king of power

Chapter 1511, Li captain came again (brothers, new books

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"Lao Wang, your company is really a grasp of the 'aerial crane' to put it out, is it?"

After a long time, I asked the director again.

Wang Dazhi's heart is happy, and I am busy: "We welcome the leaders to our Shangfei Group to investigate and guide work!

The meaning of the words, our real gold is not afraid of fire, I am afraid that the leader will not give us this opportunity!

I also felt confident in Wang Dazhi's heart in my heart, my heart couldn't help but feel: this is the Shangfei Group, but it is no wonder that leadership will look for them.

"This big thing is not that I can decide by me ..."

Slow down to the director.

When I heard the words of the director, Wang Dazhi's heart is sinking: Is it still not? However, the voice did not fall, he listened to the director and then said: "But after the 'air crane' is retired, the impact on the fighting power is also real, so I can see if I can sit together next month, Discover this matter, and the comrades of the troops tried to talk about the urgency of this matter, after forming the minutes of the meeting, I reported this one again.

When Wang Dazhi suddenly understood the meaning of the Director: Pushing this matter according to the class, that is, to the director is the side of Shangfei Group.

Thinking of this, Wang Dazhi hurriedly thanked the director: "Thank you Director, thank you ..."

Put hands to the director: "Thank you, it is for the country.

................................ Let Chen Cheng didn't think of it, I have just returned from the capital, using "aerial crane"

The leader of Siri, one of the Li captains came again, not only he came, but also two middle schools in the military regions of such a part of Luohang.

After introducing each other's identity, after a cold, Li captain asked urgently: "Wang, I heard that your group is preparing to imitate the 'aerial crane', and is very grip?"

After Li captle asked this, Liu Zhongxia and Chu Zhongcai were also staring at Wang Dagu's face.

Li Captior will ask this to say that Wang Dazhi is expected. When I received a letter from the fax of the military area, Wang Dazhi knew why the three people came, he did not hesitate, welcome three people The eyes are affirmative: "Mr. Victor Fladmilovic Capa, Mr. Mi-26 helicopter, you should know how powerful in the rice-26 helicopter, so Mr. Mi-26, I told me in Victor Fladmilovic Kajaa, when he believes that the body of the "air crane" is not difficult, I have no doubts.

Victor Fladmilovich Capaa believes that it is difficult to imitate rice-26's body? I heard the words, Li captager flew quickly with Liu Zhongcai, Chu Zhongcai opposed the eye, for the past history of Victor Fladi Milovich Capaa, three people have long been familiar with almost, so for Wei Kampha's ability, they naturally have no doubts, since Victor Fladi Milovich Capa Ascension "aerial crane"

There is no difficulty in the body, then it is really no difficulty.

Reconscious this, the three people are all hi: It seems that Shangfei Group is not really blowing, they are really grasp.

Chu Zhongxia immediately said: "Total, I have a problem, I don't understand.

The voice of Chu Zhongcai fell, Wang Da Zhi immediately nodded: "If you don't understand anything, even if you ask.

"This is, the biggest problem in our military area in our military area is the biggest problem facing the body metal, and since Victor thinks that the Group is imitation 'aerial crane' body does not have any difficulty, then we Can you entrust you to help us produce a batch of the fuselage of 'air crane'? This way, the problem of the 'air crane' in our military is solved soon? Why do you want to do so? "

After finishing, he stared at Wang Du Zhi, waiting for Wang Dabu's answer.

"You also have some truths,"

Wang Dazhi still gave the opponent, first of all, the other party's statement, then said: "First, this batch of the 'aerial crane' is not just the body metal structure, except for the body's serious fatigue, Main driver, the wear of the tail paddle reducer is also very powerful. In addition, the two engines also need big repairs, which means that after the high intensity has been used for such years, this batch of 'air crane' has arrived in the next year. The same is almost the same as the 80-year-old old man; secondly, even if we do this, we want to make this batch of aircraft to serve in a period of time, but because of the way to replace the body fatigue components for this batch. There are too many parts for replacement, and it is basically equivalent to re-making a body, so this also brings a new problem ... "

"what is the problem?"

The voice of Wang Dazhi, Li Captain, Liu Zhongcai and Chu Zhongxiao asked.

"This question is, in order to fix the various special tooling, fixtures, measuring equipment added to the 'air crane' ', basically a full equipment of the body production line,"

Speaking of this, Wang Dazhi, I will ask for three people: "Triple, you said, to this extent, let's make such a big movement, why not directly imitate the 'air crane'? After all, if Just fix, let us only have such a few 'air crane', if it is imitation, 50, 100, 200 or even 500 cases are not a problem, just see how many of our troops, even we can still It is best planned from the beginning, by upgrading the engine, the main drift, and the rotor, gradually gotting up the maximum lifting weight of 12 tons, the maximum lifting weight of 15 tons ... How flexible? "

Huh? It seems to be this truth ... Li Captain, Liu Zhongxia and Chu Zhongcai, I think that Wang Daxu said that there is no mistake: the home is added to this extent, and the whole machine is coming, it is a step away. In this case, why is it not simply directly to make the whole machine? Just like Wang Da Zhi, why do we have to do this more about this dozen 'air crane'? At that time, how many of the shelves will be produced, how many tons can be produced in the production of how much tons can be produced ... Liu Zhongcai took the lead in reacting, and quickly asked Wang Dagu: "But Wang, the" Air Crane " However, two 4500-axis horsepower turbo engine, your group even don't even have such a big power turbo engine? "

------------ PS: The brothers and sisters, the millennium is once again thick face to give the new book "power hegemony" to support, the new book "Modern Hand Art Man" has officially renamed "Power Overlord", The reason is that the old book name is not intuitive. You may have no way to know what this book is written in the first time, but the content has been planned early in Millennium.

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