king of power

Chapter 1147, unions, also have smart people

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Yes, our union is not quite qualified ... this voice, let many workers have low-end: A ratio of the AMC Auto Workers Association, our North American Automobile Workers Association is indeed a difference.

"We ..."

This person talking, the voice is a bit sad, but he just opened his head, he was interrupted: "How can we do it? Can it still strike protest?"

Well, this person is familiar, it is the Edward Bilson of this workshop, a strong body, very enthusiastic young guy, there is more than a year, very diligent, often helping everyone, everyone likes him.

Edward Bilson loudly: "Mr., I used to take us to strike, confronted with the partner, but this time, we can't strike and parade. If we do this, then don't change the active Does the manufacturer give the pit? "

This is true.

The workers agree that everyone has a scales, thinking that Edward Billson said that it is correct: This time, it is not possible to strike, otherwise it is really sorry to take the active payment.

"However, if we don't do something, the heart is really uncomfortable,"

Edward Bilson then said: "I have an idea ..."

"Edward, what do you think?"

Edward Bilson's words have not been finished, the workers on the side immediately say loudly: "Let's listen.

"Yes, Edward, said your idea.

"If your way is good, let's follow your idea.

............ Workers are very excited.

In the case where there is no good way to do this, if Edward Bilson provides you with a good suggestion, everyone does not mind in accordance with his approach.

"it is good,"

Edward Billson didn't hesitate, saying loudly: "Let's write a wish, everyone is signed, mainly three requirements: First, ask the trade union to accept supervision, but ask the trade union to pay some of our contributions to lunch subsidies Subsidy to us, third, ask the trade union to reduce the contribution standard from the current 5% to 4%, these three requirements, if the union does not agree, let's pay, how do you think? "

Some people agree to ... "This method is good.

"I think it can.

Some people said that they are worried about ... "The trade union can't agree?"

"If the trade union does not agree?"

"If the union does not agree, it is hard to retreat?"

.......... This question came out, and the workers looked at Edward Billson: Yes, it's hard to retreat. For workers, they are very complicated to trade unions, but in general, they still believe that the unions provide relying on their own and backing, think if there is no trade union, you can't get such a high salary, now Edward Bilson actually said Exit the union, the workers' hearts suddenly panic: Yes, if the workers do not agree, don't you really return? "If the union does not agree ..."

Edward Bilsen slowly said: "Big, you will re-register a union!"

what? !

This words of Edward Bilson showed that all workers on the spot shocked: Let's register a union? !

This ... "Yes, it is to register a union,"

Edward Bilson loudly: "When we are all union members, then the leaders of the relevant institutions of the exact conference, then the procedures of the trade unions are in accordance with the charter of the AMC union, such as 3% of the monthly salary, and Take some part of the subsidy to everyone's buffet lunch, and the management is supervised, how do you think? "

how about it? I have never thought about it to register a worker who has a trade union, and I suddenly moved: I re-registered a union. ... It seems that it is not ah.

Think about it is 5% of the monthly salary, and the new trade union is 3% of the monthly salary. In addition, some subsidies are in the buffet lunch, and there is a calculation, which is equivalent to paying only about 2% of the contribution, Compared to the current 5%, this is a dozen dollars, a few months in a month, but a few hundred dollars a year, if you have, enough to give your family Christmas The gift is ... I think this, the workers have a little heart: this is ... It seems really can consider? Looking at each other, the face of the face, the expression of the face is obvious, Edward Bilson has always been in the heart of a sigh of breath: Mr. Michelle Epper is really powerful!

.................................. As one of the largest union organizations in the United States, the North American Automotive Workers Association is absolutely not bad about dangerous perception, and it is still in advanced communication methods, and in Edward Bilson is still When the workers are returned, the High-rise of the North American Automobile Workers Association has known this news.

I heard that some people encountered the workers from the trade union, re-establish the trade union, before the appeal of the industrial workers of major automobile manufacturers, the core management of the unions, this is panicked ... "Mr. Chairman, this time ... ... really can't set it, "

Stewart Symmington panicked in the trade union chairman Marion Tarbert: "If we re-register after the guys in Ford, we will re-register the new union, let's ...!"

Stewart Symmington's voice is a bit trembled!

The core executives of the North American Auto Workers Association of Osk Chapman, Thomas Johnson, all understand the meaning of Stewart Symmington: The worker retired in the past time is not terrible, why do you have so many workers in the time? , North American Automobile Workers Association has been steady on the Diaoyutai? It is because everyone is clear, these workers will have a new trade union to join in, but in the automotive industry, the biggest trade union organization is the North American Automobile Workers Association, in addition to the North American Auto Workers Association The North American Automobile Workers Association, they can't find other reliable trade union organizations, so that they are destined to have some workers who have exited the trade union. After a while, they have to be old and old - such examples, everyone is I have seen too much.

But this time, if you really let the kids called Edward Bilson make the union, even if it is only a few thousand people.

Trade Unions, these workers are impossible to return to the North American Automobile Workers Association, and the power of the North American Automobile Workers Association will gradually weaken.

As long as those damn capitalists are not stupid, give Edward Bilson's kid, such as the monthly payment of the monthly payment of the monthly payment of the monthly bonus of the month of other workers, there will be more and more self-trade unions The member is launched, then add it to the trade union of Edward Bilson.

This is not the most terrible, the most terrible thing is that if other smart people are similar to Edward Bilson's boy, pull a group of workers come out, register a union alone, what should I do? Those capitalists are so smart, see this strike, will it be impossible to support one person as the person in charge of the trade union? Thinking of these possibilities, a senior high school in the room is pale!

Previously, when the Detroit warpracered searched, everyone was not afraid; when Fernandes Chen's bastard expressed the supervision of the core management of the trade union, everyone was not afraid; in the past, many media began to carry out someone When you are discussive, everyone is still not afraid; but this moment, they are afraid, the dead Edward Bilson, this bastard is dug your own roots!

How to do? Everyone's eyes are brushing on the body of Marion Tarbert - you are boss, all this time, you have to hurry up.

"This is not anxious, we still have time ..."

Under the eyes of everyone expecting and anxious, Marion Tarbert broke, and can sit in the North American Automobile Workers Association. There is more than 600,000 members, the largest union of the United States, the seat of the President of the President of Marion. Tarbert is certainly not a unobstructed, even in Stewart Symmington, Oscar Chapman, Thomas Johnson and other incompetent idioms can live in high, and he can arrange: if it comes to a group Smart people, can Laozi still sit in the seat of the chairman of the trade union? Suduart Symmington and other Malian Tarbert's loyal hearts of the heart: There is a way, this is very good.

Tight, Marion Tarbert said: "In the end, those workers don't want to let us take a step, so, don't you have to get the core interests, then let's take a step, this How big is it? "

Huh? Yup!

A group of unions reacted at once: Yes, I said, do the workers don't ask us to refund? In this case, then let's take a step, just like the head, it is not related to the core interests of the trade union.

What is the core interest? Do not allow the trade union management to supervise, this is the core interest, this core interest is absolutely can't be touched, as for others, such as the union takes a part of the money to subsidize the workers' lunch, although it is really distressed But distressed, as long as it does not damage and trade unions ... is the core interests of these people ... What can I calculate? As for money, as long as this chair is sitting, there will always be a way to earn.

I want to understand this layer, and a group of people have joined their dreams, and all kinds of horships are like tidal water to Malian Tarbert.

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