king of power

Chapter 1128 is relaxed

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For Chen Ming believes, "the gorgeous relationship will show the more hot, the colder, the colder" "in the next period of time.

Judgment, many leaders do not agree, can't be said to be these people, if these people can be easily changed by Chen Geng's three words, it is easy to change their position and attitude. Is it possible to understand that it is not firm? However, it does not agree that it is not agreeable. For many views of Chen Geng, many leaders are also refreshing, and I feel very inspired. In short, when I think that I have no problem, they still think that Chen Pigang's judgment is very Help, the future of gorgeous relations also presents cautious optimism.

Chen Geng did not intend to compete with others. Anyway, the United States will tell these leaders in the 4V direction, Yugoslavia and the South China Sea direction: You are too optimistic.

It is Hui Qing, after you know that Chen Pai does not have a strong sense of rejection, their movements are very fast, the next morning, Liu Da Liu and Lin Kelin Secretary come together.

For the two director and forest secretary, Chen Geng is very respectful. These two are true scholars. Whether it is learning or sentiment, people have admired, knowing the news of the two, Chen Geng specialized in the door of the country, etc. .

Chen Geng's attention, let Liu President and Lin Shiji are quite a little stunned, and even gratitude to Chen Geng.

"My girlfriend is the cultivation of Huaqing, saying that I am Huang's son-in-law,"

Chen Mongxiao said: "Now the mother is coming, no matter what is still in love, I have to come over, are you saying?"

Liu President and Lin Shiji quickly exchanged his eyes, and the two eyes were very surprised: it seems that the situation is more optimistic than imagining.

Lin Shuji is a political work, immediately picks up, said: "Mr. Chen, you are not just Huaqing son-in-law, you are also our Hua Qing people, you have supported your domestic education, our education industry The employees are also remembered in their hearts, they are also very grateful ... "

Lin Shiji has not finished, and then there is a friction when tire emergency brake. He is a little uncomfortable when he is in his heart: Who, so no quality, actually in the country hotel doorway so fast? Didn't know how serious this nature? It is so thinking that the Secretary of Forest has watched his old partner Liu President's eyes, and released a dangerous signal.

Um ... um? what's the situation? !

Lin Shiji immediately observed Chen Geng's response, and saw that Chen Pang's face was a bit wrong, hurry, and the heart was uncomfortable and immediately enlarged many times!

If you can make Huaqing, you naturally have only Huaqing's death: Jingshi University Hall.

Wu Ji and Zhou Shu Chuan, the Zhou Shu Ji, just from the car, and came here.

Lin Shiji snorted, did not speak.

Although he is not very cool about the Jingshi University Hall, it is not enough to ironically, it is not even if this is not, what is Huaqing secretary? Of course, he also admires the personal sentiment of Wu President and Zhou Shuji.

When I saw Wu President and Zhou Shu Ji, Chen Mong said, I was sorry to Liu, and I immediately greeted it, and I smiled. "Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhou, how are you? coming?"

Chen Geng's forest secretary and Liu may of Huaqing, of course, respect, but he also respects the Zhou Shu Shu and Zhou Shuji of Jingshi University Hall.

Zhou Shuji's face is a bit serious: "Mr. Chen, we are here to apologize from Mr. Chen.


Chen Geng Min was smashed.

"Okay, old week, you don't want to ask Mr. Chen to do a speech there,"

I haven't waited for Chen Geng to come over, and Lin Shi snorted: "As for Mr. Chen, what is it careful?"

It turned out to be such a thing!

The Beijing Master of the University of Beijing and Zhou Shuji actually came to invite Chen Geng to do a speech. This is really ... immediately reacting over Chen Geng is crying.

However, thinking about it, it is also, the students of Jingshi University Hall who have been helped by Chen Mongolia in these years are not less than Huaqing, this incense is always there. In the past few years, Jingshi University Hall has also invited Chen Po many times. To speech, he hired him as a probationary professor, but no exception was rejected by Chen Li.

