king of power

Chapter 1124, Sitting, Different Fruit Fruit

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If there is no Soviet Union, the news of Chen Geng is elected as the Mayor of Detroit, must be a headline of the entire world, but now it is, just two days before Chen Wong officially wins, the Soviet flag is slowly ,"boom!

One, like 100 "Da Yi"

At the same time, the whole world is shaken ... Soviet, got there? !

Whether it is Huaxia, Europe is still the United States, this news has become a headline of all media, all the media, whether it is a "Wall Street Times", "New York Post", or the UK "Sun News" The gossip media, all in the tired report, analyze the significance of the Soviet Union, analyzing what kind of impact of Russia's successor in Russia, and analyzing the Soviet Union will not cause serious nuclear weapons in the world. ... As for the Mayor of Fernandes Chen Hi!

Just find a righteous corner, you will, Fernandez Chen is elected as the mayor of Detroit, can there be a sensation of the Soviet Union? For this situation, Rosemary, Stanson, Helen Millen, Rynry Taylor, Patrimia, Idis Harris, Tim Pan, and Marion Samfield and others. No, especially the first personal assistant of Hengmun, Hengmun, which is a good thing for this situation. "In fact, I think this is a good thing.

Patrimia Idis Harris, has not been opened, has not been opened.

Chen Ge has not spoken, Helen Millen is not happy: "What is this ..."

Helen, "

Chen Geng Zhao, indicating that Helen Millen doesn't want to worry about: "In fact, I also think this is a good thing like Patrimia.


Helen Millen, Stanson, etc. in the heart, suddenly did not talk, they can doubt Patrimia Idis Haris, but they will never doubt Chen Power, but they still hope that Chen Li can give it One explanation: Why is it a good thing?

Chen Geng to Patrimia Idis Haris: "Patrimia, you talk to you."


Patrimia Idis Haris I think this is the boss to show you a chance to show yourself, it is also welcome: "Miss, Miss, I think so: Although BOSS is elected as the mayor of Detroit There is no doubt that he is a Chinese.

And different from the Yellow Mr. California, our BOSS is not only a Chinese, but also the world's richest, this decides that the BOSS will be held much more than other people more than others, his one move will be People are placed under the microscope, and now everyone is paying attention to the Soviet Union ... "

Patrimia Idis Harris shrugged: "Is this not a good thing for BOSS?"

The Chinese in Patrimia Idis Harris is the first Chinese Mayor Huang Jinbo. He successfully elected the Mayor of Jiyuku, California in 1983, once known as the light of Chinese However, Duiruki is only a small city.

What is the extent of this city? Before Huang Jinbo is elected, Ji Ruiku has the largest container supermarket in the United States: Wal-Mart is not.

After the Yellow City Long Choice, I want to introduce Wal-Mart to Jiiku, and I have also been a collective opposition of the small retailers in Shiyu ... Of course, I am a bit far away, listen to Patrimia Idis Harry. So, everyone also reacted: Yes, a Chinese mayor of a large small city, the people are really not very concerned, but Detroit is the top ten big cities in the United States, and its influence is not the Metri-Member. of.

Just like Patrimia Idis Harris, if it is not a Soviet Union, BOSS will inevitably be observed under the microscope, from this perspective, now this is low-key, it seems not to A bad thing.


Helen Millen hesitated, finally nod: "If this is the case, I can accept it.

Chen Geng nodded and looked around.

Seeing everyone, he didn't respond: "This time, please come over, one is thank everyone, this time is coming to everyone, now I finally set it, everyone can rest, I will have a good rest, I give Everyone has prepared a red envelope. After tonight, everyone has a week holiday. Everyone relaxes to this week; as for the second thing, tell everyone, about everyone next in the Detroit City Hall The position of the department is ... "

In this campaign, in addition to the individual donations of the voters, all the campaign funds are all Chen Geng self-pockets. The advantage of this is that after Chen Geng's election, he doesn't care about those interest groups. He wants to toss and toss how to toss, But in accordance with the practice, in his election team, as long as someone is willing to enter the business, he has to arrange it as much as possible.


Although everyone has predicted before this, it can be, but everyone is still not avoided.

Looking at everyone, Chen Mongxiao: "I am also preparing to wait for everyone to say to you, look at you, it is estimated that if I don't say, you have not eaten and drink ...... Well, first Red envelopes.

The red envelope is very big, and the reason why it is a big red envelope because every red envelope is a check, watching the number on the check, everyone is happy, obviously very satisfied with the number on the red envelope - can Not satisfied, the lowest is 50,000 dollars.

"Okay, I will take the red envelope. I will talk about everyone's placement,"

Chen Ge said this, slightly, asked: "Ask, have you worry about working in the government?"

It turns out that the Chinese people's mind is not weak than the Chinese people. In these people, the most rich, such as Helen Millen. She not only replaces Chen Geng's Media Group, but also has the shares of the Media Group. If these shares are converted into cash, her price is also at least 50 million US dollars, and it is also a "half billionaire".

However, it is like this, and the Helen Millen's eyes are also placing light.

And Stanson is also, Chen Geng started to transfer the shares of Thailand's motorcycle factory to the soldiers of Tanson, and count Stanson is also a millionaires worth millions of dollars. Even so, he did not stand up and said that I didn't want to be an official.

