king of power

Chapter 1090 cannot be insulted

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Chen Geng really wants to say a " is the situation!

It can be seen in Nikola Mallov helped himself on so much busy, he touched: "So this time you come to me, just tell me this?"

"of course not,"

Nikola Malinkov's expression is like a face, and the magical has changed a pair of expressions: "Mr. Fernandes, I am looking for you, I want to ask, this time the military purchase, do you think we have the opportunity?"

"It's hard,"

Everyone is an old friend, Chen Li also does not look at Nikola Mallov: "Nikola, you should understand, the local government and Mubarak is now close to the United States, and your Soviet Union is in confrontation with the Soviet Union Nowadays, now in the bottom of the wind, with the temperament of the rudder, even if your plane meets the requirements of Turys, and the price is less expensive, and the villain is not likely to choose you ... I want to be protected by the United States. If the protection fee, you should understand it.

"Yes, I understand.

Nikola Malinkov bitter.

Chen Ge said that he certainly understands that in the field of international military sales, military sales have never been a simple you buy me, this is a lot of things, such as the end of the 1970s, the extension of China. 6 and 7 fighters, Turi doesn't know how the two fighters have been backward? They certainly know, but even if they know, they must also buy, because the Turys at the time is in China, do not pay this "license fee" to Huaxia

Huaxia will not nod in some things, it is so simple.

Specifically, this time the Tudu military purchase is also the same, in all military sales contracts, Tudu must let the United States have a largest "cake"

The rest can be handed over to the Europeans, but it is absolutely not to give to the Soviet, even if the Soviet Union is excellent in the next performance.

"Since you all understand, what is it ..."

Chen Geng has some unexpected: since you understand anything, why don't you run this? Is this not a white fee?

"More than I understand, many people in our inside understand,"

Nikola Mallov's face is difficult: "But it doesn't mean that I can't make efforts.


Chen Geng suddenly suddenly: even, even the Soviet high-level high-level understanding of the Soviet Union, it is not possible to get this order, but it must be "we are working hard" from top to bottom.

The same is the same as the person in charge of the Soviet Airlines industry, even if he knows that the Soviet Union is not possible to obtain this order, but also to someone else to work hard, no corpse .

Understand this layer, Chen Geng Micro-slice: "Well, there is a need to work, you will open.

"I am still looking for you,"

Nikola Malinkov, etc. is Chen Geng's sentence: "Brother, I know that you have a good relationship with Huaxia, so I want to please you.

Ok? !

Nikola Mallov's expression, let Chen Li are earnestly: "What is, you said.

"You don't know,"

Nikola Malinkov looked at Chen Pigang and said seriously: "Really, I am for you, as long as you can help me with some people in Huaxia.


Chen Geng did not speak, silently got a smoke, but the head has been turned down in the sea: Nikola Malinkov's words ... very little means.

Although Nikola Malinkov did not say what he wanted to do with Huaxia, it would be, but it was impossible to use butt, and the group was definitely seen that the Soviet closet was not Returning, preparing to "engage a big move"

And this big movement is even bigger to tell yourself!

"Do you have special contact channels with Huaxia?"

After taking half of the smoke, Chen Li looked up and looked at Nikola Mallov: "Why do I help?"

The current Huaxia and the Soviet Union are no longer the original Huaxia and the Soviet Union. In the past few years, China and the Soviet economic and trade exchanges are very close. In addition, Huaxia has purchased 2 batches from Soviet SU-27 fighters, 1 A batch of Il-76 transport aircraft and rice-8 helicopters, in addition to this, introduce "modern"

Level missile destroyer and "Kiolo"

The negotiations of conventional power submarines have also been close to the end, soon signing, there is reason to believe that there is a number of hidden contact channels that have been established between Huaxia and the Soviet Union. In this case, there is a must pass the Soviet Union. Contact yourself? Chen Hua will not understand.

"Of course, we do have such a channel,"

In the face of Chen Geng's doubts, Nikola Mallov does not hesitate to nod: "But this situation is special, we must be as careful as possible, you can't walk the channels ..."

Speaking here, Nikola Mallov is smirking: "No one can guarantee if the past channels are enough and reliable, we don't want to talk to the Chinese people in front of you, and the legs will know the specific details of the transaction.

Lying in the trough!

Chen Geng was shocked by Nikola Marlinkov: Nicholas Marinkov, these guys, what is it? Do they prepare for selling empty base nuclear cruise missiles? !

If so, then this matter is really cautious, cautious, cautious, but the problem is that Nikola Malinkov these people, really dare to toss? Their courage is too great? But then, if this is true, it really needs to be confidential for the content and process of the transaction.

The shock was shocked, Chen Pang was still strongly surprised, picking the packed eyebrows said: "The old brother, not, I don't want to help, it is ... Since I don't even trade things, what is your trading? I don't know, how do I take a commission? "

"This one……"

Nikola Mallov licked his lips: he admitted that Chen Li said, and people did not know what it was, how did this commission? More, Fernandes Chen, may feel that he has lost.

Hesitating, Nikola Mallov whispered: "I can't say too much, I can only tell you that there is a super-large component soldered with vacuum electron beam after handling.


Chen Geng did not move, and his head has begun to be crazy "lying!

