king of power

Chapter 1160 starts the first shot

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Stanson's words, in a short half a day, the entire Detroit police system, everyone knows that the first deputy director of the New Detroit Police Bureau is the people around Chen Li, which can think that he is Chen. Mr. Tang Decal Police System, Mr. Stanson's meaning is Chen Geng's meaning, so the whole police system boils ... Separates, after paying the market, then 30% will return to the police station As a reward, this is true; in the partial reward of the police station, the action group takes at least 50%, Mr. Chen Gill is trying to strive for everyone, this is the close of Stanson; no matter what Is it active or passively gives the gang to act as an eyeliner, giving a ventilation, from now on, it will not be!

No need to worry about those gangs to threaten what you don't want to do, this is also the priest of Stanson's pro-recognition!

Combined with these three points, it is sufficient to prove that the new Mayor of Detroit Fernandez Chen is really preparing for the law of Detroit, and the reward of up to 30% is to let the entire Detroit police system excited!

No one has a matter of money, which is rich in Detroit, and everyone consistently thinks that it is not to say that the black helium of Detroit is all killed. Even if only 30% of them, at least more than 10 billion US dollars, 30% reward That is at least four or five billion, even if it is divided into the entire police system, everyone can at least be at least $ 560,000, let alone this impossible, and the personnel of the action group may be able to share hundreds of thousands of dollars.

There is nothing better than seeing, and the money that is more capable of being able to mobilize people, and the entire police system screamed for the beginning.

At this time, Chen Tong, what is it? He is in meeting guests, a very special guest.

These people walk on the road on weekdays, there is a net street tiger's role, yes, this is the boss of the gang of Coleman, but at this moment, the gang boss under these Coleman is a fear shrinkage I looked at Chen Li, who was sitting in the heart, was to give Coleman to a dog's blood head - surrounded by anti-bombing clothes, holding the veteran veteran of the MP5 submachine gun The team is definitely not waiting here.

As for why Coleman is brought to a dog blood, because Chen Geng is now, it is the chatest of Coleman, if not Coleman is called to pay everyone's name. When I arrive here, how can I face this scene? Chen Geng's expression is very calm: "Mr., I know who you are, you also know who I am, please come over, tell you a good news, you don't have to die, I know this will be some People must not hate Mr. Coleman, but I want to tell you that if it is not the efforts of Mr. Coleman, if not because you are Mr. Coleman, huh, ... "

"Ha ha……"

It's really a magical sound word with a magical effect. Although Chen Li did not say, it is this sound "huh"

The gang boss in front of Detroit Hech before Chen Geng's eyes, couldn't help but shake two.

Finally, some people can't afford this huge pressure, first open ... "Mr. Fernande, we respect you, yes, we respect you,"

Tiger's boss Costak Drake looked up Chen Geng and said: "We are willing to do not commit river water with your well, but Mr. Coleman has told us your attitude. We are willing to support your work. ,and so……"

"Reassured, gentleman, I am not your life, if I plan to want your life, here is the home of Mr. Coleman, here to see blood is the disrespect for Mr. Coleman,"

Chen Mong Xiaoying: "I invite everyone, I hope everyone will help me.

Let us help? What does this mean? Several boss, let me see you, I don't understand what Chen Ming's words mean, but it is ok, it is determined, that is, the new Detroit may not seem to have to wait. The meaning of people, realize this, they have a good breath - the bodyguards that hold MP5 in this circle are really scary.

But no one speaks, as a boss of gangs in Detroit, it is necessary to say that these people are not a little illegal, how can it? These guys have been got here by Chen Geng, and it is possible to say that there is no grievance, how is it possible? "There are not many things,"

Chen Ge said: "Please play with the Detroit police system to play, then everyone will leave 30% of the things, how, this condition is not divided?"

Raraford, who has been standing behind Chen Li, is cold face: "Of course, you can also not agree, as long as you can bear the corresponding consequences.

What do you mean? Can become a boss of the ground forces, but only if you dare to fight, you have to have a brain. These guys in front of them are, they soon understand Chen Geng's meaning: Detroit's new mayor to fulfill the voters Commitment, start to fight black, and if they are willing to work with the Detroit police, they can get "care"

Only lose a money, but if you don't want to cooperate, the result can be said.

It is a good thing to say that this is a good thing. It is not a matter of loss, but the loss can exchange the gang of the Officials of the Detroit City Hall, which is of course a good thing, but there is a saying, 30% Ah, add "acting"

There will be some losses in the process ... Don't expect these higher education, don't expect what "long-term development" will be

Planning, can be blended now, they can stand in the underground world of Detroit, relying on the support of Kalman's former mayor and enough, so this will, even if Chen Gengming gave them an outway, they Also be reluctant.

Costak Drake bites teeth: "Mr. Fernandez, 30% ..."


Costark Drake has not finished, La Lefot suddenly lights a gun, accompanied by a loud gun, Costark Drake's head is flying, people are also quite quite Focus on it later.

This is so dead this guy, it's so dead? Looking at the floor, I still worked with my eyes, and I didn't dare to confuse the color of Costak Drake. Several bodies were stupid: How can they kill people? !

Surprised, as a person who swim in the dark whole day, their reaction is absolutely not slow, and the consciousness will take a gun.

