king of power

Chapter 1134, the capitalists in the world join hands

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A few days later, when the police were patrolling, they found a little wrong with a roadside. When they were searched on the vehicle, they found a big M, the owner was controlled, but the owner After being taken back to the police station, the owner's blood test results are positive, and the owner will be detained by the police station.

This news is not eye-catching, it is in the United States, although I absorbed S big M is illegal, but there are too many people to do this, even in junior high school students, high school students can find this! Some states in the United States have actively promoted the legalization of the big M. after a few years, it is not the reason ... so the police caught the stupid of the big M. who is not intended. This kind of thing is too common. Nature is not even more This unlucky egg will be an officer for the AMC Auto Workers Association.

Even if the wife of this unfortunate guy didn't care, she didn't follow together. On the afternoon, after receiving the call from the police station, she went to the police station with a lawyer and asked the bail.

The police who handled bail were inquiped, looked up: "Bruce Babit is it? Bold is 30,000.


Bruce Babit's lawyer has not spoken, his wife Donna Babit jumped: "How can it be so expensive?!

"Because Bruce Babit is the middle and high level of the AMC Auto Workers Association, he is very rich,"

The police lazy answer: "If the bail is too small, there is no role in deterrence.

"Mr. Police Officer, because Mr. Bruce Babit is the middle and high level of the AMC Auto Workers Association, so his bail is not so much,"

Bruce Babit's lawyer said: "Because he is not necessary to avoid it.

"That is not what I need to worry,"

Police for bailment said that I didn't care so much: "According to the regulations, you need so many bailments. You or pay the bail, you will leave people, or leave people in the police station.

Seeing the police oil and salt, Donna Babit has a little panic, hurriedly saw the secretary.

Welcome Donna Babit, the lawyer shrugged: "This looks at your choice, 30,000 dollars are really not a small number, but if you pay, it is best to pay ... What is the detention center? Subsence is available.

"This is,"

At this time, the police was released, it was a good talk: "We just caught a boxing in the first two days.

The police did not say that the guy who practiced the boxing was because what was arized, the face of Donna Babit was a lot of white: his husband's physical quality is not good, the brain is full, a fat, these are used to describe the United States The word middle-aged male is prepared for Bruce Babit.

"But ..."

Dona Babi is squatting: "I didn't bring so much money ..."

When the police suddenly laughed.

Lawyers also laughed.

"We support credit cards and checks here.

The police launched the bail.


Donner Babit hesitated, or decided to swipe.

Although she didn't enter the prison or detention, but did not beautify the detention center in the US movie and TV series. Where, the weak will only be bullied by the prison and the villain, and all kinds of overlords have an endless. It is said that the underlying prisoner has to make a good time to contribute to your ass, and his husband is a person who has a family of respect. How can he suffered this bully after entering the detention center? Dona Babit thinks that if his husband has come out early, it is good to come out early. The most important thing is that the union will have to change it, and the husband has been confident that this time, he has 70% of grasp can become a vice chairman of the AMC Auto Worker Association.

What does it meant to become a vice chairman of the AMC Auto Worker Association? It means that the income of the home will be again last or two three steps, this point Donal Babit is still very clear.

...................... Money, nature is all smooth, the United States's Tuen Mun, who is in the ancient Tuen Tuen, who is in the ancient China, and Bruce Babit is very smooth, and the bail is released. The police have a serious side of the three-way Bruce Babit to determine if he is clearly clear, Bruce Babit can leave.

Just after leaving the policeman in Bruce Babit, the police just got to Bruce Babbit will pick up the phone: "Yes ... The guy has gone ... Ok, I understand.

Here, George Walker, which hangs the phone, immediately called Stanson: "Mr. Stanson, the idiot has handled bail.

"I know.

Stanson nodded, hanging up the phone, there was a brisk laugh on the face: Bruce Babit, do you think that this is over? Oh ... a middle and senior management person who is a AMC Auto Worker Association, you can easily take a 30,000 dollar bail? Very good, it is time to investigate the tax department. Do you have a tax return? It is well known that in the United States, as long as it is caught by the police, you can occasionally violate the small law, but a little sin is not a matter, But if you dare to steal tax leak, huh, the tax bureau teaches you to be a person.

