king of power

Chapter 1126, the invitation of the alma mater

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I haven't started to start, Chen Pigang has found a lot of things. For example, when he passed the Chinese embassy in the United States, he went to China to handle the company's business, the embassy directly sent a coup to docking with himself. And the whole process is accompanied, and after the private aircraft arrived in the Beijing Airport, the level of the leader to pick up the plane is higher than before, such as a series of arrangements ... so, don't give you a specific thing. Come out, because the level involved is too high, easy 404, can be compared with the previous, it is really different, how is it, for example, Lussen, Lussen, Miss La, Miss, As a departure system, It has now independently started business and has achieved a good young entrepreneur, and it is not qualified to give Chen Genei ... As for the deep reason, I don't say ... But this time, Ding Ruo is "social representative"

It was included in the welcome crowd, and also made a bouquet of flowers to Chen Geng ... "Laugh why smile ?!

Chen Li, who didn't stop the smile on his face, waiting for the overgrown, Ding Ruo cigarette couldn't help but bite low channels.

"It's nothing,"

Chen Wiring Xiao said: "It is a bit of emotion.



Chen Geng Ying said: "I used to give you flowers before, now I finally gave me a flower, it's not easy, I have been so many years, I finally received the flowers you sent ..."

Ding Ruoyi is still angro: "You think I am willing to send, it is not ... still no way?"

For the circles of the flowers, Ding Ruo's smoke is determined to be resolute: "Why do I give him flowers? I know how some people think, I sent a few people to do some people to do my job, and I didn't know what happened. I got a confusion, I knew that it would be so laughing by this guy, the old lady should not Promise those guys!

Due to the comrades of Lao Ding, I looked at Chen Geng's accompanying personnel. If I thought, I would like to ask Chen Geng asked Chen Ge: "Mr. Chen, I see your accompanying personnel, some people seem simple.


Chen Geng nodded and did not hide: "There are some people who are the Central Bureau.

"Classical Bureau?!

Ding Navy has not spoken, Ding Ruo smashed: "How do you bring the people of the CIA?"

Born in the family of diplomats, Ding Ruo smoke certainly knows what the situation is in the nature.

Due to the Ding Navy, shake his head slightly to his daughter: "I am afraid that this matter is not asked by Mr. Chen ... Mr. Chen, I am not wrong?"


Chen Geng point nodded should: "These people are Xiaobier personally give me a call arrangement, the reason is that I am now the official of the US government, so ..."

He shrugged: "I know this is an excuse, but I can't refuse this excuse.

Several officials on the small bus, when he heard the people who had a context of the conference, the expression is still unhappy, but when he heard Chen Geng said that the people of these Central Bureau are the current president. Little Bill personally gave the arrangement, one of them paused each other, all closed.

Ding Ruo smoke, it is a bit less than saying: "You said those who are the US President to arrange it from personally? As for?"

"Why not?"

Ding Navy's expression is serious: "Ding Ruo homes, you don't understand Mr. Chen's importance, let's talk, in terms of the influence of gorgeous relations, Mr. Chen is more important than you think.

Ding Ruo smotle, did not speak.

She immediately realized that her problem was there: her own and Chen Ming too familiar, even familiar to himself will marry him. In this case, although I know a lot of things, many things, but There is a lack of sensitivity to these things, but I forgot Chen Tong's existence for this world, what many of the countries in this world mean.

In the final analysis, he still followed Chen Geng Station too high, thinking that the world is like this, but I forgot my already standing in the mountains and clouds.

I saw a thoughtful Ding Ru smoke, Chen Geng was seriously said to the Navy of Dingjun: "Those people of the Central Bureau, how can you arrange how to arrange it? As for my trip, Mr. Ding, you should have seen it, this I can only stay in Beijing, I can only stay for three days. If you have anything, please be sure to arrange within the three days.

Ding Navy certainly knew that these, he immediately promised: "You can rest assured that we are all arranged.

These actually have been communicated and arranged before, without special situations, no one will be will pay for.

That is Ding Ruo, I saw Chen Geng and said that it seems to have something to say.