At this time, they suddenly found their own guns.

Gun? I stunned, these guys finally remembered, in accordance with the habit of visiting Coleman, their guns were taken away during the door.

Then ... they have maintained the movement of the waist. I didn't dare to move - at the moment of La Lefpert, surrounded by Chen Geng's bodyguards, it has been brushed. MP5 in your hand, as long as they dare to have any movements, it will definitely be killed by the gun.

These guys are definitely a little life. It is aware that their little life is not to say, they have taken the most correct practices: hands open, slowly leave their waist, then raise it, say they have no The behavior and meaning of launching attacks, until this time, they dare to have anger's eyes looked at Chen Mungi - How can you kill? !

"Who tells you, do you have a bargaining qualification?"

The gun in Laraford is still holding: "Mr., BOSS is very polite to you because BOSS is a gentleman, but this does not mean that you have a bargaining qualification. Please come, just inform you that you must So, in accordance with the command of BOSS, I hope you can understand this.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand. As long as your head is hard enough, if your head is hard enough, the result will be the same as Mr. Costak Drake, inexplicably lost his life.

It is also until this moment, the gang boss finally wake up: Fernandez Chen Genben is not to discuss this, but notify ... No, it is ordered to "cooperate"

His sweeping is in addition to evil, who dares to cooperate, do you!

The poor guy used by Keostak Drake is used to warn their own tools. What is the saying? By the way, killing the chicken, caught the monkeys who don't listen to the monkeys, clearly, the poor guy of Costar Drake is the chicken.

The money is of course a good thing, but the good things have to be a life, the underground world of weak meat, they are very clear, otherwise they will not climb Korman Yang, at this moment, when Chen Tie used After the bullet showed his own attitude, these gang bodies finally woke up ... "30%? We cooperate,"

The Dinosaur Help Robert Kiki lifted his hand, nodded: "Our dinosaur is willing to cooperate with Fernandes ..."

I haven't finished it, La Lefpert glanced at Robert Kani: What is the boss? This Robert Kani is really a smart person. It is like Laraford, and immediately reacts to himself. It immediately changed: "Our dinosaur helps with the Detroit police action, and we guarantee, later Resolutely support the work of the city hall, do not engage in the activities of organ trafficking, etc., do not disturb the life of ordinary people ... this gentleman, can you see it? "

While inquiry with La Lefpert, Robert Kiri's eyes floated to Chen Pi, after all, Chen Geng is the person who has been calculated.

Chen Geng nodded slightly.

It is impossible to expect the gang, but it is impossible, but the organ trafficking is still beyond Chen Geng's bottom line. As for selling Y, this kind of thing will have a supply, no one can't stop, Chen Li is not clean Moral saints, as long as you love, I will say anything; there are hawkers D, the big name Ding Ding's Credition bureau directly uses a plane to the US domestic air transport D products, even the US own government agencies do this kind of thing, why should you stop? Anyway, it is not Huaxia.

When I saw Chen Geiti, Robert Katton was relieved.

With Robert Kani in front of it, everyone is not stupid, facing this situation is stronger, what can I do? When everyone's eyes fell again in Costak Drake, it would be more sympathetic: this poor guy, why did Mr. Fernande is cheated today, is intended to discuss with everyone , What about bargaining? We can also give up a little money and change a person, no damage, poor tiger help ... ? !

At this time, everyone suddenly realized a question: The old big Costark Drake of the Tiger is now dead, what should I do if the tiger's land and their business? If you can take your tiger's site and business, although it is used to make up your losses, there are some gaps, but the gap is not big ... I have a big bunch of black bodies, and they don't dare to kill people. Chen Geng said this thing, I have to use it deeply "love"

The eyes look at Coleman Yang.

Coleman is more familiar with these guys. When they see their eyes, Coleman Yang has known that these guys are thinking, hesitate, he walked over and whispering Chen Geng asked: "Mr. Costa Ke Drake is dead, you see ... How do he deal with his site? "

Chen Geng naturally won't put the money of the tiger in his eyes. He nodded: "You look at it, the 30% of the other tigers can not be less."

Coleman Yang Mei understood that this is the acquisition of the land and business of the tiger to give these a guys to make up for the next loss, and rushing these guys and nodded, squad: "For you lucky.

Chen Geng and Coleman Yang's dialogue did not hit them, instantly, and several gangs were excited.

..................... The first strike of the Detroit Police Department, I have made the result of the Detroit residents unknown: On January 21st, the Detroit Police Special Tactical Group raided the tiger The old nest of the large-scale gang of many years, the two sides have a fierce exchange of fire, cross fire, the police kill the tiger 5 people, injured 11 people, only a policeman was slightly injured.

This war, the Detroit police have a total of $ 2,633,3415, in addition to a large number of automobiles, D products, guns, and all kinds of stolen goods, preliminary statistics, the total value of these boots exceeds 800,000 US dollars.

The police have a jubilant!

This means that this raid is just this raid, the police system can get millions of dollars award.

With the information released by the Detroit police, the emotions of the underlying residents of Detroit also rose in an instant, and even the support rate of Chen Geng has risen: Mr. Fernandes is really fulfilling his campaign commitment.

------------- PS: 4000 words of the brothers.

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