king of power

Chapter 1138, unions are not promising

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"Trade Unions ... They think that the unit is in the bluff, which is in this way for the next negotiation to the union.

"It seems to be a bit ..."

"You can't say that, our salary is much higher than Dongpu, this is a fact?"

"What is the fact? Isn't you willing to accept the same wages like Dongpu?"

"Hey ... I don't want to ..."

............ The fact is the case, although this time the media does not help the partner, but so long, the workers have roughly formed a "because the salary of the US automotive industry workers is more The salary is high, so the US car manufacturing cost is higher than the manufacturing cost of Dongpu Auto; because the manufacturing cost is higher, the market competitiveness of the US car is not as good as Dongpu car; because the US car is not as good as Dongpu car, so the US car Market share declines year by year; and the market share of Dongpu Auto will rise year by year, so that the cost of Dongpu car is lower, more competitive, and it has been, it will be the interests of American automotive industry workers, because with Dongpu Auto Market When the share is suddenly improved, one day, the US car brands are crowded. "

It can be understood that this logic is a matter, I want the workers to give up their own interests. It is impossible: "Who others are more than 1,300 dollars, I will take more than 1,100 US dollars? Don't say more than 1,100 US dollars, you can't do $ 1,200!

After a while, I finally came to ask: "What should we do next?"

"Look at the workman,"

After another long silence, some people finally said: "Look at what attitude over there.

.............................. Workers are waiting for trade unions, and the unions are actually sitting on wax.

On the one hand, the trade union has gained an advantage with the rights of workers, as well as the rights of legal organizational workers, but also in dialogue with the parties; but on the other hand, this period of time reports or less to trade unions Some influences, in the North American Automobile Workers Association, there have been some differences on this time for the workers to increase salary and increase benefits.

Even the fierce conflict ... "I think that the difficulties of the staff are actual, and it is like TV and newspapers, the salary of our automotive industry is the highest industry,"

Oscar Chapman, one of the vice chairmen of the North American Automobile Workers, once again explained his point of view: "The focus is in that the United States and even the whole world are paying attention to this matter, I think this is a display to the world to show our North America. The opportunity of the car worker's association image, in this case, I think it can give up this salary, or reduce the amplitude of the salary increase.

"I don't agree with your opinion,"

Oscar Chapman's voice just fell, and he as a vice-chairman of the North American Automobile Workers Association immediately expressed its clear expression: "I agree this is a mutant to the world to show our North American car workers. The association's opportunity, but it is precisely because of this, we should not retreat, we show our North American Automotive Workers Association to strive for the workers for the benefits ... Don't forget, we are always a Trade Unions, gain better salary treatment and welfare for our workers' members!

Stewart Symmington just finished, Oscar Chapman immediately asked: "But now, all the United States is watching us ..."

"so what?"

In the face of Oscar Chapman, Stewart Symmington is a half step back: "I even doubt this time to report the news above, will it be the conspiracy of capitalists, they are in this way. Sell, use this way to avoid this salary!



Stewart Symmington, let the other high-rise of the North American Automobile Workers Association in the room.

Is this reasoning? Too reasonable, don't look at capitalists and their dog legs are so proud of them in the media, who can do this not to be their conspiracy? As for the purpose of conspiracy, this is not a scorpion on the bald, it is, just don't want to pay the worker!

And if this salary agreement is not reached, 5% of the salary will be given to the workers' members of the trade union, will it see the North American Automotive Workers Association? Of course it is incompetent!

Not only inconvenience, but also stupid, except for money!

Some people even raised a non-three, and a face suddenly realized: "Not so possible, if this time is really the conspiracy of the capitalist, and we are not careful, then the capitalists will continue to use This trick, we will become a big joke.

Osk Chapman Zhang Zhang did not say anything else.

In this copy, if he still stands on the staff's position, he is a traitor who stands in the account, can only explain that he is brought by the account, this pot, he is angry.

His mind turned, put forward a question: "Well, this may do exist, can we question how we respond? How can the reason why this response can stand?"

This is a problem, even if this is true is the conspiracy of the credit, how can I respond to the skills, in the case of the unknown of their difficulties through the world ... and this difficulty is also true In the case of the survey ... The union is always unreliable to jump out, we will not give up this raise, the reason is that this is the conspiracy of capitalists to boycott to workers.

Although everyone knows this is likely to be conspiracy, how is it? The US automotive industry gives the automotive industry workers' highest salary level in the world, this is always truth? Now that the account is prepared by you to build a factory in foreign countries to reduce costs, you still refuse this raise? This can't be said.

There must be a reason to be strong enough to convince, it is possible to serve the public.

This time, Lily did not talk, because he also understood that Oscar Chapman said that the trade union can continue to ask a salary, but there must be a powerful, enough to persuasive Reason.

"Ask our partner,"

Thomas Johnson opened his mouth: "Let's make so many consulting fees every year, it is not to make us scrategate when you encounter difficulties.


Thomas Johnson's words, let many people shoot their heads: How do you forget this? After decades of development, the North American Auto Workers Association with more than 500,000 members is not a small little bit, but a member fee charged annually, there is almost 400 million US dollars, 400 million US dollars, this is a pen The number of money.

Under normal circumstances, in addition to the trade union self-use and the reserve, there is a number of lots of balances.

In order to ensure reasonable and legitimate money every year, the high-rise of the trade union has been registered with some companies to feed themselves, and their figure is also active in various campaigns, at the presidential election, the crowd One member of the campaign, the campaign of the state governor and even the mayor of the following may see the figure of the North American Automobile Workers Association and their political prizes to the campaign.

Here, there is an additional saying that the North American Automobile Workers Association provides the number of political prostitutes provided by the political figures, and there is no other dog owner: the whole American rifle association.

In addition, the North American Automotive Workers Association cooperates with a number of smatches in the United States. The purpose is to ensure your voice and influence, while ensuring that you don't make mistakes that you will not make a mistake, and now, it is the smart organization to North America. The Workers Association provides effective recommendations.

............................ There is a smart to provide suggestions, and there is no advice without a smart, the effect is very different, very fast, the North American Automobile Workers Association will announce its position through his spokesperson ... " The North American Automobile Workers Association has been committed to trying benefits, welfare and rights for the workers' brothers. For the previous opinions of the staff, the North American Automobile Workers Association has attached great importance to it. To this end, the North American Automobile Workers Association has conducted extensive and in-depth discussion, and also Talking closely with the workers' brothers to ensure that every decision we decided is in line with the interests of the workers and the value of the world's freedom and democracy.

It must first explain that the US automotive industry workers are a group of people who love life, love democracy and freedom, have incomparable love and social responsibility, such as the era of economic crises in the 1980s, under the coordination of the North American Automobile Workers Association The workers' brothers in the US auto industry took the initiative to pay salary to help and support the development of the company.

This is a great patriotic sentiment, because this great sentiment, the US car industry can develop to today, but we found that this great sentiment is used, for example, during this economic crisis, many workers voluntarily Reduce wage standards to help companies cross the difficulties, but the car companies have improving the bonus of senior management; not, the welfare treatment of white-collar workers sitting in the office is usually better than the workers on ordinary production, but there are many workers than workers. The management staff and workers' toilets are distinguishing ... and so on.

In view of the consequential trafficking of the parties in the past, the North American Automobile Workers Association decided after wide communication with the workers' brothers, and did not give up the proposal of this raise.

With the official announcement of the North American Automobile Workers' Association, "Boom ..."

Sound, American media fry!

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