king of power

Chapter 1137 Pressure

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AMC will build a plant in Mexico or Canada, and will cut the US local employee's news, which has become the focus of current US media reports.

It should not be so big by this matter, but Chen Wong is obviously different. On the one hand, Chen Pillno, who is the world's richest, is the head of the United States, and every move is paid attention to it, it is difficult to listen to it. Which of Chen Mong is a dinner with which Hollywood directors can be interpreted by the media. Chen Geng intends to invest in this director. For the media, Chen Li means sales, meaning the ratio; on the other hand, Fernandez Chen However, the Mayor of Detroit City was just elected as the Mayor of Detroit, should he not think about the employment rate of Detroit? Do he do this, is it good or bad? The media is noisy into a pot of porridge, and this matter is analyzed and interpreted from all angles.

Can Chen Geng went to Mexico, and there was no way to interview him for a while. In the case of no way, the media returned to the next, and found Bill Ford ... ABC TV station, the host, Monica, On the front headlights of the LED, a brilliant necklace asked: "Mr. Ford, is well known, your family has a pivotal position in the history of the US automotive industry, for the US auto industry and the world car The development of the industry, you and your family have other people's understanding of the understanding of understanding, can you ask you to tell you, you have given up the salary-saving requirements for Mr. Fernande Society, this time, the AMC Auto Workers Association declares. What do you think about what you want to find a factory in Mexico and Canada? "

Bill Ford said, saying to the lens: "I don't want everyone to say, I have been playing with Fernandes a few days ago, we have talked about this topic.

"is that true?"

Monica's appearance is just the surprise of Bill Ford: "You are willing to share your chat with Mr. Fernandes, share with the audience in front of the TV?"

"Of course, this is nothing can't say, after all, what we talk is not a terrorist topic,"

Bill Ford's face has a smile and says: "And telling the truth, this time I am also considering whether it is in Mexico or Canada.

"Are you ready to build a factory in Canada or Mexico?"

This is a big news, it is different from the surprised, this time, Monica is the shock of true face.

"No way, our salary pressure is too big,"

Bill Ford laughed: "Everyone I am afraid I don't know, the salary of the US manufacturing and automotive industry workers is the highest, and can compare with the salary of the automotive industry workers, only the aircraft manufacturing workers.

"is this real?"

Monica expressed his surprise.

"of course,"

Bill Ford nodded: "I do an example of our Ford car, in our Ford, the worker's time salary has reached 8.

$ 15, counted a bonus, allowance and subsidies, a formal worker's monthly salary of more than $ 1320.

"$ 1320?"

Monica was a bit surprised. As a hosted woman in ABC TV station, Monica not only shinked, but the brain was very enough, and many of the homework before this interview: "I didn't make a mistake." The last year of the US industry workers is 1096.

$ 72? "

The per capita monthly income of the US industry workers has only more than 1,000 dollars, and the monthly income of Ford Motors has more than 1,300 US dollars? Sitting in front of the TV set, it is quite unreliable for this gap, especially those who are engaged in manufacturing, and they are more uncomfortable: How can those bastards? !

"Is it? I didn't remember so precise, I just remember that it seems less than $ 1100,"

Bill Ford has been holding Monica: "Lands, if I know, Chrysler, General Motors, and Boeing industry workers, the monthly salary is basically between $ 1300 and $ 1350, and the Industry of the McDe aircraft Workers' month salary is less than $ 1,300.

Speaking of this, Bill Ford's tone change: "In the past few years, many media said that our US car manufacturing industry is not working, the reason is that there are more and more Dongpu car on the road, and the market of Dongpu car brands. The share is also getting higher and higher, but people who say these words have ignored a fact, that is, the cost of production of Dongpu Automobile is very low, the cost of labor costs, the monthly salary of Dongpu Automobile industry workers only less than $ 1,000.

"Is this low?"

Monica once again expressed surprised.

"Yes, it is so low.

Bill Ford nodded.