At the time, although it was repeatedly rejected, there was no more attention to the Jingshi University Hall: Chen Tong did not accept the invitation of the Jingshi University Hall, but he did not accept Huaqing invitation? This can only show that Mr. Chen doesn't care about these virtual names. Although everyone is unfortunately, I feel very regret, but Chen Mine's attitude is like this, how can you still? I can know that Hua Qing once again sent an invitation to Chen Geng, and Chen Li actually agreed to the news, Jingshi University touched: this kind of thing, how can it be grabbed in front of Huang? I understand what is going on, I will do it, Chen Geng is polite: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhou, where isn't talking, everyone is still inside.

It's really not talking about, Lin Shiji stunned, stunned, full of "Laozi returned to find your trouble"

Threat means.

Zhou Shuji is not awkward, and it is not polite to go back "You come!

WHO is afraid of Who? !

Looking at these two high-level weight, there is a huge influence in the education community and academia, and even the eyes of the big gods of the sky, Chen Gengxin is secretly laughing.

........................... After they are settled, Chen Mong did not fight with these four players, and they bluntly said: "I don't know, I know it, I also got it. This is probably that I finally came to China with private identity, so a few gentlemen, are you thinking about it? "

Chen Geng has officially entered the US official, everyone already knows, in the eyes of two secretaries and two principals, since Chen Li has entered the US official, his goal is absolutely more than a small mayor or Governor, his goal is inevitably a Washington, DC, which can sit on which chair in Washington, DC, this is not good, but it is inevitable to have a huge influence on the world.

Therefore, Chen Geng's reminders all understand: I will be the people in the officialdom of the United States, and I have said in the next few days, "in the next 5 to 10 years, the gorgeous relationship inevitably presents' The trend of the political coldness', and it is the development trend of 'economic and colder, colder'

In this case, you have to continue to invite me to speaking, do you have your honorary professor or a passenger? The principal of Liu did not hesitate. He sincerely: "Mr. Chen, we are educators, do not blend those things that are messy, you have been recognized in the world, for Huaqing Say, if you can invite you to come to our school, this is our honor, and the most lookup of students.

In Huaqing, how about Chen Li enters the US politics? Is this bad thing? Of course, it is not a famous gas, the more beneficially of Huaqing, and the Huaqing can be in a variety of occasions, and even a variety of international situations: "Take a look!

Mr. Fernandez Chen is a passenger professor in our Huaqing, which fully illustrates that our Huaqing's teaching ability and teaching level are recognized by Mr. Fernandes Chen, otherwise there are so many top colleges in the world, why Fernandes Chen Mr. only accepted our invitation? "

For Huaqing, what is this? This is the ability!

This is capital!

This is the bottom!

As for some other aspects of the little point, huh, huh ... If you can't even get it, you can't even get it. Looking at a firm forest secretary, the depressed in the heart of Zhou Shuji: How did it be gave to the front of the surname Lin? Hey, why Ding Ruo is not a student from our capital, annoyed ... Depressed, depressed, Lin Shuji's reaction is not slow, he immediately said: "Mr. Chen, you can't thicken this Ah, our Jingshi University Hall has always been stunned by your help, for your talents, and the students are petitioned to the school, hoping to invite you to teach, but have never been able to pay the wish. This time, you have to give us a chance.

Chen Geng's heart is about difficult.

To be honest, Ding Ruo smoked with him, he really didn't expect that it would be like this, and I promised it with the mouth - I know that it is like this, it is better not to promise - but now this look It seems that no one is not good, not afraid of them, but ... "why you never agree?"

At the time of Chen Pi, Taylor opened.


Chen Gongyi: "All promised?"

It is the four big men in Huaqing and Jingshi University Hall, and the eyes suddenly lit.

"Yeah, I promised,"

Ri Li Ni Taylor said: "As far as I know, any university around the world is not very high for the customer's class time, in general, every semester can last one or two classes is enough, anyway, You have to come to China every year, so ... "


Chen Geng reacted, this is a dead end, since it is a passenger professor, you don't need to be a strict class request, as long as you come to Huaxia every year, it will go to these two colleges and universities. It was it.

If you come back, even if you don't go to class, can Hua Qing and Jingshi University Hall also lift the contract with himself? They are with their own light.

I want to understand this, Chen Geng is easy.

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