king of power

Chapter 1125, quiet return

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Although the attention of the media is attracted by the Soviet Union, it is not to pay attention to Chen Geng's ultra-high support rate to choose the next Mayor of Detroit City. Instead, this time, Chen Geng's one fell swimmed by Huaxia Foreign Affairs System. In the moment of the election of dust, the foreign matter reported this matter in the first time.

There is no doubt that the most important thing in China is the Soviet Union. After the Soviet Union disintegrates, what is impact on our international environment, and those favorable aspects, what are the unfavorable aspects, facing the new situation, new challenges, us What measures should I take ... So the main part of Linlin, the following grassroots government departments may not feel, but in the high-level and all kinds of thinking organizations, the current group is now busy!

However, in general, everyone feels the pressure on the shoulders.

No one is a fool, no matter how unhappy relationship with the Soviet Union, everyone knows that when there is a Soviet old brother to help us in front of us, the old brother helps us share how much pressure, attracting how many eyes Now, the Soviet old brother is gone, and Huaxia has become the largest socialist country on the earth, and this social idea is still not a small country in March or Cuba, which is the world. The first population big country in the three major countries.

The old man has said that "imperialism is dead, my heart is not dead"

In the past ten years of reform and opening up, everyone is also deeply impressed by imperialism to our Sensen, now the Soviet Union is gone, what ways to use the North Atlantic Treatment of the United States to deal with us I really just think that many people have fry!

At this time, Chen Geng, who was successful as the mayor of Detroit City, became the best bridge in some people's eyes to ease the gorgeous relationship, surrounded by this problem, in the red wall of the capital of Beijing, a group of people are fierce quarrel ...... "If you can, I think it is best to ask Chen Mining to travel a visit."

Wearing glasses a pushed glasses, high-channel: "We all know that Mr. Chen Mi is closely related to the President of Carter, President Bush and President of Bush and the President of the Government Cabinet, and the relationship with the US President Small Bill Very unaware, Chen Geng is elected as the mayor of Detroit City, Xiao Bir is also a congratulations to Chen Geng called, and he is also very good to him with the Pentagon and Congress. The most important thing is that he has always been very friendly for our attitude. I think it is necessary to ask Mr. Chen to come over, help us out, even if it is just mentioning some suggestions.

"I disagree!

Also wearing glasses, just a slightly short-loud representation: "I feel that it is too ideal for comrades to the East, before mentioning these, I must remind you to pay attention to it, that is, Mr. Chen Li's English name. Call Fernandez Chen, he is a Chinese, comrades, please pay attention, American Chinese!

People are American nationality, is an American!

Let a Americans give us a proposal, which is the essential difference between the British Herde in our country? Does he Chen Li will give some advice to their Americans? "

"You are wearing a colored eye to see people!"

The opposed one of course is uncomfortable, and the same loud call: "Mr. Chen Miss is not only in our country, and I also give us a lot of suggestions. Do you not admit it? That is to say, Mr. Chen Li is a time test, proves his attitude towards us. If such friends can't trust, can we have friends in international? "

............ A and B have to hold the words, who can't pay anything.

Other comrades in the room, some of them are gently, and some pinching the eyebrow.

In fact, everyone understands that the two of the comrades and b comrades represent two attitudes in China. A, such as A, how much is a few different sick people, I feel that Chen Tong used past The performance proves that herself, Huaxia should ask Chen Geng's opinion at this time, not to say that it must be adopted, but many suggestions can also open a thinking about it? And B, it looks relatively conservative: I know that Chen Geng has done very good, but this is related to the major decisions of our Chinese nation for hundreds of years. Please strictly strictly enforce people's internal people suggest that you feel suitable. ? In case there is a problem in this, we can be the sinner of the Chinese nation, and you will not turn over!

How to pay, it is really difficult to break people.

Looking at the fierce quarrel A comrade and b comrade, everyone will not be discussed by independent whispers ... "What should I do?"

"I don't know, my headache."

"This decision is not casual."

"But not? But I want to say, I listen to Mr. Chen March is also good. I have listened to the bias. The secret is dark. He can ask if Chen Li can recommend it. Can you listen to it is still? Even if he is recommended It is a sugar-coated shell, and we will leave the sugar-coated, and the shell is lost.

"Oh ... this is true, but you can guarantee that you can identify where is a sugar, where is the shell?"

At this time, there was a comrade that I ran from the outside. People are still outside, and the sound has passed. "The latest news, the latest news, the mountain city has completed the geological survey, prove the mountain city The geological structure of the side can meet the requirements of the establishment of a 500,000-ton large agricultural urea production base.

what? !

The geological structure of the mountain city has completed the survey, which can be built a year with 500,000 tons of agricultural urea and 29.

50,000 tons of synthetic ammonia large chemical base? !

I heard this thought, everyone exchanged the eyes: this geological survey conclusion early, not coming out later, it is coming out at this time ... Hey, the attitude above is also used? .............................. "Old clock, what does it mean?"

Liu Dagan looked at the report sent by the Geological Survey Group. He looked at Zhong Congjun. The whole person is a bit: this time is not too coincidental? As a country's middle and senior cadres, Liu Dawang is still political sensitivity, and then considering this geological analysis report to send yourself in this sensitive point in this sensitive point ... Look at Zhong Congjun, Liu Daoliang I feel that the pressure in the mountain city is a bit big.

