king of power

Chapter 1146 This pit is comfortable?

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Alex Trotan smiles!

As the current chairman of Ford, this time is not very pressure in Alex Trotan. When he faces reporters, he always has a feeling of the upper sentence, but it is different today. ... "Yes, our buffet restaurant is also every meal.

$ 99, but also guarantees meat, eggs, vegetables, staple food and various soups, and ensure that workers can eat well ... "

"Of course, we certainly allow workers who have been on the weekend to bring their children, and the children are eating for free ..."

"Yes, we will hire a special person to help look at the child, take care of them ... AMC car gave us these peers to set a good example, we must learn to Mr. Fernandes ... Mr. Fernande Mr. I have been praised with adding ... "

Finally, when the reporter asked how to guarantee 0.

99 US dollars can also make workers eat, when eating, Alex Trottman's face is serious ... "This is exactly what I want,"

Alex Trotman is positively brothered: "As everyone knows, the AMC car's self-service lunch plan is part of the workers' own, and a part of the trade union subsidies, the manufacturer subsidizes part, to ensure that workers can eat, eat well ... "

Speaking of this, Alex Trottman's expression is serious: "Before this, I have passed the gods with the North American Automobile Workers Association. I hope that they will take a part of the contributions paid by the workers, and subsidize the workers. Lunch, but they refused.


"They refused?"

"Those guys ... how do they dare to refuse ..."

............ The reporters on the spot suddenly somewhat.

How much is the AMC Auto Workers Association for AMC's workers, this reporters don't know, every time I ask this question, the management of the AMC Auto Workers Association is not "I am not responsible for this part, not very clear"

It's just that "this matter only knows Mr. Epper"

It is tickle for everyone.

But in any case, everyone knows that the AMC Auto Workers Association will only charge the worker monthly salary 1.

Under the premise of 5% of the contributions, I also took out some money to subsidize the independent lunch of the workers, and "rule"

The North American Automobile Workers' Association of Ford Motors, under the premise of receiving a worker monthly salary as a contribution, it is refused to take a little money to subsidize the lunch of the workers? !

The reporters were not happy, and the group was excited.

They are actually more far from: At some point in the future, can we eat this nearly free lunch? Now give this matter to a lot, give the North American Auto Workers Association to make stink, and the opportunity to say is certain.

"Yes, they refused,"

Alex Troteman said a painful expression: "Not only that, they also refused to reduce the requirements of the cost of the contribution of Bill Ford ..."

Reduce the contribution? The reporters suddenly widened their eyes.

"Yes, reduce the contribution,"

In the face of reporters, Alex Trottman is sure nod: "As we all know, the General Assembly of the North American Automobile Workers Association is 5% of workers' month's monthly salary, and the contribution standard for the AMC Auto Workers Association is a worker monthly salary 1 .

5%, although the North American Automotive Workers Association explains how many contributions they need, but we can see that AMC Auto Workers Association only requires a monthly salary.

5% as a contribution, it can also run very well, and can fully protect the rights of workers. In this case, we can't help but ask: Since the monthly salary is 1.

5% is sufficient to support the operation of the AMC Auto Workers Association, why does the North American Automobile Workers Association persist in so high?

Huh? !

Alex Trottman does not say, everyone is really unrecognizable, now listening to Alex Trottman, the reporters have reacted: Yes, all the car production lines The worker on why AMC workers only need to pay one monthly salary.

5% as a conference fee, while the Workers of Ford, Chrysler and GM, are the 5% of their monthly salary as a contribution? Who of the North American Automobile Workers Association is 3.

5%? This is a big news!

The reporters are excited!

Looking at the following reporters, Alex Trottman's heart is dark: Sure enough!

He then said: "Mr. Bill Ford is in communication with the North American Automobile Workers Association, I hope that the trade union can subsidize $ 1 for each worker as a contribution. At the same time, the standard of the contribution is reduced from 5% of the monthly salary of the month to the monthly salary. 4%, and 2% of the monthly salary as the future goal, according to the calculations of the accountant requested by Mr. Bill Ford, it is equivalent to saving the workers a monthly salary of 42 US dollars, but unfortunately ... "

Shurp shrugging, Alex Trotan's face is depressed: "Unconsciously.

