen Design Bureau, and after the Soviet Union, the two-haired Ekna Cooperative Design Bureau and the old foundation of the Antonov Design Bureau have been working after 30 years. Eating, in these thirties, the rabbit kept waving diligent little hoes, and did not give the Antonov Design Board and the Evchen Design Bureau to dig empty, and he would like to know the two design bureaus. How deep the bottom is.

Since the Viachelaf Evcinko said, Chen Li nodded: "OK, the Soviet Government and the Military Industrial Equipment Committee I will get it, you have this mental preparation,"

Speaking of this, Chen Geng half opened to Viaceslav Evchenko: "If you have nothing in this time, it can also be started to work now.

Viachelaf Evchen Wrinkled the eyebrows.

He knows that Chen Geng has a deep relationship between the Soviet government and the Soviet Military Industrial Equipment Committee, which is said that Dear Gobshev comrades met him several times, and held a private dinner for him. If Chen Geng said The problem is not big, that is really a big problem, if this is the case ... "Mr. Fernandez, can I ask you a question?"

Intondressed, Viachelaf Evcin, still didn't hold back, and asked Chen Geng asked Chen Ge.

No way, this is a common problem of technicians. After discovering a problem, if you don't hurry, you will solve this problem immediately, and your heart is tickle with the seventeen kitten in the small paw, it is uncomfortable.

Although it has already been expected to ask Viachelaf Evcinko to ask questions, Chen Tong still nodded: "You said.

"Why do you want to develop a civil aviation engine with AI-222-25?"

Viachelaf Evqin rushed: "I have studied your company's products, it seems ... This thrust level is far less than to meet the needs of the Fuk F100 on the power?"

Improve the thrust of the engine by increasing the overview ratio, increasing a total pressure ratio, but is limited to the overall potential of the core machine of the AI-222-25 engine, Viachelaf Ivchengke feels in the first stage, This civilian version of the engine can only increase the thrust to about 4000 kg. It is necessary to install four only to the Fuk F100. It is basically satisfied with the demand for power. It is the Market Group to be "TAY".

MK650-8c, placed ready-made, "TAY" that actually uses verification

MK650-8C is not used, Chen Geng will venture the use of civilian version of the AI-222-25? Viachelaf Evcinko always feels that this is unlikely.

"Of course not,"

Chen Pipedently nodded, but he also explained: "But I didn't intend to put this engine on the F100.


Viachelaf Evchen Kito: Don't be in the F100, which plane does your company can use this engine? Looking at the confused Viachelaf Evchen, Chen Geng thought, asked Viachelaf Yvcin, "Mr. Ivesko, your CF34 engine for General Electric What is it? "

For the Director of Viachelaf Evcin, the Director of the Ivesco Design Bureau, Chen Geng's problem is not too small in children. If it is not because of everyone in the past few years, he is simply I doubt that the other party is in humiliating yourself, even now, he is also a little depressed: Although I am a Soviet aviation engine designer, it does not mean that I have nothing to know about the situation of the old opposite of the Soviet Union. ? However, although a little depressed, Viachelaf Evcinco still answered Chen Geng's question: "The CF34 engine is a civilized civil society that is improved on the basis of TF34 military scroll engines. Emperor turbine fan engine, as for TF-34, in addition to the US Air Force A-10 attack machine in use, the US Navy S-3 series carrier anti-live, investigation, and oil machine are also used by this series of engines ... Is there any problem, Mr. Fernandes? "

In the final question, it undoubtedly represents the dissatisfaction of Viachelaf Ives.

For the dissatisfaction of Viachelaf Ivcin, Chen Geng also didn't care, who made people have a skill? He smiled: "You are right, then you know that General Electric has made the US government and military money relying on TF34, now preparing to use civil models CF34, more The huge civil engine field will make a wave of money? "


Viachelaf Evchen, blink, did not speak.

It's because he doesn't know what to say. He knows that General Electric has made civilian version of CF34 on the basis of TF34, but it will so far, so that how to use this CF34, CF34 can also sell How much ... telling the truth, this is the person who is a teacher of the Soviet Ivesko Design Bureau's designer, what is the business? "General Electric Company cooperates with Bombardi, Canada Spranchal Aircraft Manufacturers, will use CF34-3A as the only power system of Bombardi's first 50-level jet line passenger plane CRJ-100, in accordance with Bombardi's plan, if the market performance of CRJ-100 Good, they also develop 60, 740 or even 80-level jet offline.

In addition, in addition to Bombardier, Canada, Brazilian Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. also enters the aerobics of jets ... "

Looking at Viachelaf Evchen, Chen Ge said: "Now, do you understand why I want a aviation engine with CF34 lift?"

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