Why do you want to be an official? This is actually very simple. The seat of the various government function sectors is indeed in the eyes of the Detroit City Hall, but everyone is clear, the mayor of the Detroit is not the end of Chen Mingshi's career. On the contrary, this is Fernandes Chen. Mr. Wei's starting point, BOSS is not only to be a mayor, but also as a governor in the future, the Senator is even a Secretary of State. If you can't keep up with BOSS, you can't be an indispensable person around BOSS, and you will come to more When you have a high location, is there any own location around? In turn, a millionaire and even the millionaires, how can it be comparable to that position? Once you go to that height, it is no longer a person's own thing, which means you can build your family into a wealthy hand-free political aristocrat, such temptation, is difficult to refuse to reject anyone.

As for the problem of omnivalent of hundreds of millions of people ... How much is the billionaire family in 30 years ago? How much is it? Chen Geng also understood this, so his heart was dark: who would tell me later that Americans don't want to be officials, Laozi's big mouth is smoking him!

In the heart, I am not surprising to this situation, I have a little unexpected, I have a little bit: "Since this, then I said, Patricia, I promised that you are my ruling class. PR People and government press spokesperson, when I took office, you are the head of the Ministry of Foreign PR, and the news spokesperson of the Ministry of Public Information, as soon as in the future, you can become a vice mayor, see your ability and performance.

"Thank you boss,"

Patricia Idis Harris did not expect BOSS to be arranging to be self-contained, suddenly hiped, hurriedly: "Please rest assured, I will not let you down.

Chen Geng nodded, then look at Stanseon: "Stanson, you have been a long time around me, so I will give you two options, one is the Municipal Police Bureau, one is the Municipal Fire Bureau, you choose one ... Let me know that you can't get a hand, you can only start from the deputy director, as for you to be a hand, or I just said to Patrimia, see your ability and performance.

Stanson did not hesitate to: "BOSS, I chose to the police station.

"Thinking it?"

Chen Ge has picked his eyebrows: "The truth tells you that the police station is not the best choice, and the oil water does not have a fire department, and work is more tired.

"Boss, I think,"

Stanson 's way: "You must have your own trusted people and the power you can command, I am willing to go to the police station.

Stanson's answer did not let Chen Geng disappointed, he nodded, nod: "Well, then you will go to the police station, as for the business, look, I try to give you the patrol police department ... Rosemary, you Is there anything I want to go? "


Rosemary laughed: "Souttest Statunson is willing to go to the police station, then I will go to fiscal.

"You go to the finance port?"

Chen Geng was a bit surprised.

"Well, I will keep you staring."

Rosemary nod: "As for the annual salary, you know, I can't see the money, just take a dollar, when I announce, I donate my salary to the city education system.

Rosemary's trick, Chen Geng thumbs up: "Okay.

Writing here, there may be a brother. Is Chen Geng's right to appoint the master of the departments of the Detroit? If he is so confused, is the Detroit not become Chen Li's words? Where is democracy? Where is freedom? The answer is: Of course you can.

Many people understand more about the US political system, based on the US presidential election, I always feel that the US president has been treated by the Senate and the House of Representatives all day. In addition to the two hospitals, there is no other thing. The typical gas package is true, but in fact, it is not entirely, to the city, the US mayor's power is divided into "strong market chief system" according to the different conditions of the city.

And "Weak Mayor"

The so-called "weak city chief system"

Needless to say, on the narrowed version of the US President, but in "Strong Mayor System"

Next, the mayor can send it to the cattle X, except that the voters are selected directly, he also has the power of appointed the government's departments, the proposal of the municipal council, etc., of course, it has to be The Municipal Council decided, but the general government affairs are all speaking.

If the class ratio, you can probably see it as a domestic episode, secretary and S longer than one guy, and even the right to be more, after all, the domestic s long, the secretary also listen to the province, can be in the United States, mayor The situation of non-bird governors is not too common.

The mayor of New York, Washington, San Francisco, and Detroit, is the "strong mayor" in this standard.

Of course, the United States is really too big, and the United States has more than 200 years. In these more than 200 years, all localities naturally have their own "local characteristics".

For example, one of the "local features"

It is the last police chief, and if there is no mistake, and respect for this mayor is also enough to respect, the new mayor will not take the last police director, as long as the old director knows.

This "knowledge"

It is that the director of the old police is enough to give the new mayor to arrange the deputy director of the deputy director, so that the new mayor has enough voice and influence in the police station. If you insist on the heart of the air, it is embarrassed, Don't blame the new mayor, don't give you a face - this is why Chen Li can only let Stanson go to the Municipal Police Station as the deputy director. For a while, the Secretary of the Detroit Police Bureau personally gives Chen. Tillage called the phone, indicating his attitude: he will fully support Chen Mining.

This guy is sufficient to know, plus this guy or the old acquaintance you know, Chen Pi will naturally give him a face.

...................... After an hour of time, Chen Li finally put all the people, looked at these excitement and happy faces, Chen Geng lost the wine glass: "Mr., you should I understand the meaning of this successful success, so I suggest, the first cup, respect us.

"Respect BOSS!

As Chen Geng's example, everyone has respected himself with the sound.

Chen Geng looked at it, then laughed: "OK, then we respect us!"

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