Of course, the union will not agree, this is equal to cutting meat on them.

At this point, Alex Trotman understands that the reporters present also understand, but understand that it is understood that this time, this time, the reporter does not hesitate to stand in the unit. While ... "Mr. Trottman, after going back, we must report this!

I immediately shouted the reporter who couldn't help.

"Thank you, thank you very much,"

Alex Trotman to this "Delighted"

The reporter is slightly smashed, and I am grateful: "I thank you for more than 80,000 workers in North America in Ford.

Alex Troteman did not say that the Ford Motor who was bullied by the North American Automobile Workers' Association, this time, this statement has been passed on at the moment of hovering the arrogance of the North American Auto Workers Association. In every workshop, as long as the workers come to work, they will know what their unions have done something: our capitalists are trying to seek benefits for your workers, and the mouth of mouth is going to give you benefits. The union is just thinking about the benefits from you, and a hair is not pulled!

In the reporter group, Suddenly someone shouted: "Mr. Ttrons, how do you see how the AMC Auto Workers Association before Mr. Michel W · Epp?"

"How do I see this?"

Alex Trottman stunned, and then laughed, this question asked well.

He has a stall, shrugged: "Is this question still ask? Mr. President needs to be supervised, the army needs to be supervised, the Secretary of State needs to be supervised, the governor and the mayor need to be supervised, Bill Ford's capital And charity, my professional manager like Alex Trotman, the reporter friend ... We all need to be supervised, so I don't understand, the union believes that I don't need to be supervised. What reasons do they have not been supervised?!

" ..."

The flash is bright.

The reporters are all excited: today's press conference, it is really dry.

..................... Compared to excited reporters, the first-line manufacturers of Ford cars are not so cool, watching the statement posted in every workshop, they face each other ... Statement is very simple Summary, all: First, Ford Motors should also learn AMC cars, to engage in buffet lunch to workers; second, Ford's buffet lunch is also 0.

One of $ 99, can also bring children under 12 years old, the company offers lunch and helps to take a child; third, the company communicates with the trade union, I hope that the union will take some funds to subsidize the workers with the company. Lunch, but the trade union refuses; fourth, the company communicates with the trade union, hoping that the trade union will reduce the contribution standard from the current monthly salary of 5% to 4%, long-term reduction to 2%, to change the income of workers But the union also refused.

Looking at this statement, finally, a worker muttered: "They ... how can this?"

This "they"

It can only be a union.

This sentence seems to be opened, and there is a saying: "Yeah, how can they do this? Trade union ... Isn't it necessary to help us?"

"You think more,"

On the one side, someone stands out to refute: "The guys of the trade union ... You also believe that guys who are not willing to be supervised is to stand on our side? They are all vampires!

A group of damn vampires!

"Great bigity" in relationships to their own personal interests

In front of it, what kind of trade union is white.

"To say that the union, you have to be the union of AMC."

Some people whispered: "I heard that Mr. Michel W. Epper, Mr. Michel W. Epper, asked Mr. Michel W. Epper, said that the AMC Auto Workers Association endorsed and supported the supervision of trade union management ..."



Workers immediately asked.

To say that the US workers have, in addition to their little days, I really don't care about the current affairs. The media has agreed Michelle W · Aps' AMC Auto Workers Association and support the supervision of trade union management. "

The income propaganda is boiling, and many people have never heard of this matter in the workers' group.

"of course it's true,"

Someone immediately took the words: "On the way this morning, I also heard it in the radio.

"I also heard it.

"And AMC Auto Workers Association only charges 1.

5% of the contribution ... "

One I heard only one monthly salary of the AMC.

5% as a conference fee, but he wants to pay 5% of the monthly salary to the union, the workers' hearts are a burst of coloration: that can be a lot of money to make a bitterness ... in a silence Finally, someone opened: "I think ... our union, not quite qualified ..."

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