king of power

Chapter 1127 is grateful

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Chen Gerangi is three days in Beijing. One of the most important reasons is that the Soviet Union has killed, and the high-level aspects want to hear Chenwan's view of gorgeous relations in the next few times, and the development of gorgeous relations in the next time. What suggestions, this is also the top priority of this trip to Chen Genghua Xia.

Huaxia has not yet, but what is clear from Chen Geng, but Chen Geng understands. If this is busy helping to have a lot of help in the development of ourselves industry.

Time urgent, the same night, Chen Geng was in a small meeting room in the country, some real think of experts met - or old rules, in order not to be 404, we will not be named.

After a cold, Chen Geng directly entered the theme: "Mr. You, our time is more nervous, do not waste in some polite, today this meeting, the main discussion is the direction of China and the United States under the condition of the new era Question, I directly said that my opinion, in the next five to ten years, Gorgeous relations will show the trend of cold and cold, and it is increasingly strengthened and in-depth, political aspects of economic and trade exchanges in the two countries. Clean more cold.

Unless there is a major event that makes the US government and the American people feel that they are no longer safe, the case of this' political cold "will continue.

An expert from the Academy of Sciences immediately asked: "Mr. Chen, what you mean is starting from now, in the next five to time, will gorgeous relationships will be cold?"

Chen Ge thought and said: "You think that today's gorgeous relationship is more cold? Then I do a metaphor, now the gorgeous relationship can only be considered late autumn, then there are early winter, three nine cold.

I said, can you understand? "

what? !

Now it is only a late autumn, and there is also the first winter, three or nine cold? !

The leaders and experts in seats are constantly exchanged, and the eyes are unbelievable: Although we all know that the Soviet Union is disintegrated, the gorgeous relationship will have a trough, but Chen Pigong is actually the future of gorgeous relations. Pessimistic? "Mr. Chen, I don't recognize this,"

Another experts from the Social Science Institute stood up: "I admit that you have reasonable, but I don't agree with your point of view.

Chen Geng nodded: "You please say.

"You just have the views about the economic exchanges of the two countries in the Wahali relations. I can think so. Ie: With the development of the Chinese economy and industrial capacity, the economy between Chinese will continue to strengthen.


Chen Geng said: "One day in the future ... I should estimate that it should not exceed 5 years ... I think China will become the third or fourth major trading partner of the United States.

"That's it,"

This expert suddenly was excited: "Since the economy of the two countries will continue to strengthen, it means that the binding of the interests of the two countries will continue to deepen, which means that the United States has more interests in China, in this case According to economic model, the relationship between the two countries should be more close and close, how can it be polite? "

In the crowd, everyone suddenly started the loud hand.

This expert said, if the economic and trade in China and the United States will continue to decrease, but if the economic and trade in the two countries is constantly strengthening, when Chen Geng said, Huaxia can become the third United States. Big or fourth largest trading partners, I really arrived in that, in order not to harm my own interests, then how can the US capitalists, how can an entrepreneur?

What is the emergence of this situation? It is inevitable to work hard to promote the relationship between the two countries, because only this is in line with the interests of capital.

"I understand what you mean, after all, Max, don't sell the capitalist who sells his own twisted capital is not a qualified capitalist,"

Chen Mong smiled and said: "But you have to understand, even if the United States is a capitalist country, but its premise is first a 'country', its second is its national attribute: 'capitalism', in 'national 'In front of this property, there is no way to use the capital's properties to explain ... such as the Second World War, the United States is so many people died in Europe, this can be explained with pure capital? "

"Hey ... this ..."

If you have forcibly explained, it is not to be said. Not small, in order to change, the risk of the US participating in the war is still not small, and it is not guaranteed to win, since it can't guarantee to win.

Naturally, I can't talk about what the war is.

It is undeniable that the United States participated in the consideration of the World War II, but it is absolutely unprociable. The United States is really for those of their own philosophy. It is also these philosophy, let the United States have made a decision to support European economic recovery after the war. , That is, "Marshall Program"

In many times after World War II, why is the image of the United States in the world? Uncle Sam is holding candies? It is because in the eyes of many countries in Europe, the image of the United States is like this, a gentle, rich uncle.

The European countries after World War II, why are you so willing to stand in the United States? Even after the Soviet Union, the United States is still firm as European countries due to economic decline, and European countries are still firm. It is because the time of people who have bleeding are exchanged together. Americans are really for European flowing through blood, just like Huaxia can become five often, it is called for herself.

This truth, everyone in the scene understands, but experts, it is not so easy to bow, he has found an excuse again: "It is like this ..."

"You listen to me first,"

Chen Geng's words, he is a bit impatient, I am here to give you suggestions, how to see what you mean, it seems intended to step on me? In this case, he naturally will not give some people to stay face: "Mr., first of all, you must understand that the US government is used to find a competitive hostile, in the past half century, the United States's competitors have been It is the Soviet Union.

Now that the Soviet Union is gone, you said, who is the enough competitor? It is the United Kingdom and France who stands firmly with the United States, or now it is still crashing by the United States, I don't know when I can stand up Russia? Al or Huaxia? "


No one speaking, but a depressed atmosphere began to spread in the room.

Yes, in order to ensure your vitality, Americans have always given up to find competitors, this opponent can't be too weak, and it can't be too weak. Otherwise, the United States does not speak.

Previously, this competitor has always been a Soviet Union, so after the Soviet Union falls, who is eligible to become the competitors of the United States? Of course, it is impossible to be a loud bear. The Mao Bear has been smashed. Now it is still , Americans are certainly impossible to stood up again; it is also possible to be Britain and France, United Kingdom and France It is always the American younger brother, and people are capitalism, believe in the same concept, Americans must certainly can't deal with them; then the problem is coming, there is a certain strength and influence in the rest of the country, certain The land area, it is still not willing to bow in the United States, in addition to Huaxia, who else? !

Not to mention Huaxia, it is currently the world's largest socialist country. It is a nail, meat in the eyes of capitalist countries. After drying the Soviet Union, continue to deal with socialist China, is it a matter of course? ? "As for the issue of continuously strengthening the economic and trade exchanges between Huaxia and the United States, it is totally not contradictory,"

Chen Geng continued: "Because a constant strong Huaxia is more in line with the definition of 'opponents', the US government can tell them the people based on this point: Look, I said that Huaxia is our competitors, you used to Do not believe, now I see Huaxia getting more powerful, do you always believe in now? "

Saying here, Chen Geng said, said with a low tone: "Mr., I must remind you that don't just look at the United States as a capitalist country, this country is attracted, and is constantly attracted With the top people from the world, join them, to ensure their vitality and hematopoietic ability, there are many genius and elites from Huaxia. If you think everything is thinking that the United States is a greeddy, in order to make money, do not hesitate to sell I caught my own twisted idiots, then I can only say that you have a big mistake.

The Chinese nation must rise, and the Chinese nation will definitely reunite, but the way to rise is destined to reproduce blood and thorns.

Lying in the trough!


Can you explain this? !

Chen Geng's words, let the leaders and experts in the field feel speechless, and the words behind Chen Geng more felt a burst of cold.

After a long, suffocating silence, the highest leader present in the scene: "Mr. Chen, thank you very much for your reminder, please come true this time, I have a problem. .

"You say.

Chen Geng is polite.

"You said before, 'Unless the United States encountered a thing that made them feel unsuperusible, gorgeous relationship will play a turn", I can ask, what are you talking about? "

"This turn,"

Chen Ming smiled, I can't tell you that it is a plane.

He thought about it and said: "It is true that the nation of the Chinese people is really a nation you care about.

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