king of power

Chapter 1499, the past

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At the meeting of the sea oil company, after the rough work arrangement of this week, Sun Weiguo put down the pen in his hand, and the backchaunk is a relaxed opening: "Comrades, talking with everyone.


No one speaks, but everyone's look is very relaxed. This relaxation comes from Sun's master: Sun is also very relaxed.

Since Sun is always relaxed, what is so nervous? "It's so awue,"

Sun Weiguo then said: "This is not to build a sea drilling platform. On Thursday, Wang Dazhi, general manager of Shangfei Group, found me, saying that their Shangfei Group also got a gas turbine, I hope that our sea drilling The main power generation system of the platform can consider using their gas turbine as a power.

When Sun Weiguo said, everyone talked about it ... "Shang Fei Group also has a gas turbine? Are they not making a plane?"

This is completely never heard of the ERB211 gas turbine of Shangfei Group, and the news that Sun Weiguo revealed, this executive is confused and confused.


The next next to him, I immediately explained him: "I heard that it is changed on the basis of the RB211 aerospace engine. I got the model certificate and production license for some time." Very high.

"RB211? What is the relationship between this RB211 and the RB211 gas turbine generator set of the UK Raws Royce Group we have previously purchased?"

"I am not very clear, is these relationships? Don't the Shangfei Group is in the name of Rawls Royce Group?"

"This should be unlikely, Shangfei Group is such a big company, they still have to consider the face ..."

............ "cough ..."

In the face of everyone's discussion, Sun Weiguo coughed two throats.

The conference hall is quiet.

"This gas turbine of Shangfei Group, it is such a thing,"

Sun Weiguo explained: "When the Commercial Flying Group has just been established, the Complete Technology and Patent and Production Equipment of RB211 Engines from the UK Rawls Royce Group. As early as the first few years, Shangfei Group It has been able to achieve the autonomous production and manufacture of the RB211 aerospace engine, and the RB211 aeronautical engine produced by Shangfei Group has received certification of the Rawls Royce Group in the UK, and has reached the British Luo. The RB211 engine produced by Lus Royce Group is the same level.


Is there such a thing? !

Sun Weiguo said this information, shocked everyone in the chamber: Shang Fei Group so bovine X? They not only introduced the technology of RB211 aviation engines not only from the aviation giants, but also fully produced, and the RB211 aviation engines they produced have gotten the recognition of the British, in the overall technology level The original goods of Rawls Royce Group? This is a very scary!

The first reaction of everyone is not believed, but this is to say from his own general manager, but you must not believe it.

This is an interlaced, such as the next mountain, and the "TAY" produced by Shangfei Group and Shangfei Group for various companies in the Huaxia Airlines manufacturing industry.

The series turntable engine and the RB211 series of large covectants have long been like a thunder, and everyone has admired five-body investment, which can do this for the seafronts of the sea oil company. They don't know this.

Because I don't know, I immediately asked Sun Weiguo: "Supreme, the Western countries headed by Miko not engage in technology to us, how can Shangfei Group be able to get RB211 aerospace engine?"

"This one……"

Sun Weiguo touched his nose and scared and not very embarrassed: "Shangfei Group is actually bought by the British.

? ? ? Sun Weiguo came out, everyone is : What is the British to buy? Also, this big road ratio of the big thrust aerial engine is not always the technology of the West, how can we "forced buy"

This is said? "I also specially find the old friend who is familiar with this year," "

After sending Wang Du Zhi and Meng Haibo on Thursday, Sun Weiguo deliberately learned about the situation of the year, this understanding, Sun Weiguo couldn't stretch: "Everyone knows, our country has in the same year and the United Kingdom, the United States has a honeymoon period, especially Yes and the UK, in the mid-1970s, our country introduced the 'Steed' MK202 aerospace engine from the British Rolls Royce Group. This engine is also the 'Flying Leopard' fighter bomber of our country's Haihang Forces. The engine, so everyone can see it. This time, our country and the British relationship is still very good ... "

Oil Corporation and Haihang are more familiar, many people know "Sibbe"

Engine and "Flying Leopard"

Since the bomber, I listened to Sun Weiguo to say it, everyone is nod.

Sun Weiguo said: "Later, Chen Geng has set up Shangfei, and Chen Geng promised to us, he will introduce an advanced powerful civil aviation engine from the UK as a premise of commercial flight, this time Chen Li is Located the Rawls Royce Group in the UK, I want to introduce the follow-up upgrade version of the Rolls Royce Group, which is the familiar Shangfei Group's Facm. 'Tay' Series Engines.

However, the British is relatively dark, and also knows that the level of the country is very fragmented in the air engine manufacturing. It will ask Chen Ge, saying that you will introduce the technology of the 'Tay' series of aerospace engine, we must even connect RB211 aviation engines. Technologies are introduced together, otherwise the technology of the 'Tay' series of aerospace engine is not sold to Chen Geng, and the reason why it is because the British is determined to be imitation, but also can't make RB211 is extremely difficult air. The engine, Chen Geng was forced to have no way, I had to agree ... Of course, everyone can think of it, the price is absolutely no cheap, it is ... "

"Hahaha ..."

Sun Weiguo just said that everyone suddenly hired!

This is really fun. I think a little one thing to make people feel that the British originally wants to be a pit, but I didn't expect Chen Ming, who was pitted in the year. After more than ten years, the year later The Commercial Flying Group of the pit was hard to make RB211 engines, and the technical level was still flat with the UK's original goods. I didn't know that I felt that I was robbed Chen Geng, and I made a British. I know what kind of mood will be in this way after I know this.

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