king of power

Chapter 1129 does not go

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This time, Zhou Shu finally grabbed the front of Huaqing, unequal Riener Taylor finished, he immediately said to Chen Geong: "Mr. Chen, we have no invitation to passengers, but if you If the time is allowed, we hope that you can give the students to a two lessons at each semester. Of course, this is not a hard demand, as long as Mr. Chen is willing to come, we can discuss.

"Yes Yes,"

Zhou Shuji's response is very fast, Wu President's reaction is not slow, he just finished, he immediately took the past: "Mr. Chen, we have no requirements for your class.

No one is a fool. Although the Jingshi University Hall is in the name of a passenger, he hired Chen Geng, but it is the treatment of honorary professors, but is this a problem? With Chen Geng's identity, status and ability, for the two schools in the world's higher education halls in the world's higher education halls, you can already steal your laugh, other, don't think too much. .

Some depressed and Liu's principal were sorry, depressed and depressed, and the two had to hurry: "Mr. Chen, our Huaqing is the same, as long as you are willing, other good discussions .

Chen Wioguo thought, finally nodded: "Then I have suffered, I hope I will not misunderstand."

"Mr. Chen is too polite ..."

After the two sides had a cold, it finally mentioned the issue of the speech.

If you have a bit trouble, if you just accept the appointment of the university, there is no problem, but now Chen Tong also accepted the employment of the two universities. Which university will go first, which is going to speech, this It has become a big problem: For Huaqing, there must be a first after the first, of course, I will go to our Huaqing; but the Jingshi University Hall is naturally uncomfortable, why do you go to your Huaqing? Do you have to press us? In short, no one is refunding on this issue.

Chen Geng made the brain of these two guys hurt, he didn't have a good look, Lari Taylor: Look, see the good things you can't get out!

You don't say that I just solved your big trouble.

Ri Lari Taylor is very depressed, but she is still not good, the assistant, one cannot help her boss's boss and the assistant of the top tank, that is not a qualified assistant.

Also said that Riener Taylor's eye is turned, I really want to come out: "BOSS, Mr. Fang did not call you yesterday, saying that the gas turbine of the gas turbine has completed the first Intimate ignition test, want to ask you in the past, you see ... "

Since there is no matter which school speech first, let another uncomfortable, then don't go there.

The ideal gas turbine project in the past few years, where the gas generator is based on the RB211 engine improvement, the focus is to strengthen the life of the gas generator, after the improvement of these years, Shangfei Group has now completed the first gas generator The manufacturing of prototypes has been carried out, and the first ignition test has been carried out.

If Chen Li is still in the United States, everyone knows that his big boss is very busy, that is, report this situation to Chen Waihui, let Chen Geng master the progress of the entire project, but only the big boss is now in China If you don't invite Chen Geng to look at it, it will be too unqualified. It is not to say that it is a good opportunity to appear in front of the boss. Single said such a big project is completed, please check it out? ? Chen Gerau did not decide whether to go, but now, listening to the suggestion of Reni Taylor, Chen Geng's eyes bright: ? This method is good.

"That is so arranged, remember to invite our partners in the past,"

Chen Geng two words did not say, immediately did decision, finished, he looked at the four big giants stunned, smiled: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, said, our Gas generators can complete ignition in such a short period of time, but also thank you for your support, it is better to see it, let's take a look? "

Change the gas generator based on the RB211 engine, this work is very difficult, not the current Shangfei Group can be completed independently, in order to complete the improvement of the RB211 gas generator project, Commercial Flying Group combined with many universities and scientific research The agency conducted this work, which has Huaqing and Jingshi University Hall, so this invitation is no problem, fully said.

The four big sorrows laughed.

I also know that my actions have brought uncomfortable to Chen Geng. I am afraid that Chen Geng is very difficult, but the situation is like this, it is not to be retired, except for hard scalp, there is no way, now it is good. , I can't get something, don't want to get ... Well, this is not bad.

.................................. "Almost from both sides?"

Ding Ruo, who came over in the afternoon, after listening to Chen Ge, after the situation, Sorry: "This ... I am not a good heart to do bad things?"

"That is not, no,"

Chen Geng Zhao: "I didn't expect Jingshi University Hall and Hua Qing to me so much attention to me. Some are favored.

Ding Ruo smoke: "Hehe ..."

I believe you!

"Okay, don't say this,"

Chen Geng asked Ding Ruo smoke: "Do you want to go back to the United States this time?"

Ding Ruoi hesitated for a while, or shook his head: "Forget it, I still don't go,"

After saying, she gave Chen Geng explained: "The company's current development is very good, but there are more things, I can't open it; on the other hand, you have just been elected, staring at you, there are many, I At this time, go to the United States, it may bring you some trouble ... "

Chen Geng is a bit unhappy: "Do you think I am afraid?"

Ding Ruo is too know how to deal with Chen Ming, she is soft: "I certainly know that you are not afraid of trouble, if you are afraid of trouble, you can't wait until I am now, but you know what I think, so ... Just think about me, is it good? Well, I know that you are not convenient to come over, wait for me to finish this, I went to the United States to find you, okay? "

How did a man have no interest, listen to his girlfriend, say two kinds of good times, and let's nod, he nod: "Well ... If you don't go tonight?"

Ding Ruo smokes Chen Geng, some struggle: "My mother ..."

At first glance, how can Chen Mong? He immediately said: "I called the mother mother, I said that I will take you to a few friends tonight.

"I haven't got married yet, who is your mother's mother ..."

"What is the day late for a day ..."

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