Liu Daging's own thing about this government's work can be thought of, and Zhong Congjun can certainly think that Liu Dawei's eyes, Zhong Congjun smiled: "I also want to understand, what is it thinking? Why do they think? Do you do this? "

To blame, you can only blame your political emotions too low, I can't understand the intention of the high-level, but I have not prepared to make yourself to make yourself, and it is estimated that I have to do things.



The two paided a look, Qi Qi sighed: You said this is what it is.

"Forget it, since the meaning above it has arrived, there must be above the above, what should we do,"

After a while, Zhong Cong Jun finally said: "Don't care, don't blend it, just think about this urea base, for the people of Basu and the people throughout the Southwest China.


Liu Daliang opened his mouth, did not speak: At this time, is there any room for you? However, Liu Dathang suddenly looked up: "Old clock, I suddenly had an idea.

"Oh? What idea?"

"For the meaning mentioned above, we are of course unswerving, but"

Liu Daliang placed light: "This task is so arduous, we can't be busy.

Zhong Congjun's eyes "brush ..."

Of the moment, shining: Yes!

I didn't expect to do this article on this matter. Since the opportunity is so rare, why not fight for some of the above ... Well, a good policy for the development of the mountain city? Like this opportunity for many people in their entire political career, if you don't catch well, use it, just sore, you can't afford to be old. This opportunity given to the Male.

"Old Liu, you are talking!

Zhong Congjun nodded: "This thing, we have to study ... For the people in the mountains and the people of Bayu, this opportunity is too rare.

............................ Chen Geng saw the geological analysis report and the fax of the invitation from the mountain city, and the whole person was also a bit: when he was elected and the Soviet Union was so sensitive, The geological structure analysis report of the mountain city is there? The high level of Huaxia is, I don't understand what they mean, or another idea? Rie Lari Taylor is carefully looked at Chen Geng: "BOSS ..."

It's a long time to Chen Li's side, she also knows how difficult this is.


Chen Geng nodded: "You communicate with there, determine the date, it is best to be within this month.

Reni Taylor's eyes angry: "Do you have to pass?"

"Why don't I?"

Chen Geng strangely asked Riener Taylor: "This is the project I am going to invest in China. You also know that the Mayor of Detroit is a step-off system. After I officially take office, there is basically not so much time. Going to Huaxia, now I am doing some arrangements for me in the China's industry before, this time is it normal? "

This is really normal, but Riener Taylor knows that this is not normal. She hesitates it. It is true to Chen Geng: "The words are true, but BOSS, you are not worried about the Attitude of the White House?"

"As long as the white house is not stupid, he knows what he should do,"

Chen Mong smiled and said: "He should understand that he can only take 8 years in that chair, and he has been for 6 years, he must take into account that he is not in that chair after 6 years. What should I do.

"But ..."


Chen Geng ran hand broke the Ri Ni Taylor: "I am so sensitive now, I have arranged some arrangements for my industry before you officially take office. No matter who can't say anything, you can rest assured.


Since Chen Li is so persistent, Rie Lie Taylor does not say anything, she sighs: "However, since you are already the deputy mayor of Detroit, if you insist on going to Huaxia, I estimate that CIA may want to go to your team. Intensive people in hand.

"You don't have to estimate that CIA will definitely do this, and I estimate that Xia Birna guys may even call me," "

For the guess of Ri Ni Taylor, Chen Li is very agreed: "Arrange the arrangement, I estimate that there should be psychological preparations on the situation on Huaxia.

And Riener Taylor guess, for Chen Tong to go to Huaxia, the White House did not agree, to know that Chen Mong is not an ordinary person, but he is not only the world's richest, Detroit next Mayor, more importantly, he is already a representative of the American dream. Chen Geng went to China when he was sensitive, and the solution was interpreted by other meaning, but Chen Geng is "in order to next" for the Detroit people Service, I want to go to Huaxia to arrange myself in China's industry "

Name, insist on it, there is no way to oppose ... With a strong and hard, it is not good, Chen Mong is not a good bully, the last thing ... finally refused to ask for a second, indicating that you can go, but In order to ensure your personal safety, the country must send some security power.

What can Chen Li still do? Of course, I can only agree.

However, although the White House is not very happy to Chen Geng to Huaxia, it is consistent with the attitude of Chen Pai in Huaxia, and the attitude of Chen Mong and Chen Pai: Don't speak, don't be alarm anyone. Any media, quietly the past.

At this time, it is better to be less than one thing.

For example, Xiao Bore, don't see that the Soviet Union is in this time, he now looks like a spring breeze, but it is actually because the Soviet Union has spanned, as a host of a carnival feast ... At least the host of the name ... he It is a true busy focus, and Chen Li left the United States at this time, and some extent, in fact, in line with the minds of the interest group behind him.

Why did you only symbolize Chen Pien in the White House, see Chen Mong insisted on it? Not because of those bastards in Wall Street, there is less than a Chen Tong, and there is a compelling of people who are carnival on the body of the Soviet. Although Chen Geng has been layout for many years in the Soviet Union, he is present and not present, and it is still some difference.

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