king of power

Chapter 1161

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Will the city will give such a big money to the police station? This issue has become the most concerned issue of Detroit police.

Don't think that there is only one of the people in China. In foreign countries, this kind of thing is the same, the police's wages have no one dare to move, but the bonus is misappropriated, and the equipped purchase will be used. Things, although the media has not reported ... In the United States in nourish, it is also necessary to speak politics. This kind of political incorrect thing is not reported ... It is not once in the Detroit police system. Therefore, for the police who can get this bonus, Detroit police, especially the special tactical group of special tactical groups responsible for action, in fact, no special bottom.

How can Chen Tong give this opportunity? For this kind of thing, he is too clearer.

In the morning, I went to work, Stanson took directly to the special tactical group: "Mr., everyone is armed.

"BOSS, is there any task?"

The captain of the special tactical team of the Detroit Police Party, David Patrick frowned, somewhat uncomfortable: "If there is a mission, you should send it to us at least one day in advance, we still have to develop an offensive strategy.

Stanson's impression of David Patrick is still very good. Although this guy is not very good, but there is a true thing, and it is also very taking care of the subordinates. He is slightly squatting, giving David Patrick, at the same time It is also to explain the team members who are looking up at their special tactical groups: "Not a mission, a child, the Mayor Fernandes will come to our police station, give you a bonus, and there will be many media together, and so……"


Those who said, David Patrick immediately understood the meaning of his own BOSS: The special tactical team was secret, for the case of avoiding the identity of his family and the gang of gang. Revenge, since there is a media that is coming, everyone must be armed to protect their secrets.

Most importantly, the new mayor wants to give himself a bonus, this is the focus.

According to the officially announced text of the city hall, all the seized, 30% return to the police system, where cash returned within three days after the account, the stolen goods returned after the auction; and returned to the police system The action group can be divided into 50%, then detailed, in the action, if the action group and the support group participate in the battle, then there is nothing to say, so there is money, if you don't use support The group, then directly participated in the battle of action group to take 65%, arrive at the site, but the support team who did not participate in the action took 35%; the remaining 50%, direct and indirect police in the command, logistics, sweeping, etc. 65% Those who have no dry, take the last 35%, which is the total number of bonus.

5% - No way, if you don't give these people, it is not conducive to unity comrades, not to use the morale of the police, but then think carefully, do a few people, don't work How many people are there? So many people returned to the 30% of 17%.

5%, everyone is actually not minutes.

After the end of the action last night, the special tactical group had long been clearly taken by each person: I dispatched four tactical teams last night, with a total of 20 people, two of these tactical teams responsible, two The squad is responsible for support, but the support team did not dispatched, so 30% of $ 26,34,15 was 790024.

$ 5, the action group takes half, that is, 395012.

$ 25, directly participated in the battle, 10 people took 65%, and the total amount after the decimal point was 256758, each person can be at $ 25676, and 35% of the support group is 138254, each person can be divided into $ 13825.

After reading the money, Stanson smiled: "How? This figure does not have any access to yourself? If there is no going to enter, after an hour, Fernandez mayor will personally put this money. Go to everyone.

"No, one point is not bad."

David Patrick has helped the excitement of the heart, as the captain of the special tactical team of the Detroit Police Bureau, he did not only present all the whole process last night, and participated in the whole battle, that is, he can get nearly $ 26,000 bonuses. This money is almost equivalent to his two-year salary, how can he be unhappy? David Patrick is still good. Last night, the special police of the battle were involved. One of the mouths smiled, the new mayor is a good person, talking about the words, did not say, we will support him later, When the mayor is elected, he also chooses him.

Tansen, looking at David Patrick: "Patrick captain, I heard that in the action last night, you took a first-end, with your team member, why?"

David Patrick is just a way: "Because I am not only their captain, it is their instructor, I must of course rush in the first line.

"Very good,"

Stanson is satisfied: "In the next section of the show, any police officer, the police officer who rushed to the first line of the battle, as for you, Mr. David Patrick Because your heroic performance, you can get an additional $ 1,000 reward.


David Patrick stayed in a stay: except for nearly 26,000 US dollars, there is an additional $ 1,000 reward? He just said, Stanson patted his shoulders: "Come on!

David Patrick stunned, he nodded.

Although this sudden $ 1,000 made him a little surprised, the 1000 dollar he took the heart, take the reason, who made himself really rushing in the first line in the battle last night, the entire special combat team member Can give yourself, so as long as this reward has sufficient reasons, you can have a heart to get it.

Not only David Patrick's heart, the other members of the entire special combat team did not have a slight objection to this, as I thought of David Patrick, as a captain and police officer, David Patrick can rush into the front line in the battle. Then he has the qualification to take extra rewards - as long as you don't have less.

Stanson gone, he knew that the team members of the special tactical group needed a space to vent their excitement. Sure enough, there is still no waiting forstann walking into the elevator, it comes from these guys. Guan Wolf.

.................................. Chen Mi came.

Since the new mayor is coming to everyone, the Detroit Police Station will give the new city leader. In addition to some of the positions that must be deserved, all police officers who can temporarily leave their positions come from the team to welcome Chen Tong's arrival. - Things in these surfaces, Americans are actually unfamiliar.

If you make money, you will not say it. In general, when everyone looks at the new mayor, Chen Geng in the police station, when she puts a stacked cash hand in her face to wear When the header, the full-deputy armed special combat team of the team members, the scene suddenly boiled.

It was a gang last night, and everyone who participated in the battle was nearly 26,000 US dollars, and did not participate in the fight but act as a support group. Everyone was also a $ 13,000.

One night, each team member participating in the action is wearing a bulletproof suit, almost the maximum extent avoiding the danger of death, as long as it is not being hitting a head, there is almost no fly, think of this, then look at the special combat team The guys are so laughing, and there are no few people who can endure this stimulus: the black help of the Detroit is so much, if the live children will give the special combat team to give the special combat team, a few months, they are people People become a millionaire, what should we do? Fight!

The more we have to participate in the battle!

We also have a big penny!

After Chen Geng, the voice of the battle resounded throughout the police.

In the case of Stanson's report, the follow-up of his money will be said, and Chen Geng is very satisfied: "Your people are very enthusiastic to seek war now? Hey ... I want this effect. .

Stanson nodded, told himself in BOSS, when he went to the police to give the team members who participated in the special tactical group of the battle, I would know what Boss wanted.

"After going back, you add a fire again,"

Chen Ge thought, told: "You will send a notice, saying that it is possible to provide those gangs and information, as a reward, as long as the news is determined, the award!


Stann thought about it, suddenly said: "What do you play with guys who are associated with gang?"


Chen Geng's head: "Since these guys and gangs have contacts, then they are more familiar with the gangs who have contacts with them, this is unfortunately, this is unfortunately,"

After watching Stanson, Chen Geng's mouth said: "Although we have already said that as long as it is disconnected before, it will not be awarded to you so far, this is not good, you must open the situation on this piece. It is more necessary to make those gangs and their eyes and doubts between the police officers ... should this be difficult? "

"Boss, you can rest assured,"

Stanson laughed, not a tree a target ... No, is a tree role, a small thing: "a week!

Up to a week!

I will let the guys who have a lucky guy know that I am not awkward, maybe they will be delivered.

"Then your movements are going to hurry,"

Chen Geng nodded and said: "After the last thing is reported, the people's response is very warm, such a good opportunity is not good to use it is a pity.

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