king of power

Chapter 1145 also gives the union digging pit

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Bill Ford sighs, and looks at Chen Li: "Brother, you make me very difficult."

Chen Geng's look is constant: "How can I make you difficult?"

"I heard that you have to get a worker's buffet lunch?"

Bill Ford is not sighing: "I tell you that this thing is spread all over our Ford, you should don't deny ..."

Chen Mong Xiaoying said: "When did I deny?"


Bill Ford is a bit awkward, he reacted at once, yes, yes, Chen Tong did not deny it.

Poor Bill Ford, a blue color, a white, more than ten seconds, reacting, sigh: "What do you say to do this? Now, the trade union is also putting pressure to us, ask us to provide it Lunch ... more than 1 million dollars a year, how can you be willing? "

In the North American Automotive Workers Association, I also put forward the requirements of the AMC car, and when I was in such a worker's self-service afternoon restaurant, Ford Motor consulted the operating cost of such a restaurant in the first time, according to their calculations, I want to guarantee Workers can eat, the cost of raw materials requires 2.

2 US dollars, Ford cars will make workers pay 0 as well as AMC.

99 US dollars, companies still need subsidies 1.

2 US dollars, according to this subsidy, then calculate the wages of the restaurant construction and the corresponding personnel of the restaurant, which means that the Ford car subsidies $ 13 million every year.

13 million US dollars, this is a boss's money!

"13 million US dollars ..."

Chen Geng looked at Bill Ford, and it seems that he would like to ask such a childish question: "Bill, 13 million US dollars really? Your management and the officer are slightly squeezed, and can squeeze this ratio Is money? "

When you talk, Chen Geng is so sneer.

There is a lot of 13 million US dollars, which can sell more than 3 million cars with Fordo in such a year, annual sales of more than $ 45 billion, counting other businesses such as finance and used car replacement, all-year revenue for several days. More than 60 billion US dollars, it is really slightly squeezed, you can squeeze out more than $ 13 million or gently squeezed. It is absolutely easy to squeeze out $ 13 million in one year.

In fact, Chen Tong is going to do so. He found that the AMC's off-production personnel in the past two years, from the most basic office clerk to the president, began to give yourself in a variety of ways, such as this piece for business trips, original The standard is the business trip of the mid-level cadre, only three-star hotel, now although still three-star, the housing level has increased from the original standard to the suite, only the AMC car is more than the hotel The cost is more than 20 million US dollars, as for this still there is other problems ... huh, ... Bill Ford's old face is red.

He doesn't know if he can squeeze this money, but who makes this thing are Chen Geng, the next consciousness wants to play Chen Geng's autumn wind: the old brother, you are pairing I am cool, do you see how much trouble you bring? You give a means.

"This ... huh, ..."

Bill Ford's Road: "Fernandes, you also know that Ford has developed for decades, so ..."

What does this mean? It means to develop a few decades of Ford Motors, large enterprises, and all kinds of relationships and interests of interests, even Ford family, although the design of the double equity has 40% of the voting rights However, only 8% of the equity, that is, in the company's development, everyone will give Ford family face, but in daily travel reimbursement ... You Bill Ford is going to open a special discussion what? Don't see that the Ford family has 40% of the voting rights, but in this kind of thing, he doesn't work at all.

Compared to Bill Ford, Chen Pi is more comfortable, there is more than 50% of his shares, how to toss how to toss, other stakeholders have a way to take Chen Geng, do you not accept? Ok, open the board, determine the result according to the proportion of the shares, and then Chen Ge will win.

"The big business disease is really a headache ..."

Chen Geng's sympathy looked at Bill Ford, from this perspective, this child is really very poor.

"So this time you must help me,"

Bill Ford immediately climbed up, and his eyes looked at Chen Geng: "Fernandes, true, you really give me a big problem.

The words of Bill Ford are not a huge, and the workers who come out of the AMC car have a self-service lunch that makes Ford, Chrysler and General Motors sitting on wax.

The United States does not believe that there is no name. On the contrary, they should firmly think that I have to let the world know that Chen Tong is also doing this, he certainly does not let this will have the opportunity to brush the AMC car. After the construction of this worker buffet, he immediately started to launch your media group, reporting from a number of perspectives from the AMC car, such as how worker is how happy and supported this measure, such as building this worker self-service lunch, How much is the AMC car to subsidize in the inside ... Just Chen Li, such a large Zhangqi drum, other industries, Ford Motors, Chrysler and General Motors sitting, this initiative to the AMC car envious eye beads The red workers have also begun to make trouble.

As for the union, huh, huh ... How can the trade union so good? I have already applied to the credits many times, the reason is one, the AMC car can give the workers' restaurant, why can't you do it? Therefore, the pressure of Ford Management is really big, so don't see Bill Ford is now only the Chairman of the Ford Automobile Strategy, the chairman is Alex Trottman, the shareholders of the Ford car After pondering, I decided to let Bill Ford with Chen Geng relations with Chen Minglang.


Chen Geng frowned for a long time, finally biting his teeth: "I have a way.


Bill Fordon is big.

"of course it's true,"

Chen Geng nod: "But you have to help me."

"What is busy, you said!

Bill Ford immediately said: "As long as you don't let the company pay money, others say it.

"No money? What do you think?"

Chen Geng didn't look good in Bill Ford: "But you can take a little, such a big Ford, can you always have three million dollars a year?"

"$ 3 million?"

Bill Ford heard, nodded immediately: "There is no problem ... The old brother, what is the way, you can't say it quickly ..."

"The way will take a moment to tell you, you have to say hello to your media platform, with me to promote two things ..."

.................................. The AMC Auto Workers Association is now chairman, Michelle W. Eps, disclosure, agreed that the state's legislation is regulated in the form of various industries, and that if He can be elected as the chairman of the next trade union will drive this matter.

The news came out, all the United States was sensational!

Prior to this, there is no union organization that supports Chen Li's practice, Michelle W. Eps has become the first disclosure of the current trade union chairman of this practice, and the AMC Auto Workers Association has become the first. An awareness association that supports this practice.

Under the promotion of a pair of invisible hands, many media have begun to carry out the tired report, especially in Michelle W. Eps, the union is organized for workers, we have to Workers 'brothers' trust "

The words are spread throughout the world. For a while, the popularity of Michelle W · Epper has risen in the United States, and even the employees of all walks of life have once again a retired tide - - Mr. Epper is correct, the trade union is an organization that we will take benefits, and we must trust our trust, rather than finding a way from us.

At the same time, Mr. Alex Trotman, the current chairman of Ford, is also publicly stated when accepting media interviews, Ford Motors will learn AMC car, build workers' self-cateron in the company.

This time, Alex Trotman came out, the reporters on the spot suddenly excited ... "Mr. Trottman, is you really? Ford car really wants to learn from AMC, Building a worker's buffet restaurant? "

"Mr. Trotman, the workers' buffet restaurant in Ford car is also every human 0.

$ 99? "

"The Workers' Self-service Restaurant in Ford car will also allow workers to bring their children at home to children at home, and provide free lunch and care?"

............ Countless problems hit Alex Trottman.

I don't blame the reporters so excited. It is really since this time. The AMC's self-service restaurant has become a hot spot reported by the media, 0.

99 US dollars can be eaten, before this, no one dares to have such a good thing, and even recognized as a white-collar reporter never thought that someone can do this degree for workers - - Reporters also need to solve lunch, no newspaper, radio or TV station offers a nearly free buffet.

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