Even if there is no problem with the evidence of Bruce Babi tax evasion, at least the Tax Office can get the personal financial situation of Bruce Babit, then the problem is coming: Bruce Babit's annual salary is only more than 20,000 dollars, her The wife's annual income is less than $ 20,000, how do they easily take a $ 30000 bail? Can only be corruption!

Corruption AMC Auto Workers Association public funds!

The funds of the AMC Auto Workers Association are all from the contributions paid by the workers.

As long as Bruce Babbat is corrupted, the public fund of the AMC Auto Workers Association, means that he is drinking AMC's workers, the Michelle W. Epper, as Chairman of the AMC Auto Workers Association, is sufficient. Reason to expel him.

Bruce Babit is just the first, behind him, there are six people waiting for "being"


...................... These specific micro-interested, Chen Mong is not clear, he doesn't care - if this kind of little thing must worry about it, then he is mixed too much.

Chen Li is now playing golf with Bill Ford.


Bill Ford handed a golf club, a positive to Chen Geng said: "After you officially take office, what stimulates and helps us to develop these car manufacturing companies?"

For Chen Geng's election, the shareholders of Chrysler, Ford Motors, and General Motors are all happy. In their view, AMC cars occupy considerable proportion in Chenmong's business segments, although at campaigns It didn't make any plan to stimulate the development of the automobile industry, but he would give himself benefit after going anyway? Let the cat sleep with the old and old, that maybe? The same as Chen Geng shake his head with the club: "Sorry, no.


Bill Ford, immediately shake his head: "Fernandes, you are not laughing at this joke.

What is joking, you can't easily be on the Detroit, the city of the car.

Mayor ... well, actually not how labor ... You don't give yourself, are you kidding? I thought that this play is an invitation to Chen Geng to yourself, Bill Ford is getting more, Chen Li is joking with himself.

"I didn't joke with you,"

Chen Mong is still very serious: "I not intend to stimulate the Detroit's automotive industry, I also prepared to lay off the AMC in the factory of Detroit.


Bill Ford stunned, after determining that Chen Mong did not knew himself, Bill Ford wrinkled with brows, Shen Sheng: "Fernandes, what do you mean?"

"Means nothing,"

Chen Wirongxiao looked at Bill Ford: "Bill, I heard that the North American Automobile Workers Association will mention it with you, asking the workers' time salary to increase 0.

5 dollars, and also require some other subsidies that have been added 10 days a year, is it true? "

When I said the trade union, Bill Ford's face was not very good: "Those greedy vampires!

As long as it is a capitalist, there is no good idea, especially in the automotive industry, the four major car manufacturers of the United States will not kill these damn trade unions, and then rush down the waterway in the toilet. Going, such as this time, the North American Automobile Workers Association has requested the industrial workers representing the Ford Automotive requests to the account, requiring the part to start from next year, each worker's salary increases to at least 0.

5 USD.

The students see clearly, it is "demand"

Ford increased from 0 from next year.

5 dollars of time salary, this requirement is unilateral, mandatory, not negotiated with the parties.

A worker adds 0 an hour.

$ 5, take 40 hours a week, 48 weeks of work every week, Ford Motor will give each worker more than $ 960 salary every year, and Ford Motor has more than 45,000 industrial workers in North America. This means that the annual fixed cost of Ford has increased by $ 43.2 million at once!

This is just the time salary, then calculates other requirements proposed by the universities. If these requirements agree, Ford Motors add fixed cost annually at least 70 million US dollars!

70 million US dollars, Bill Ford's shareholders with the Ford Auto and the actual hawman can be happy.

"If I can solve this trouble?"

Looking at Bill Ford, Chen Wiring, Chen Wirong.

"You come to help me solve this trouble?"

Bill Ford's eyes suddenly stared: "The old brother, you are sure you didn't joke?"

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