Get up: After the large-scale forging machine forging, the ultra-large part of the vacuum electron beam welded, which is usually used where, many military fans know!

If you can use this part, there is no exception, it is a properly "Zhenyang"

Is it really crazy? Even this kind of thing dare to take the takeaway? !

The shock is shocked, and Chen Wi-mind is more clear. The details of this transaction are really unknown.

He nodded: "What about the quantity? How much?"

"Specific quantity and species, we need to talk to Huaxia,"

Nikola Malinkov, a man, serious way: "BOSS, not I don't give you, really don't know better for you.

Since Nichola Malinkov has already said this, Chen Li is not very much, he thinks, Shen Sheng: "This way, people in China's air industry import and export management department will come to Tuy I will talk to them.

"Thank you,"

Nikola Mallov stands up and holds Chen Geng's hand: "Thank you.

.................................... Jack Wellch's movement is very fast.

The Turi will soon receive the oral tale of the US negotiators, indicating that there are some different voices in the United States, requiring the "Avengers" to Tudu.

The requirements of the ground mobile low-altitude defense system are re-audited.

Some of the Tudoy is a bit: What is the situation? Why do Americans want to purchase "Avengers"

The requirements for the air defense system conduct audits? Really "Avengers"

The air defense system is not too much too much ground air defense system, and the American Hua Dan: "Patriot"

Compared with "Toxic" compared to the ground air defense system

The "Avengers" that shoulder-in-white portable air defense missile system

The system is simply the difference between the Ben and Outu, we didn't think of buying big rush, but now you said that Outton is not? But if we don't allow us to buy Aoyu, how do you say that F-16? Compared to "Avengers"

Ground mobile air defense system, F-16 this eyebrow guy at least a Pasat.

The US negotiator shrugged, and the love of the face is Mo Can: How do I know this? At the same time, the US National Guard also passed the sound, and the US government approved the procurement of the HMMWV military vehicle: Our national guards are still using backward M115 Jeep, and there is no comprehensive dressing HMMWV, why do you sell HMMWV to Tuen? It is necessary to meet the external sales after the equipment demand for all armed forces in the United States.

This news is not the US negotiation person to inform Turi, but the Tudo government in the US Embassy in the US Embassy, ​​followed by the high-definition fax of the Tudu Related Report of the Embassy in the United States.

The bad news of the second link, let the Turi suddenly panic!

The time to deal with Americans is long, and Tudi has already known that this signal from the United States is not really not selling to himself, but means that this has what you don't know.

Of course, whether it is a HMMWV military vehicle or a "revenge"

The ground missile air defense system is actually not so shortage, it is true that the Signal that the United States passed this action makes the Turkish heart: What happened to this happened? These signals released in the United States have meanled? Lenoving the Soviet Union has also come to the Turys, some Turkish high-rise can't help but think, what is the damn American and the Soviet man reached an agreement, and Tudi ... became the chip of the transaction? This possibly makes the more hairdressed in the heart of the Tury.

Universal power, Rockheed and other people's negotiating representatives of US military enterprises negotiated with Tudu, keen discovering the changes in Tudo!

These guys, a thief, although the changes in the negotiations in terms of the negotiations, but this subtle change has gone these experienced arms dealers' negotiating representatives, and realize that things may come out. There are some negotiating representatives that they don't know, and the decisive calls stop negotiations: First understand what changes have changed!

This understanding is not tight, and the eyes of each of the negotiators are bright: the United States has someone to make the soil!

Some people have to make the Tongyu, this is not a focus, focusing on, we can take the opportunity to touch the fish, extortion ... for a time, the vibrant is attached to the coke, and I don't know why these bastards are so tough.

Also at this time, the people of China Aviation Technology Export Company finally came to Egypt.

Of course, it is also possible to see you with Chen Geong ... The person in charge of China Aviation Technology Import and Export Corporation entrusted Zhang Wei to meet Chen Ge, chatting about this Tudu military purchase.

See Zhang Wei, Chen Geng opened a joke: "It's rare, the guys of the old, China Aviation skills, actually will take you.

"Chen Dong, don't laugh at me,"

It's been a little more than such a year, Zhang Wei is a little understanding of Chen Geng's character. It is a person who loves to kid: "You think those guys are willing to take me, not because you are here.

"Hahaha ..."

Chen Li is happy.

"For this military purchase this time, in fact, we have no hope,"

After the two sides, Zhang Wei took the initiative to explain the purpose of his own: "As long as you can hit the Middle East in other countries, it is worth it.

Chen Geng nodded: "You said, nothing more than the purpose of hitting a tribute with jujube.

"Oh ... it's almost.

Zhang Wei nodded quickly, this is not sorry, they, including China Air Technology Import and Export Corporation, it is really thinking, as for the idea of ​​grabbing the market with Americans, French and even Shangfei Group, they are fundamentally I haven't passed: How do K8 performance Do they not know? The requirements of the Tudu are there, how big is the demand of K8 and Tuye, can't they see it, will it be more? In fact, this Air Technology Import and Export Corporation came to Tudu, there is a reason for a bad saying: hoping to understand the new version of the F-16 fighter performance.

For Huaxia, this opportunity can be very difficult.

"I also have a message here to tell you,"

Chen Ge said: "Mr. Nikola, Soviet, came to find me, they have a group of things to sell to you.

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