king of power

Chapter 1500 is high (brothers, new books

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Looking at the haha ​​laughed, Sun Weiguo said: "Everyone should know that Rob211 gas turbine of Robs Royce Group is actually developed from the RB211 aviation engine, so everyone can imagine The RB211 gas turbine of Commercial Flying Group is actually developed from their RB211 aerospace engine.

Therefore, I am very confident about this gas turbine of Shangfei Group. I have seen their technical indicators, and the British original RB211 gas turbine does have a little gap, but it is not very big, so, for our drilling Whether the platform will be included within the scope of this gas turbine, I want to hear everyone's opinion.

It turned out to be like this!

Everyone will understand the meaning of Sun Weiguo, but everyone does not think this is good, although the price of RB211 gas turbines produced by Rawls Royce Group is indeed inconvenient, but the commercial flying group of this gas turbine and Luo The Lus Royce Group does have a gap, which in order to ensure reliability, of course, buying a British goods.

But I haven't waited for everyone to speak, Sun Weiguo then said: "Oh, there is another thing forgot to tell you, because Shangfei Group's gas turbine is the first model of the country, the model certificate and production license It can be said that it is more mature, 200,000 horsepower level gas turbine, not only the above leaders attach great importance to this gas turbine, but also instructs the relevant departments to verify this gas turbine, the West-China East Export project should be prioritized, the troops Also attaches great importance to this gas turbine of Shangfei Group.

Now, in order to test the use of this gas turbine in the ocean status, Shangfei Group specializes in the use of the first-hand gas turbine in the ocean, this ship will be water, and there will be Many leaders, especially the leaders of the Navy present, I estimate that there will be comrades in the troops on board.

Although Sun Weiguo just said a seemingly unrelated thing, he can hear the sentence of Sun Weiguo, who had just wanted to say something, but immediately closed his mouth: West Gas East Export project to prior purchase This gas turbine? Is there a heavyweight, especially the naval leadership, will it be present? Can sit inside this office, there is no one is idiots, after Sun Weigui mentioned the West Gas Transport project, everyone understood how he should choose: The sea oil company is at the sea oil drilling platform and the country Western-Vision East Items, is it lighter? So, these two projects are not comparable, and the West-At-East is a strategic project for the national planning for many years. Even the West Vision East Items attach great importance to this gas turbine of Shangfei Group, then the oil company should How to do it, do you still say more? To a certain extent, if you go online, this can even improve to "whether it is following D"

The height, this height, the nature can be different.

Du Dongjin scared, followed by the opening: "Comrades, I also said two, our sea oil company is a company, this is right, but also ask the comrades to remember a little, we are national enterprises, Each of the comrades are also D, so the Duo should have awareness, and the sentiment is absolutely unable to be less.

The one or two hands stated, now, even if the fool knows how to choose it ... "I also said two words,"

After Xue Dongjin, Liu Jun, who was executive deputy general manager, also said that he had to say two sentences: "I used to buy gas turbines from Rolls Royce Group, there is no way, and there is no such thing in China. We only It can bite the teeth and spend high prices from foreign countries, but also have a series of harsh to or even humiliation of foreigners.

Now, since our own country can produce similar products, don't say the gap between performance and reliability, even if it is really a gap, we also have to support them, our marine company is a state-owned enterprise, Central enterprises, we don't support it, who is also expected to support? I am here, I personally support the integration of Shangfei Group's gas turbine into the scope of view, and as long as the technical indicators can meet our requirements, they should be limited to the gas turbine of the Commercial Flying Group.

"Lao Liu said yes,"

After Liu Jun, the total accountant Xie Jianxin also stated: "I also form a statement, I agree to include this gas turbine of Shangfei Group, and this time Shangfei Group is under water, I think we should also Take a look ... "

............................... When Wang Da Zhi received the phone call from Sun Weiguo, he looked at the engineers on the shipper's last inspection of the engine testing equipment on the ship. He heard Sun Weiguo said that the oil company I hope to participate in the premium ceremony of the test boat, Wang Dazhi haha ​​laughed: "Welcome, the comrades of the sea oil will support our work, I warmly welcome the parst of the patriarchal friends to join.

I also said a few words, Wang Dazhi hung up.

Monterocho in the side smiled: "How? How come the person there?"


Wang Da Zhi should take a sound, nodded: "Sun Weigui said that several major leaders of their oil companies will come.

Meng Haibo launched: "Comrades of the sea oil give a face.

"Yeah, the comrades of the sea oil are very good,"

Wang Dazhi nodded and immediately told Meng Haibo: "Old Meng, I estimate that I have to contact you in the past few days, I want to participate in this test boat, there are still many people, and the screening can be handed over. Give you.

Meng Haibo laughed: "You are giving me a trouble.

To find that Shangfei Group wants this to participate in the ceremony, it is conscious of someone with a little component. Those who know that their own components are not enough, they are very conscious, they will not come to Shangfei Group, but so much more people who have some components. , Reject who does not reject anyone, this is more, it is not polite, this is a lot of sinners.

Can Wang Dabu will not be confused by Meng Haibo, , Wang Da Zhi Dao: "This kind of thing is in person with you? There are so many big leaders who come, you ask which department is eligible for guests. Check, do you give this matter directly to them? "

With so many leaders, security issues naturally become the top priority, the security level, the audit of the guests will inevitably be more stringent, this means that there is nothing to review the meriselling group. Relationship.

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