Chen Geng's eyes are so good, see Ding Ruo smoke, he immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing……"

"If you have any words.

Ding Ruo smoke spitd: "Just ... My alma mater, I don't know how they know what you want to come to Huaxia, the principal contacts me yesterday ..."


Ding Ruo's words have not finished, Ding Navy's brow wrinkled, and I don't know if I am a woman who is in my own, I'm not a doors: "Hua Qing's leadership, why don't I report this idea? Channel? How do they do this? There is you, Ding Ruo smoke, how do you say so much?!

Ding Navy is really angry.

Not only the Ding Navy, several other leaders on the car are also the hepatic hugeness.

Your Huaqing wants to invite Chen Geng in the past, let's not say what the abacus will be played, there is no such thing, you want to invite Chen Geng in the past, don't you know the regular channel, explain to the organization? ? Don't say that the invitation to Huaqing speech is a normal, ordinary cultural exchange, don't forget who you invited!

Several leaders on the car seem to, Hua Qing's practice is simply chaos, which is simply a little organizational and discipline.

Chen Geng is not angry. He is not only angry, but it is quite happy in his heart: After all, it is my alma mater.

Take the Ding Navy, indicating that he should not talk to Ding Ruo smoke, and then struggled to the smoke: "Well, then.

This guy is not angry? Ding Ruo is surprised, but surprising is surprised, she is more still happy, no matter what her old is criticized, immediately said: "For these years, your International Student Fund is not sponsoring a lot of international students, Among them, there is a considerable part of the international students from Huaqing. The principal is very grateful, knowing your news, arrogant, you can go to Huaqing to make a speech, it is encouraged to be young, "

After saying, she quickly added: "The other principal said, knowing that you are busy, don't arrange it, if the arrangement fails.

Anyway, I am not in your class system, I am so much.

Looking at Chen Mong and Ding Ruo smoke, the Ding Navy and other leaders on the car were secretly sigh: It seems that Chen Li is really like Ding Jia (our home) this woman, look, What is this gimmick? Only the Ding Navy, while the heart is dark, but more is still happy: It seems that this kid really likes my family, in the future, and the head is not enough to eat.

Chen Geng listened to it: "Your principal ... This is a bit of a little insecurity, this is clearly invited to hit the thirteen of the jujube, I can go to them, don't go It doesn't matter, is it? "

This is like a ridicule, but the King Ruo is looking at Chen Li: "You promised?"

When the old principal, please help this, it is actually very careful for this matter, but it is because Chen Geng provides a variety of help every year, more or because of many academics in many academic aspects every year. In the matter, he gave a lot of busy. He also knew that Chen Geng was elected as the mayor of Detroit, there was less opportunities to come to Huaxia in the future, and the identity is different from the past, and naturally wants to grab this opportunity, but he I really didn't grasp Chen Geng to promise, and I found my head.

Prior to this, Ding Ruo did not actually have more great grasp, but did not expect Chen Pigang agreed so much.


Chen Geng did not refuse: "I am not sure that I can get a time. If I can take a time, I will meet with Huaxia's pillars.

Ding Ruo is immediately nod, she already knows what I should do: "There is another thing ..."

When there is another thing, Ding Ruo is not self-restricted. She also knows that this thing is really difficult - I didn't see my old man, I didn't think it is good. There is no such thing as you do.


"Huang, I want to invite you to serve as honor, this ..."

"Hua Qing wants to invite my honorary professor?"

Chen Music: I really didn't expect it, I still have the return of the return of myself for my name? !

However, for this matter, Chen Li did not hesitate: "The passenger professor even, and the Haval Business School invited me to be honored, I didn't agree, so ..."

..................... After the car arrived in the country, Ding Ruo smashed the name of the smoking, gave the old principal and reported this. Listening to Ding Ruo's smoke said that Chen Pigang did not reject directly, but To see if there is any time, excited power: Does this time, don't you still want to see how to operate? They are people in the system, this is what he understands.

Hanging up the phone, the old principal immediately told the Secretary: "Calling everyone to open a meeting, saying that the previous thing is now eyebrow.

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