"If you say this, the reason why Dongpu's car can sell so cheap in the United States, mainly because of its lower cost?"

Monica took the time to pick it up.

"This is one of the main major,"

Bill Ford is sure to nod: "In addition, a message is also considering whether it is in Mexico or Canada.

what? !

Ford Car is also ready to open a factory in Mexico or Canada? Bill Ford's words, let the audience in front of the TV directly, they can't help but consciously pondering: Is the worker high-wage brought the pressure of Ford car as a big, so that Ford cars have to consider going abroad Factory? Monica also stunned, and then asked: "Mr. Ford, what are you talking about?"

"It's true, we are discussing this matter,"

Bill Ford nodded: "And according to what I know, it seems that General Motors and Chrysler have similar considerations."

Speaking here, Bill Ford sighs tone: "The pressure of artificial cost is too big.

If you say that Chen Geng intends to go to Mexico or Canada's construction, it is only let everyone hold a lively and thoughtful, then the news that Bill Ford is released when accepting ABC TV interviews, so many people Vibrate: Is the worker and the pressure of the trade union bring to the manufacturing industry? The reactive media immediately interviewed the executives of General Motors and Chrysler. General vehicles and Chrysler cars were also suffering from trade unions. When Chen Pigang and Bill Ford have given themselves a stage, if they still I don't know what to do, then I have a bit of death. "Yes, the pressure of labor cost is very large,"

When I was interviewed, Chrysler President Li Akkaka said earnestly: "The trade union is now talking about us, requiring time salary to add $ 1, if the worker's salary increases $ 1, it means workers' monthly salary It reaches around $ 1450, which is a huge burden on the company ... The average monthly salary of the workers in the Dongpu Auto Industry is less than 1,000 US dollars.

Isn't it selling, no one would like.

When I was asked by Chrysler, I gave an answer from Li Akka when I was considering Mexico or Canada. We are considering this thing ... Yes, we are in contact with Canada, Canada The conditions given are very sincere, but what do you do, this still wants to see the meaning of shareholders ... "

For a time, as long as it is an interviewed automotive industry and even the executives of the manufacturing, it has begun to sell: Not we can't do, it is really that our cost is too high. Why is our cost so high ... Hehe ... But, There is no one to help the parties.

No way, this is the mainstream value of the United States and even the whole society: to be worker, to support the union.

To put it bluntly, this is the right politics.

As for this political correct, it will not reduce the competitiveness of the entire country. It is not something that we need to consider, just like environmental protection, you dare to say that environmental protection is incorrect, done you!

But the media does not help the parties, don't be tight, just passing the matter with the whole society, whether it is a trade union or workers began to panic ... "Say, our salary is really low ..."

"You can't say this, our salary is a little higher, but this is also what we work hard, we don't steal, work hard, is there any place wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong, but if those capitalists can't bear the pressure, what should I do if I go to foreign business?"


This is a bit silent.

After a while, some people whispered: "I heard that in the big flowplace, there is a boss to dissolve the workers, moving the factory abroad, because abroad is lower.

"I also heard, I heard that the factory workers have now have a job, because there is no money to pay the house, and they have been brought from the home from home ... too bad ..."

"I know this, I heard that the boss has negotiated with the workers. I hope that the workers can reduce a little salary, and the workers disagree, and finally the boss is not able to move the factory ... In fact, if the workers are Start agreed to reduce a little wage, although there is less income, but it is a matter of eating two meals every month, but even the house is taken away by the bank ... "

"Isn't it? The workers who have gone, have no house workers, how are you?"

"How can I find it? Some find it work, some smart make the zero to temporarily maintain livelihoods, some can only beg, I heard that some women can't find a job, can only ..."

"It's too awful……"

"Yeah, it's too bad, I don't want me to fall in the same situation in the future ..."


Workers have once again caught unparalleled silence.

I don't know how long it has, and I suddenly open: "Yes, what is the attitude of the trade union?"

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