king of power

Chapter 1091 is developing in the strange direction.

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"The Soviets have a group of things to sell to us?"

Zhang Wei is somewhat surprises: "How do they contact you? Contact us directly.

Well, what? "

The strangeness is strange, Zhang Wei does not really think this is a big thing: Who knows that the old Mao is thinking about it.

"I don't know what,"

Chen Tongyi stall: "But I know that one of them is to solder the large metal member solder with electron beam under vacuum conditions with super large forging equipment.


Zhang Wei's eyes were all rounded. After a while, he took a breath: "lying in the groove!

As the executive deputy general manager of Hongdu, Zhang Wei is too clear to Chen Ge said something: What large metal components need to force for forging with super large forging equipment, and then use electron beams under vacuum conditions? There are not many things that have such a harsh processing requirement, such as the central air wing box of a large aircraft in the Soviet Union needs to use this processing process. If you contact Nikola Middot; Marionkov is the development of the Soviet ministerial meeting The identity of the head of the committee, Zhang Wei's heart is crazy to beat: "You are said.

You are said.

"I do not know,"

If you don't wait for Zhang Wei, Chen Geng has expanded his hand: "Marionkov did not say, he just hoped to contact you through me, then establish a strong enough and hidden communication channel, as for you to talk about something.

Do you think these things are suitable for telling me? "

"It's really not suitable,"

Zhang Wei nodded, this kind of thing is really knowing, the better, thinking that there is still a chance to get this kind of thing, it is true.

Old Mao is good!

I can think of a possibility, exciting, I don't know what to say, I'm asked to ask Chen Geng: "But Mr. Chen, Nikola Middot; Marrinkov sells these things to us?"

"How do I know this?"

Chen Geng two hands, said, "How do I know Nikola Middot; How do people think of Malinkov?"

Can Chen Geng said that Zhang Wei is thinking: "Is it.

Mr. Marinkov knows what, think that our original contact channel is unreliable? "


Chen Dynasty blinked: what? I just said this, you suspect that you have an inner ghost you? As for such brain makeup.

I can't think that Zhang Hao is getting more and more powerful. The more I want to have this possible Zhang Wei, and I have to say this, it must be that the Soviet place has discovered anything wrong, they decided to pass you We emit this warning.

"You can't say this,"

Chen Tili is not a brain supplement that he can't stand it, can't help it: "Maybe they just.


When Chen Geng opened, Zhang Wei did not speak, and he looked at Chen Pigang so fixed, he went to Chen Geng closed, he only had a face "I know that it is like this."

The expression: "You also think that makes sense, right?"

If you don't wait for Chen Geng, Zhang Wei is just whispering: "Lao Maozi may not wish to remind us, they are not so kind, but they don't remind us if they want to sell things this time. .

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei nodded, it seems to be affirmed by his idea: "It must be like this, no mistake.


Looking at Zhang Wei, who has completed the whole process, Chen Wanto sighed, decided nothing wrong with you: Forget it, what do you want to think about how you want.

"No, Mr. Chen, I am sorry today, I have to go back to China!

Comrade Old Zhang is a very high D person who realizes the seriousness of the problem. (Although he is his own brain), you can't sit still: Since some channels have problems, they must be as soon as possible. I want to block the vulnerability.

This vulnerability, I don't know how many Chinese secrets have been leaked. Now I don't dare to say that it is a dead sheep, and the code can reduce a little loss.

Chen Geng frowned: "Is this anxious?"

"Don't always stay,"

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "I don't know how much the problem found by the Soviet Union gives the state and the nation.

He has been in a hurry, thinking about any reason to quickly returning to China - As for China Aviation Technology Import & Export Company, there is no matter what you can't say, at this time, in addition to organizing who is also believed.

Don't worry, "

Chen Geng Zhu swayed, asked Zhang Wei: "You didn't find this big problem?"

Zhang Wei blinked: "How do you say?"

He really did not find any problems in this.

Fortunately, Chen Li did not sell Guanzi, directly said: "Let's assume that the Soviet man discovers this problem, but you don't think Nikola Middot; Malinkov is very strange with your transaction?"

"Surprise? I didn't think it.


? "

I have been immersed in the inner ghost. I want to hurry to report this situation as soon as possible, I will take out the inner ghost stop. I am very reasonable to say that Chen Ge said: Yes, Nikola Middot; Marlinco The husband reminds him that this is a thing, but he is ready to sell something to us, is it easy to sell? That can be true and positive countries.

So problem, Nikola Middot; Marionkov and the people behind him.

What is the forces behind why do you dare to do this? Recognizing this problem, Zhang Wei took out a layer of fine sweat: do not figure out this, and there is no way to explain why you have to have this side of the inner ghost - for the Soviets Say that when they find that he has come out of the inner ghost, it should not contact the inner ghost, and then force this ghost to provide them with more core secrets that are more in line with their interests? But now the old Mao didn't do it. Instead, this thing told himself so much, then there is something that the hair is in the end, it is worth finding.

Also, this kind of transaction should not be a channel of Nikola Middot; Marionkov's channel? Zhang Wei nodded, Zhang Zai Chen Ge said to be reasonable: "You said, think carefully, this thing seems to be alive.

Zhang Wei is a smart person. I know that this is definitely the inside. I don't know if this is nothing. Since Mr. Chen Li said with himself, then he must know something, simply ask him: "That.

Mr. Chen, you feel Nikola Middot; Malinkov is doing this, what is the reason? "

Chen Li was laughing: I can tell you Nikola Middot; Malinkov these people are so clearly self-cultivated trafficking countries, because they have realized that the collapse of the Soviet Union is inevitable, to take advantage of the opportunity Give you your own benefits? Certainly!

"I know, but I can't tell you.

See Zhang Wei, I want to ask, I don't ask, ask, I can't answer you, but I can tell you, I guess Nikola Middot; Marlinkov these people want to trade with you In addition to these, there should be some other things.

Chen Possed a pair "I can't say it".

The frame, Zhang Wei wants to ask if there is no way: Chen Li does not want to say, no one can force him to say.

He sighed: "Ok, I don't ask, but what you said is.

"I have said that I don't know Nicola Middot; Malinkov is ready to trader,"

Looking at Zhang Wei, Chen Geng slowly said: "But I think you don't stick to Nikola Middot; Marionkov gives you a list, some are not in Nikola Middot; Malinkov them on their trading list, You can also find way to convince the old man.

For example, the information of KH-55, even in kind.


Ok? !

Zhang Wei has grown his eyes, then he slowly nod: "I know.

Mr. Chen, thank you for your reminder.

Chen Li is indeed reminding himself: Since Nikola Middot; Marionkov and the strength behind him dare to sell, some things that are not in their trading list, why can't you trade? For example, Mr. Chen has just mentioned the KH-55 strategy ****.

Although Zhang Wei is not sure if the old man is willing to include this thing into the transaction hydrogen bomb, this kind of thing.

Since even what you don't dare, you have included the trading list, this is not possible to add it. It seems that there is not much deal.


Zhang Wei hurriedly returned, Chen Li did not know what excuses he used, how to say it to China Air Technology Import and Export Corporation, Chen Li is not concerned, he cares about, with Jack Middot; Well The strange continuous trick, the Alezani this guy feels pressure? The answer is of course: Yes!

It's a feeling of feeling, I feel that I have to be crazy in these days.

No one is stupid, and the United States suddenly starts to press Egypt, Egypt, especially ****, must be pondered: This has always been well, Americans have always taken care of themselves, even F-16 is sold Give yourself a batch, how can I find my own trouble? Among them, there must always be a foot.

This kind of thing does not have much effort, I know what is going on again and again.

After listening to the report of the secretary, **** suddenly turned three times, immediately put Allazani to the front of the front: !

Alezani, you are a born, what is your plane? !

Do you know how much trouble you have a bastard? !

**** is really angry!

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